80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 982 All martial law, different treatment

It wasn't until the other passengers got off the plane that the flight attendant realized that there were still several passengers left in the cabin, and hurried over to remind them to get off the plane, but she couldn't wake up at all.

Suddenly, they heard a tick, like an alarm clock going off.

And several alarm clocks go off at the same time.

They felt that something was wrong, so they instinctively searched for the source of the sound, and finally found that the sound came from the luggage rack, so they carefully opened the luggage rack and saw the carry-on bag inside.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the luggage bag suddenly exploded with a "bang", and a large amount of white smoke came out.

The flight attendants immediately screamed in fright, and some people ran away from the plane.

This soon alarmed the others.

So it didn't take long for the entire airport to be under martial law.

The airport was also emptied, and all except those checked by the police were evacuated.

All passengers on the crash plane were also isolated individually and checked for identity and carry-on luggage.

Jiang Zhiying and the others were also checked, but in the end, of course, nothing was checked.

All passengers and flight attendants were also taken in for individual interviews.

Except for the few comatose outlaws.

Jiang Zhiying didn't know how other people asked her. Anyway, it was a female police officer who was in charge of asking her, because she was still a little girl, and the other party's attitude was very gentle, as if she was afraid of scaring her.

Of course, she did not miss her words.

Jiang Zhiying, the culprit, said everything that could be said innocently.

In fact, those exploding fake bombs were just used for pranks. She put these fake bombs in the salutes of those people while everyone was sleeping at night, just to reveal their identities.

Because of her shot, those people didn't have time to do anything, and were in a coma the whole time. If she doesn't do something to expose them, won't she end up cheapening the gang?

And besides this method, there is no better way.

Whether it's writing a note or calling to report it, it's not appropriate.

Doing so will only reveal that there is another insider, and when the public security receives the report, firstly, it will doubt the authenticity of the report, and secondly, it will suspect the identity of the insider.

As a result, it will only lead to extraneous branches, and even cause unnecessary trouble.

So she directly moved her hands and feet in the salute of several people and let them "explode".

Although this kind of thing happens at the airport, it will definitely have a big impact. But she stopped those people from doing it, which was equivalent to saving the entire plane, including the people on the plane.

Compared to the direct crash, what is the impact of this now?

Jiang Zhiying felt relieved after thinking this.

She was a child, only eight and a half years old and less than nine years old, and no one doubted her at all. Even the police who asked her were just trying to get more real news out of her mouth.

So after asking, and searching behind her, Jiang Zhiying was taken aside.

The scrutiny of other people is much stricter, but in general, it must be much stronger than when they were in the Vulture Country.

They were outsiders when they were in the Vulture Country, the plane had an accident, they were immediately targeted, and the police treated them like criminals.

Obviously nothing was found in the end, and they were forcibly detained for three days.

Now that they are back in the country, their situation is obviously much better.

Probably after the police inspected the salute of the outlaws, they discovered the weapons hidden inside.

The remaining passengers were quickly cleared of suspicion.

Good night fairies~

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