80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 301;

"Don't worry, just listen to your little sister."

Qin Guoyong changed from usual today, and spoke first without bluffing or doubting.

Instead, Qin Wenjun pressed it down.

After this period of time, he has reached a new level of trust in Qin Xian's ability.

This daughter of mine is shrewd and capable, and she is prudent in her actions. She must have thought a lot about making such a decision.

"I know that the business in our store is very hot now, and if it continues to develop like this, it will be even stronger in the future."

"It's a good thing, but it's also a bad thing."

"What do you mean?"

Wei Lan frowned.

The business is booming, so it means making more money, so why is it a bad thing?

"First, the business is getting hotter and hotter, and our manpower will be insufficient, and we will be more tired than now."

"It's okay to be tired, I'm not afraid."

"Shut up and listen to your little sister quietly."

Qin Guoyong scolded Qin Wenjun again.

"Brother, I know you are not afraid of being tired, but we can't just make money and let us all have a good rest time?"

"And you and your sister-in-law have been married for more than half a year. When can I have a little nephew and niece?"

As soon as this remark came out, Qin Guoyong, Wei Lan, and Lin Guozhang were already in deep thought.

Indeed, during this period of time, Yiblinlou's business was too busy, and everyone was exhausted when they returned home from work.

There is almost no time to communicate, so I just wash up and sleep.

Then I got up and got busy again before dawn.

Personal free time is too short.

And if this goes on for a long time, the body will definitely not be able to bear it. Making money is important, but compared with holding grandchildren and grandchildren, it has to stand aside.

"Xianxian makes sense."

Wei Lan was the first to nod.

The remaining two elders will naturally not be left behind.

"No, it's tiring, we can also hire someone."

"Confused, our industry is no different than others. Some things can only develop well if we hold them in our own hands."

This time it was Lin Guozhang who spoke.

In the catering industry, the most important thing is their own signature dishes.

They blindly rely on their unique medicinal diet to succeed. If they ask outsiders to help them, if they are taught away by others, it will have a big impact on themselves.

"Brother, you can't make enough money. If you keep your skills, you can keep your money flowing."

"Our core lies in you and sister-in-law, this must not be passed on to others."

Qin Wenjun nodded silently.

"Girl, you just said the first point, we all think it makes sense, so is there a second point?"

Qin Guoyong asked.


"The second point is that if our current business continues like this, it will attract the envy of many people."

As soon as this remark came out, several people nodded inwardly at the same time.

Competition among peers abounds throughout the ages.

"Nowadays, the reputation of our blind building is getting louder and louder, and it must have attracted the attention of many people."

"If you are too sharp, you will offend people. If someone makes a bad move, it will destroy all the good reputation we have accumulated, and the gain will outweigh the loss."

"That makes sense, is there anything else?"

The previous two points were specially used by Qin Xian to persuade them.

While some of them are true, some are not.

For example, she didn't say anything about her abilities and the energy of the Shen family. It's not that easy to move Yiweilou.

"Only these two points are enough for us to find a way to change."

"Tell me about your plan?"

"That's it"

Although Qin Xian spoke out his thoughts.

Now that the fame has been spread, there will definitely be no fewer diners every day.

Then why not change the method and limit the supply, while ensuring that you can make money, you can also have ample rest time.

And the limited supply can also give those jealous people a signal.

They don't know how to eat alone, and they are already limited. If you can't grab resources, you can only say that you are too bad.

"Is this possible?"

"Of course, rare things are more expensive, and I think the business may become even more popular in the future."

"Xianxian is right, I have no objection."

Qin Guoyong made a statement.

"I also think there is something wrong."

None of them objected.

"I plan to open 30 tables every day, regardless of the number of people."

"One person counts as one table, and ten people counts as one table. Anyway, we only receive 30 groups of people, and we only receive them in the morning and rest in the afternoon."

As soon as she said this, Qin Guoyong was not calm.

Originally, he thought that even if it was limited, there must be fifty or sixty tables.

After all, they can sell more than 100 tables every day, and cut them in half, so that they have enough rest time.

In the end, Qin Xian actually came up with such a method.

And one person counts as one table, can this thing make money?

"Don't worry, one table per person is the lower limit I set. If it really spreads, there will definitely be many people sharing tables."

Afterwards, under her flickering and the good expectation of having a grandson, the three elders agreed to agree.

The rest of Qin Wenjun and Lin Xiaomei naturally wouldn't say much, even if they did, they wouldn't be able to change anything.

The next day, Yiweilou did not open, which disappointed many diners.

Naturally, Qin Xian and the others didn't know about this, and it was hard for their family to have a day off.

This sleep lasted until ninety o'clock in the morning.

Then Song Runan and others didn't arrive until two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and they simply had lunch.

Qin Xian took out a piece of red paper from the study and handed it to Qin Wenjun.

"Brother, go and paste this on the door of our store."

It says that it is closed for business today for rectification, and that there will be a limited supply starting tomorrow, and so on.

It's what they discussed yesterday.

"Little sister."

"Go, brother, I know you really want to make money, but you are so tired every day, you can bear it, can my sister-in-law bear it?"

"It's good to be healthy, understand?"

As for Lin Xiaomei, Qin Wenjun naturally wouldn't be careless, and it was indeed the case when he thought about it carefully.

He is in good health, so it doesn't matter if he is tired every day, but what about Lin Xiaomei?

If this is exhausted, what is the use of earning so much money?

As soon as this notice comes out.

Many people were shocked, and it is rare to see such an operation these days.

Especially after being able to do business freely now, the big guys are holding back their energy to make money, blindly building such a good condition, and even letting it go, they still do this.

Many people couldn't help but slander, is the boss of this taste building crazy?

Don't make money?

However, there are also some people who understand, but they didn't say much, but they were a little disappointed. In the future, things like this will become more expensive.

It's not easy to want to eat a meal.

Sorry, what a pity.

Naturally, Qin Xian and the others didn't know about this, and the whole family went out to the train station early.

"Actually, it's not bad to go out for a walk when you have time."

"Yes, I've been tense every day during this period, it feels really good to relax."

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