80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 910 Almost hacked to death

The old man was suddenly cut, and he screamed in pain on the spot, and instinctively grabbed the kitchen knife on his body.

However, the kitchen knife at this time was very heavy, and before he had time to grab the kitchen knife, the kitchen knife fell, and luckily hit the instep of his right foot and pinned his right foot to the ground.


The old headache screamed, and the whole person knelt directly on one knee.

There is no way, the right foot is nailed to the ground, and a slight movement can pull the wound, how can it support the weight of the column?

He didn't even dare to straighten his right leg, so he could only kneel on one knee with his left leg, put all the weight of his body on his left leg, and relax his right leg to avoid pulling on the wound.

Not only that, he had to desperately cover the wound on his chest and try his best to stop the bleeding, so as not to lose too much blood and let him ascend to heaven.

The old man is skilled in medicine and knows better than anyone that losing too much blood can lead to death, so he didn't even dare to pull out the knife stuck in his right foot, for fear that the bleeding could not be stopped.

He knelt down on one knee and tried to hold down the wound to stop the bleeding, but his cloudy eyes looked at Lao Jiu sadly, wishing he could swallow her alive!

This old ninth is really against the sky, how dare he hurt him like this!

Lao Jiu was also startled when she saw the blood on the old man's body, but after all, she had killed more than one person, and now she is angry, and she has no reason at all.

After a brief fright, she was actually driven to madness in her heart by the blood on the old man's body, and wished to slaughter all those who disliked her.

So she was only stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, rushed over to pick up the smoking gun that the old man had dropped on the ground, and puffed at the old man's head.

She saw it all, and the old man kept looking at her sullenly. If he is allowed to live, she must be the one who will die next! Only by killing him can she survive!

Anyway, these people can't see the light, even if the old man is beaten to death, the rest will not call the police, but will help her dispose of the body.

Lao Jiu thinks of this, and the strength in his hand is even greater.

The old man had put one hand on the stab wound on his chest to stop the bleeding, and one hand on his right foot, and he didn't have any extra hands to resist or even protect his head.

Lao Jiu's movements were quick, and after he was hit a few times, he reacted suddenly, pulled out the kitchen knife and slashed Lao Jiu's legs.

He was very strong, and Lao Jiu hit him with a smoking gun, and it wasn't too far away, so the old man chopped directly at Lao Jiu's thigh.

Seeing that he was about to slash, who knew that his wrist with the knife suddenly suffered a sharp pain, and the kitchen knife fell directly to the ground with a "clang" sound.

Lao Jiu was startled, and hurriedly kicked the kitchen knife away to prevent the old man from having another chance to get the kitchen knife, and then gave it to him again.

At the same time, in the basement that no one saw, Jiang Zhiying let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she successfully stopped it, otherwise the knife would directly cut off the aorta on Lao Jiu's thigh. At that time, the blood will not stop, and Lao Jiu will directly ascend to heaven.

Although this woman deserves to die, she cannot simply die.

Today's chaos is caused by Lao Jiu. If she dies, the chaos will soon subside.

This is not what Jiang Zhiying wants.

Jiang Zhiying continued to pay attention to the melee above, and soon a heart was raised again.

Lao Jiu just kicked the kitchen knife away, but the old woman actually picked up the kitchen knife.

What does she want to do? Does she still want to kill Lao Jiu?

Jiang Zhiying frowned in dissatisfaction, and saw the old woman grabbing the kitchen knife and walking towards Lao Jiu and the old man one step at a time.

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