80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 951 Amazing gift in the warehouse

The people from the Security Bureau wanted to borrow the phone, of course, Xiao Anbang could not refuse.

The phone was called out soon, and after some explanation, he hung up.

Then security personnel carefully removed the contents of the box.

At the top are fighter jets, battleships, and submarine models, which are quite large, so you can't fit too much.

Then there are the models of various firearms and gun carts. These are relatively small, especially those firearms, which are as miniature as doll toys.

But each of them is exquisitely done, just like using some magical technique to scale down the real firearms.

Of course, none of the people present were superstitious, so they didn't think there was any magic. They were just shocked that these models were too sophisticated, and they were also shocked by the foreign technology.

After the models of firearms and gun carts were taken out, it was Xiao Yan and Zheng Yuru's books and notes. It stands to reason that this is their thing and should be disposed of by them.

But this box appeared too strange, and Xiao Anbang specially called people from the Security Bureau, so naturally he could no longer deal with those books and notes at will.

However, the people from the Security Bureau were also very knowledgeable. After learning that these were the books and notes that Xiao Yan and Zheng Yuru lost when they were in the Eagle Country, they promised that as long as they checked and there were no problems, they would be returned to Zhao.

Of course, they have to take the things back, check them with technical means, and make sure that there is no problem before they can return them to them

Xiao Yan and Zheng Yuru had already guessed about this, and were not disappointed.

For them, it is a pleasant surprise that these books and notes can be found again, and they don't mind getting them back a few days later.

These are the hard work they studied in Eagle Country, and they believe that the Security Bureau will not hold back.

When all the books and notes were taken out, there was nothing else in the box and it became empty.

After a careful look at the security bureau, they put the items back into the box.

They have to take it back together with the box for inspection, and of course they have to pack it all and take it away.

The reason why I took it out was because I was worried that there were dangerous items hidden in it, so I had to check it first.

Just as they were putting things back together, the phone in the living room suddenly rang.

People from the Security Bureau answered the phone immediately, and it turned out that the person they had arranged before called.

The letter said that other gifts were placed in the two warehouses. After seeing the people from the Security Bureau, they immediately called out and arranged for someone to inspect the two warehouses.

Their men went to both warehouses at once, and now the results are in.

In the two warehouses, one holds arms, including hand-guns, submachine-guns, rifle-guns, sniper rifles, light-machine-guns, heavy-machine-guns, bazooka-cannons, and various types of bullets and shells , the number is actually not small!

There is also an antique calligraphy and painting, ancient books and foreign books.

Although there are no models, these are equally precious.

Those antique calligraphy, paintings and ancient books are all precious cultural relics and are strictly prohibited from being outflowed. The reason why it spread abroad is that it was either snatched away during the war, or it was smuggled out by some people.

But the Duke of Dark Night didn't know who he was, but in order to make amends, he actually gave so many things.

The question is, how exactly did he get these things back?

The dragon country and the eagle country are far away, so many things need to be sent back in a short time, unless they use a plane.

But they didn't get any news, which is so wrong!

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