80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 162;

"Dad, why did the old man change his sex this time? What?"

Before he finished speaking, Shen Guotao, who was walking in front, turned his head and glanced at his son Shen Zhengshu.

"The old man can do whatever he wants, what right do you, a junior, have to say?"

Shen Zhengshu immediately stopped talking.

It was not until he returned to the living room in the small courtyard where he lived alone that Shen Guotao slowly opened his mouth.

"When will you be able to use your brain more?"

The inexplicable words made Shen Zhengshu a little confused.

Seeing that he was still in a daze, Shen Guotao shook his head rather dissatisfied.

For this son, he is also very helpless. He didn't bother to cultivate it when he was a child. Why didn't he inherit this brain at all?

"Grandson of Wenbo, come and tell your father why the old man is like this."

He turned his gaze and landed on a young man in his early twenties.

Shen Wenbo, this is the last promising grandson among his seven families, and he is also the grandson he likes the most.

"Because the protagonist this time is Shen Xiao."

"The old man has to be careful."

"What's the matter with Shen Xiao? Isn't he just a junior? Does he still dare to disobey the old lady?"

Shen Zhengshu immediately refuted.

In his opinion, the juniors should listen to the elders. If the elders arrange things, the juniors have no right to refute disobedience.

"Idiot, if you don't understand, just listen to your son."

Shen Guotao became angry immediately.

He is known as Shen Jia Zhihu, why did he give birth to such a stupid son?

Shen Zhengshu who was scolded immediately stopped talking, he was terrified of his father.

"Dad, Shen Xiao is no ordinary junior."

"Our Shen family, since the old man, has never produced any particularly amazing and stunning people."

"Grandpa's generation was alright, they can support the Shen family with one martial arts and one literary talent."

Speaking of this, Shen Guotao immediately revealed the color of memory, his face was full of helplessness and complexity.

The old man has four sons and three daughters under his knees.

Shen Xiao's grandfather is the eldest, and he is the most gifted in ancient martial arts among the seven children. He has already entered the dark energy at a young age, although it is not as good as the current Shen Xiao.

But in the ancient martial arts world at that time, he was considered a rare genius.

He is also the representative of "Wu" in Shen Wenbo's mouth, "One Wu One Wen".

At that time, the old lady had high hopes for this one, but things backfired, and this one was kicked out of the Shen family in the end.

"Brother is really a pity. I once thought that with the support of him and me, the Shen family would have a future beyond the predecessors."


Shen Guotao sighed heavily.

He is a literary representative who is as famous as Grandpa Shen Xiao.

At that time, many people said that the Shen family had this martial art, and their status would definitely rise to a higher level in the next few decades, or even a hundred years.

"Although the old man was powerful at the time, he was only one person after all, and it was impossible for him to predict the future."

"Yes, he didn't think at all that the generations behind the Shen family were not as good as the previous generation."

When Shen Guotao said this, he even glanced at his idiot son.

The third generation of the Shen family, namely Shen Zhengshu's generation, did not have a single capable person.

The old man was very angry about this.

It was not until the fourth generation that there were some talents to be seen, but unfortunately, these talents have not yet reached what the old man imagined in his heart.

Even Shen Wenbo was the same, in the eyes of the old man, he was only slightly better than other juniors, and he was not at all up to the height he expected.

Knowing that Shen Xiao appeared a few years ago, the old man saw hope.

Shen Xiao's talent completely surpassed the expectations set in the old man's heart.

He reached the peak of Anjin in his twenties, a height that even he hadn't been able to reach before.

With proper training, there will inevitably be a generation of legendary ancient martial arts masters in the Shen family in the future.

The benefits that will be brought to the family at that time are immeasurable. It can even be said that in the next hundred years, the Shen family will always be in the first echelon.

"Shen Xiao has great potential in the future, with the lessons from last time and Shen Xiao's attitude today."

"The old man dare not gamble, nor will he gamble."

Shen Guotao nodded in satisfaction.

"Now you understand why the old man is different from before?"

When you don't understand, you can't figure it out. Now that your son has called you, if Shen Zhengshu still can't react, isn't he an idiot?

"Then the old man plans to forget it like this?"

It was fine if Shen Zhengshu didn't ask, but when he asked, Shen Guotao's face immediately turned dark.

There was a faint flash of anger in his eyes, and Shen Wenbo who was beside him also looked helplessly at his father.

He didn't understand why his father was still so naive after living in a family like Shen's for decades?

"Dad, it's not like you don't know the character of the old man, how could he just let it go like this?"

The old lady of the Shen family is an old man with very deep views on the family.

In his opinion, their Shen family is an ancient martial family that surpasses ordinary families, and their blood is superior to others.

Therefore, whenever a Shen family man marries a wife, he must find a family woman of the same level.

Girls from ordinary families would not be considered at all. In his words, the blood of ordinary people would destroy the excellent blood of his Shen family.

He has always believed that only children born of the same level of blood can inherit the advantages of the two families.

As for the result, just look at the descendants of the Shen family today.

In fact, everyone in the Shen family knew that the old man's idea was unreliable, but no one dared to bring it up.

After all, the old man in the Shen family is heaven, and no one will refute what he says, even if it is wrong.

Mainly because I dare not.

After all, back then Shen Xiao's grandfather was one of the most valued sons of the old man, and his status in the family was second to none.

Just because of a resistance, he ended up being kicked out of the house and removed from the family tree.

Others didn't even dare to have the slightest desire to resist.

Over time, the boundaries of right and wrong within the Shen family were completely distorted, and all standards depended on the old man.

"Shen Xiao doesn't want to touch him, but what about the girl's house?"

"Since the old man already has a candidate, Shen Xiao's future wife must be the one he has set in mind."

The old man of the Shen family is such a domineering person.

The next day, at the gate of the provincial capital railway station.

Hu Yuehong was still worried and pulled Shen Xiao to give a solemn warning.

"Da Xiao, you have to be steady. Mother will talk to your aunt about you and Qin Xian when she goes back this time."

"Why don't you go back with us and settle the matter first, so that mother will have a bottom line."

Seeing his old lady like this, Shen Xiao was also very helpless.

How can you not believe him?

"Mother, don't worry, don't you know what kind of person your son is?"

"Xiao Hong, don't worry too much."

Although Shen Zhenghong said so, she was more worried than Hu Yuehong in her heart.

After all, he knew the old man's character better than Hu Yuehong.

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