The old eight and Qian Shu'e, who were lying on the ground, were immediately anxious when they saw the old nine rushing into Sun Dayan's house.

But one of them was beaten by the fourth brother, and the other had a fractured buttocks in a flat wrestling. They couldn't move at the moment, so they could only be anxious.

The fourth and Sun Dayan are still fighting.

The two also saw Lao Jiu's movements. After all, Lao Jiu's movement of cutting the lock was not small, and they were not deaf, so how could they not hear?

However, Sun Dayan was more anxious than the fourth child. He was injured, and the blood kept flowing, and he couldn't last for long. If it goes on like this, he will surely die.

So he persuaded the fourth child: "the fourth child, stop quickly. After all, today's affairs are all about the old ninth. I don't blame your mother. How about we make peace?"

The fourth one hesitated for a while, but thinking of Sun Dayan's ruthless means, he couldn't feel at ease.

Qian Shu'e slashed Sun Dayan with a knife. He didn't believe that this old man would really hold no grudges. Now this old thing is injured, and it seems that it is about to die, so it is soft.

If you really want to slow down, this old thing will definitely not let their family of three go.

What's more, this old thing is too greedy. With him on top, the people below them could barely drink some soup.

If he kills the old man, he will be able to take the old man's place.

If there are benefits in the future, there is no need to let this old thing take the bulk of it.

It's just that if Lao Jiu gets a gun, it's really a problem. Thinking of this, the fourth child slashed Sun Dayan's leg with a hoe!

He could see that Sun Dayan was injured and his legs and feet were inconvenient. It was a good time to start!

Sun Dayan saw that the fourth child didn't listen to the persuasion, and even started to attack him, so angry that his eyes were split on the spot. But at this time, why would he keep beeping? Just dodge as much as possible.

He was able to dodge this blow originally, but he didn't want the sudden pain in his right foot, which made his dodging a beat slower.

In this way, the hoe in the fourth child's hand directly slashed Sun Dayan's leg.

Hearing a "click", Sun Dayan instantly fell to the ground, screaming in agony.

The fourth was secretly relieved, but at this moment, he suddenly heard Qian Shu'e shouting, "Be careful, the fourth!"

The sudden shrill scream almost sent the fourth child away on the spot! He was so frightened that his heart shuddered, and he turned around to look.

I saw Lao Jiu came out of Sun Dayan's house with two guns in his hands.

One is a gun-gun, and the other is a bird-gun.

Being pointed at by the two dark muzzles, the fourth was so scared that his soul almost flew away, and instinctively grasped the hoe in his hand.

He roared in horror: "Lao Jiu, what do you mean?"

"I..." Lao Jiu smiled smugly, "Don't worry, Fourth, I have no other intentions, I just like this thing, take it out and play with it. Why don't you kill Sun Dayan first, and then we can sit down and have a good time. talk?"

The fourth child naturally doesn't believe the old ninth's words, and he is not a fool.

But Lao Jiu has two guns in his hands, and the muzzles are all aimed at him. Besides being obedient, what else can he do now?

The fourth child gritted his teeth unwillingly, when he heard Qian Shu'e say, "The fourth child, listen to her and solve Sun Dayan first!"

"Okay." The fourth child looked straight at the old nine, "The old nine, I will believe you this time. You want Sun Dayan's life, and I will help you to end him."

After speaking, he carefully retreated to the vicinity of Sun Dayan, raised his head to prepare for the result of Sun Dayan.

Who knows at this moment-



The fourth child: "The ninth child! Laozi, Nima!"

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