80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 174;

While speaking, Qin Xian noticed that the aunt's face was a bit strange.

The anger that has not completely receded is evident between the brows.

"The people in the old courtyard didn't find a doctor?"

As soon as she said this, the anger on Qin Guofang's face obviously intensified a lot.

"They're all a bunch of bastards, especially your fourth uncle and fifth uncle, they're not as good as animals."

Afterwards, Qin Guofang cursed and recounted what happened in the old yard just now.

The old lady caught a cold and fell ill, the old man gave back the money at first, and asked the village doctor to take a look.

However, there has been no improvement, and the money-loving old man and the old lady who spend money to buy medicines every day are very heartbroken.

No, taking advantage of the return of the eldest daughter Qin Guofang's family, the old man planned to let each of the children take some out.

As a result, as soon as this idea was uttered, Qin Laosi was the first to stand up and express his opinion.

If you don't have any money, just shake your face and leave.

After what happened last time, Qin Lao Wu's personality has become much gloomy now. In addition, he spent a lot of money in the town health center for a few days before.

Now that the end of the year is approaching, how could he be willing to take out the money.

What else to say, when he was living in the hospital last time, why didn't he see anyone at home to take a look?

I didn't see anyone sending money to him, so why should he pay now.

He also said that these old couples often scratch things in the hands of their juniors.

Now that the juniors are in such a difficult situation, I don't want to show my faults, and I still have to force them, the juniors.

Qin Laowu's outburst of temper this time was not small, it was all heart-warming words.

Haoxuan completely pissed off the old man.

Seeing the big aunt scolding and scolding, Qin Xian was not surprised at all.

This is what those people in the old courtyard can do.

The selfishness of the troubles, and the small ones taught, are not worrying at all.

Whenever she thinks of the virtues of those people in the old courtyard, she can't help but be thankful that her family left early, and that her father did not have the same virtue as his parents and brothers.

"What about the end?"

Song Runan listened with gusto.


Qin Guofang stopped her angry scolding and sighed.

"What else can we do? They don't care, so don't you and I care?"

The fourth and fifth children can't count on it, and the second child, the old couple really have no face or courage to come here again.

This old man directly set his eyes on the eldest daughter and son-in-law.

In the end, they still had to say that.

Fortunately, Qin Guofang's husband is a reasonable person.

No, I just invited a few people from the village to help send the old lady to the town.

I had to go to a professional doctor for a long time. If it doesn't work, I can only do my best.

"I hope the old lady can survive this time."

Although she didn't like this old lady, Qin Guofang really couldn't bear to watch her go on like this because she was her own old lady.

Qin Xian shook his head in his heart, this time the old lady wanted to survive, it was impossible at all.

As early as when the old lady came over to make a fuss, she discovered that the old lady's body had reached the verge of collapse.

Although it looks good in spirit, as long as it is affected by external forces, it will collapse immediately.

She didn't act secretly that time, it was all done by the old lady herself.

People who are so old, with such a body, dare to roll and splash in the muddy ground in winter.

The cold air entering the body directly became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"I hope, even if I really can't make it through, it will take two more days, so as not to bump into my cousin's engagement day."

Song Runan didn't have any feelings for this grandma. It could even be said that apart from a blood relationship, she was almost a stranger.

"Don't worry, she's not that fragile."

Qin Xian said with a smile.

Although the old lady's body has collapsed, it is impossible to recover, but she will not die in a while.

In the afternoon, the eldest uncle came back, and the condition of the old lady was just as Qin Xian said, there was almost no way to treat it, and it could only be delayed for a day.

The old man who heard the news was silent for a long time.

In the end, he asked Qin Xian's uncle to come to the town again to buy some medicine, and then took the old lady back to the village to recuperate.

It is self-cultivation, but it is actually letting the old lady come back and wait for death.

Although Qin Guofang couldn't bear it, there was really nothing she could do.

After all, their family is not the kind of rich and noble family, one hundred and eighty yuan can be taken out by gnashing their teeth, but in the case of the old lady, what is the use of one hundred and eighty yuan?

Besides, she is a married girl, so with so much money, how can her husband's family live well?

"Hey, didn't expect things to turn out like this?"

When Qin Guoyong heard the news, his originally happy mood was also a little depressed.

Rao had already given up on the old yard, but he still couldn't help but sigh and feel sad when he heard the result of his old mother.

However, this time, he didn't jump to help like before.

"This is fate, so don't think too much about it, second child."

"Although my mother gave birth to you, you have done a good job these years. What happened this time is really not something a family like ours can bear."

Qin Guofang could see what my brother was thinking.

I was still a little worried that my brother would get sick again and go to the old yard to be entangled.

The old lady was picked up the next day.

This time she wasn't making a fuss, and she knew her time was running out.

Just stay in the house quietly.

"Daughter, why don't you stay in the village for a while longer."

In the main room, the old man was smoking a dry cigarette, and in the smoke, he spoke in a low voice.


Qin Guofang understood what he meant.

This is thinking that if the old lady is gone, they can stay and help.

After all, there is really no hope for any of the sons now, and he is not in good health as an old man. If he is busy working alone, he is almost as good as the old lady just sent him away.

"Second brother, don't tell them for now."

"After all, tomorrow is a good day for that girl Qin Xian."

Qin Guofang nodded again.

She stayed in the old yard for a while, cooked some food for the old man and the old lady, and then returned to Qin Xian's house.

"Little sister hasn't arrived yet?"

When entering the yard, only Wei Lan and her daughter were seen, as well as Song Runan and Lin Xiaomei busy preparing the dishes for tomorrow.

"Not yet, I guess it will be soon, Lao Qin and the army are waiting at the entrance of the village."

Just as Wei Lan finished speaking, he heard the voices of Qin Guoyong and Qin Wenjun talking from the yard.

Several people put down the things in their hands one after another, got up and walked towards the gate of the yard.

I thought it was Aunt Qin Xian who came back, but I only saw Qin Guoyong and his son.

"Didn't receive it?"

"Got it, they're going to the old yard first, come back later."

Now that the old lady is in a situation, when they come back, they naturally have to go over there to have a look.

"Hey, isn't this my little sister and brother-in-law? Why are you free to come back today?"

In the old courtyard, Qin Guofen and her husband Li Jun had just entered the far gate when they heard the voice of the fourth daughter-in-law.

Qin Guofen frowned. When she was still in her natal family, she didn't like this fourth sister-in-law very much.

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