80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 278;

"It is true that someone should report the letter, otherwise our reputation will not be able to be published."

Now that he planned to build a brand new Shen family, he had to come up with something for the world to see clearly.

Of course, let those guys who look down on him see clearly.

"Let's go and do it. I also want to see how far you can develop the Shen family."

At this moment, Mrs. Shen has completely relieved the burden from his shoulders.

Although he had already given up the position of the Patriarch of the Shen family before.

But he still couldn't help worrying, he always felt that Shen Xiao was still too young and needed to be watched by this old man.

Always hope for stable development.

Today he found out he was wrong.

Young people, especially young people with such ability and potential.

Why should he develop step by step according to his ideas?

Why can't you be more direct?

If you don't have strength, you only seek stability. Since you have strength, why do you still seek stability?

When it's time to show off, you still have to show it.

Edge should not always be suppressed.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, the Shen family will reach a height that you never expected."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, young people should be like this."

Seeing how confident he was, Mrs. Shen was also infected.

I am old and old, and I am crazy, and it seems to be very good.

"Who can't say it? Don't even look at who I provoke, Haicheng Ye family, that is a giant existence, how many people want to challenge them, and how did it end?"

Shen Wuye spoke coldly.

"Shen Xiao, don't blame Grandpa Fifth for being unfeeling, it's really you who caused the catastrophe."

"It is impossible for the Shen family to perish for you, so I still hope that you can do things alone."

Shen Xiao didn't even bother to look at him.

"It's not up to you to tell me what to do."

"Since you are no longer members of the Shen family, you will leave the province and city tomorrow."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Shen Qiye.

"Seventh Master, you are the same."

Hearing this, Shen Qiye nodded bitterly.

"Why do you let us go, and we go?"

Someone in the fifth room is not happy.

They have lived in the provinces and cities since they were young, and they still think about flexing their muscles in the provinces and cities in the future, leaving?

It's simply not possible.


"Because there is only one Shen family in the province and city, if you don't want to leave, then I will help you leave."

"you dare!"

Facing Shen Xiao's threat, Fifth Lord Shen shouted loudly.

"I dare to kill Ye Lin, what else would I not dare to do?"


Shen Wuye narrowed his eyes.

He didn't dare to gamble, so he could only turn his head and look at old Mrs. Shen asking for help.

"He's right. There can only be one Shen family in a province or city. I don't care how you want to develop, but you can't be in a province or city."

In the end, Shen Wuye still couldn't say anything.

After all, the old man has spoken.

If he didn't leave, not only Shen Xiao would embarrass them, but Mr. Shen might also make a move.

"Dad, let's go pack our things first."

Shen Qiye is very tactful, knowing that it is a foregone conclusion, if he continues to entangle, he will only lose his last affection.

Leave a little affection, maybe it will be useful in the future.

"Go ahead and develop well."

Shen Qiye left with his people, and Shen Wuye would naturally not stay.

When they were all gone, there were only five people and one corpse left in the living room.

"You have also heard that there is only one Shen family in the province and city. I, Shen Xiao, killed the person. If you want to take revenge, you are welcome at any time."

"Now take your young master and get out."

The two looked at each other.

"Shen Xiao, just wait to accept the Ye family's anger."

Then Bian took away Ye Lin's body.

"Xiao Er, how confident are you in doing this?"

Hearing this, Shen Xiao turned his head to look at Old Master Shen, and suddenly smiled bitterly.

"To be honest, I still have some doubts in my heart."

"However, even if time goes back, this person still has to be killed. Now, the Ye family only needs to have the bearing of a big family."

"Don't involve anyone else."

"You, you, you seem ruthless, but in fact, everything you do is for them."

"It's a pity, they don't know how to cherish."

Old Mrs. Shen shook his head, feeling really disappointed in his sons.

The reason why Shen Xiao proposed to divide the family was really to establish a new Shen family?

It shouldn't be completely, and more I still don't want to implicate the fifth and seventh bedrooms.

In the first place, this matter has nothing to do with them.

Besides, since they don't want to share the burden together, there's no need to drag others along.

It would be better to take this opportunity to break up and let the two of the Ye family see clearly.

There is a wronged person and a debtor, so if he wants to make trouble, he will come to him, Shen Xiao.

"It doesn't matter if Jane cherishes it or not, and I don't need them to remember anything."

"As long as they don't make trouble in the future."

Old Mrs. Shen smiled again.

"If they leave this time, I'm afraid they won't come back. If they mess with the Ye family, it's too late for them to hide."

With that said, he slowly stood up and looked around.

"In the future, I will be the old man living in this huge courtyard. It's really deserted. Why don't you move back?"

"I have to discuss this with my father and the others."

Without those messy people, the Shen family can move back.

Now that the words have been released, the Xinshen family naturally has to look good.

"This time the grandfather is so supportive, from today onwards, you are considered to be our own family."

Qin Xian stood up and walked in front of the old man.

The swift probe tapped several places on his body.

Old Mrs. Shen groaned a few times in pain.

"Xianxian, you."

"Don't worry, I've never been stingy with my family."

"The cultivation that I received that day will be returned to you."


The grandpa and grandson on the side exclaimed at the same time.

The pain just now eased, and as the pain eased, the long-lost vigor also appeared. Old Mr. Shen was so excited that his face was flushed.

His cultivation has really returned.

"This, this, this"

"Back then, I just used strength to seal your tendons, but now that the strength is withdrawn, your energy is naturally online."

"We will definitely have battles in the future, and someone must sit in the house at home."

Killing someone else's most proud genius junior will inevitably lead to big trouble.

She had experienced this kind of thing before.

Naturally, the layout must be arranged first.

Shen Xiao has work to do, and Shen Zhenghong and others will move back when the time comes, so she can't take care of it here.

There must be someone to take care of the place, and at worst, delay the time so that she can come to help.

The next day, a message was sent out to the positive cultivation circle through the special channel of the Alien Armed Forces Bureau.

For a moment, the four directions shook, and the first reaction of everyone who received the news was disbelief.

However, this is a special channel of the Alien Armed Forces Bureau, and its credibility is there. Believe it or not.

"Boss, you did such a big thing in such a silent manner, why would you not know what to say?"

"Don't meddle in this matter."

Shen Xiao glanced at He Feng in the office of the Alien Martial Arts Bureau.

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