80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 923 Life and death catastrophe

Jiang Zhiying looked at Xiao Rin in surprise: "Why do you think so?"

Xiao Rin's face was still solemn: "I...I thought about it carefully recently, but I still think they might have an accident. And...I had a nightmare last night, I dreamed that something happened to them."

Jiang Zhiying: "..."

She was speechless for a moment, then simply looked at Xiao Rin's face. The last time she looked at Xiao Rin's face, she didn't see that something would happen to his parents. But this time...

Jiang Zhiying looked at Xiao Rin's face carefully, and quickly saw the problem. His parents were indeed in danger, but not now, but a month later.

After a month, the two should have a life-and-death crisis, and if they can't get through it safely, they are likely to die.

Thinking of this, she immediately recalled the memory of her previous life.

Unfortunately, there is no Xiao Anbang's family in her memory, and she has no way to get hints from it.

Although somewhat disappointed, Jiang Zhiying quickly regained her spirits and asked Xiao Rin, "What did you dream about?"

Xiao Rin's face was very ugly: "Something happened to them, but I don't know how they happened."

He didn't know whether he was thinking about it day and night and dreaming, or whether it was just a sense of crisis.

After following Xiao Anbang back home last time, Xiao Anbang showed him the photo album at home, and took him to meet relatives and friends and recognized him.

He looked at the photos of his parents in the album, and he couldn't help but be moved, because they looked exactly like his parents in the last days.

But in the life he remembered, he had been in Xiao Ai's country until he became an adult, and he never recognized his relatives, let alone met Xiao Anbang or his family.

Such memories inevitably made him a little concerned.

However, he believed in Jiang Zhiying's judgment. Although there was no DNA identification technology, he believed that Jiang Zhiying would not lie to him. Since she said he was Xiao Anbang's grandson, it should be true.

So he was a little curious, why did he never recognize his ancestors in that lifetime?

Since he and Xiao Yanchang are so similar, anyone who has seen them will definitely recognize them. But in that lifetime, the Xiao family never looked for him, he never saw him, and he never heard anyone say that he looked like Xiao Yan.

Perhaps because he thought too much, Xiao Rin felt a little uneasy. He suspected that Xiao Yan and his wife had an accident, and Xiao Anbang and other Xiao family members probably had an accident, so they never saw each other.

Otherwise, it looks so similar, there is no reason why no one has found it.

Once such an idea came out, he could no longer control himself, and he was always very uneasy.

After Xiao Anbang proposed to come to Jiang's house last night, he actually had nightmares when he slept at night.

So he didn't want to endure it any longer. After coming to Jiang's house today, he went to Jiang Zhiying and wanted her to help.

If something happened to Xiao Yan and his wife, he definitely couldn't just sit idly by.

Not only are they his biological parents, but they also look exactly like his parents in the last days. Maybe they are the past and present.

Therefore, he must not just watch them have an accident.

Xiao Rin looked straight at Jiang Zhiying: "Did you see something? If you find anything, be sure to tell me!"

Jiang Zhiying pursed her lips: "In a month, they will have a catastrophe of life and death."

"One month?" Xiao Rin's face changed, "Are you sure?"

Jiang Zhiying pondered and said, "I see it is so, but they probably won't be very safe this month."

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