Tang Yulan looked at buildings with different styles and foreign devils with different faces, her heart was always up and down and could not be stable.

However, Jiang Zhiying adapts very well, her eyes are always looking around, and she finds everything interesting.

Tang Yulan found that she was looking around, and quickly pulled her upstairs, very nervous.

Jiang Shixun rented the fourth floor, neither too high nor too low. With his luggage, he took Tang Yulan and Jiang Zhiying up to the fourth floor, walked to the door of the rented apartment, and took out the key to open the door.

The apartment has long corridors, but the lights are on so it doesn't look dim.

Tang Yulan looked at the lights that were on, and was quite surprised: it's such a waste to turn on the lights during the day.

After opening the door, there was a house rented by Jiang Shixun, which was cleaned very well.

The walls are off-white, with wooden floors and a few brightly colored blankets.

There is a shoe cabinet at the entrance, and there is an open kitchen next to the kitchen. Next to the kitchen is the dining room and living room, where there are dining tables and chairs, sofas, coffee tables, TV cabinets and TV sets.

The sofa is leather, looks very soft and bouncy, and has a fluffy rug underneath.

There is also a small fireplace by the wall.

The weather is still a bit cold now, and such an environment makes people feel warm and comfortable at first glance.

Tang Yulan had never seen such a decoration before, so she was dizzy and not nervous anymore.

In fact, the Jiang family's old house was once renovated magnificently. Unfortunately, after the war, those good things were either hidden or destroyed.

Coupled with the various encounters that followed, all the good things in the house were gone, and even the carved windows were smashed horribly.

After the house was brought back, Jiang Shixun and the others did not dare to repair it, they could only reluctantly repair and repair the blackened areas, and they did not dare to be too high-profile.

Therefore, Tang Yulan has always been a bumpkin and has never seen any beautiful houses.

Although she has also been to the Xiao family as a guest, the Xiao family and the Jiang family are still low-key.

Even if he lives in a two-story building, the furniture in the house is very ordinary, which is incomparable to the house that Jiang Shixun rented.

Jiang Shixun is only renting a relatively good apartment, not high-end at all.

One can imagine how luxurious those high-end apartments and even villas are.

Tang Yulan watched in shock for a while, and was led by Jiang Shixun to walk around the whole house, only to feel that the three views were strongly impacted.

This house is so beautiful, no wonder they say foreign devils have fun, they really enjoy it! And the TV too!

In fact, the decoration here is really not luxurious, not even high-end, it is just a very ordinary decoration. It's just that the domestic economy is backward, and the spirit of diligence, thrift, and hard work is respected. Tang Yulan has never seen any good decoration, so she thinks this place is too extravagant.

In the final analysis, it is because the current life in the country is too difficult.

However, although Tang Yulan was quite shocked, she never thought of staying in the vulture country and not going back. There are still two little ones at home, even if this is paradise, she has to go back.

What's more, she didn't think this place was heaven.

Although the house is very beautiful, there is a TV. But when she went out, there were foreign devils everywhere, and she felt scared just thinking about it. How could it be as comfortable as staying in China?

She had only been in the Vulture Country for seven days and couldn't wait to go back.

In the past seven days, Jiang Shixun took her and Jiang Zhiying to the shopping mall, went to the amusement park and the cinema, and finally bought some special products of the Vulture Country for Tang Yulan to bring back.

Tang Yulan: Foreign devils really enjoy it!

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