80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 915 There are too many evil things

Jiang Zhiying cried and sold miserably, and quickly fooled the matter.

The arrested Lao Jiu and others did not have the same good luck as her.

However, they are not the worst. After all, they are all seriously injured. They are receiving treatment and haven't woken up yet.

The worst is Zhao Ying.

After he was arrested, he refused to explain honestly. Who would have thought that he was still fighting in the corner when he heard that his accomplice was arrested!

Zhao Ying was dumbfounded on the spot!

Despite his hard-faced efforts, the interrogator in charge of telling him saw shock and panic on his face.

Zhao Ying was really scared.

This is so wicked!

Since he started attacking Xiao Rin more than a month ago, things have become wicked.

It was obvious that what he had arranged were all reliable players, and he had never missed a beat, so he was just going to burn someone, but getting drunk was a bad thing!

Then he arranged for someone to kidnap the person and deal with it, and as a result, it was a bad thing to ride on a horse and drink!

How could he dare to believe this?

What's even worse is that the recording of him and Yu Xing was actually found in the house!

It's even more outrageous than the Arabian Nights!

Zhao Ying didn't believe in evil originally. He did this kind of thing, I don't know how many people he has hurt.

But this time, it's really evil!

It's a pity that he has been arrested until now, and he has never seen those subordinates, so he can't ask them what happened.

For more than a month, he gritted his teeth and refused to recruit, waiting for someone outside to avenge him. In the end, the good news did not come, but instead the news that those people were arrested!

Zhao Ying's heart was completely panicked.

He always felt that something was wrong this time, as if an invisible big hand was messing with him.

But this is too strange, where did the big hand come from? Could it be that... those things really exist, is he being punished?

Whoops, how is that possible!

He was going to be punished, it was long overdue.

This time when he was arrested, his life would definitely not be saved because of the things he did. He was bitten to death and refused to move, and he also wanted to live a few more days.

I just don't know how long he can live.

The more Zhao Ying thought about it, the more flustered he became, and he lost sleep that night.

It was the same night that Lao Jiu woke up first. She was the least injured and only passed out.

If Jiang Zhiying hadn't secretly swallowed her vitality, she would have woken up long ago.

However, Jiang Zhiying did not swallow too much, after all, once the vitality is lost too much, people will quickly become old.

This is so evil.

Jiang Zhiying just wanted to make these people feel weak and uncomfortable, but she didn't want to put herself in it.

So Jiu, who was the least injured, woke up that night.

She had no serious injuries. After being checked in the hospital, she was taken back to the prison and held in solitary confinement.

So when Lao Jiu woke up, she was completely stupid.

where is this?

Why is she here?

And what about her gun?

It was already midnight, the lights in the room were turned off, and the light was very dim, with only a little moonlight coming in from the small window.

Lao Jiu felt that something was wrong when he looked at the small window. The window was open quite high, it was still small, and there was a fence.

It looks like a prison cell anyway.

But this is not right! How could she be locked up?

Wait, is that the gunshot that alarmed people?

Thinking of this possibility, Lao Jiu stomped his feet in anger. When she heard the gunshot, she knew something was wrong, so she panicked and wanted to run away.

Who knew that just after taking the gold bar to leave, he stumbled and slammed into the wall!

Simply evil!

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