80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 369;

As soon as Li Jun's words fell, there was a knock on the door outside.

This time it was Li Jun's eldest sister's family.

There are four people, the couple brought a 14-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.

There was another exchange of pleasantries in the room, and Xiaohuzi and Xiaoya immediately went to hang around their cousins.

However, it was the first time that Qin Xian's family and Li Jun's family met for the first time.

The atmosphere is unnatural.

Fortunately, Li Jun and my sister-in-law reconciled, and the big guys became familiar with each other after a while.

Li Jun's eldest sister spoke straightforwardly and politely, and she looked like a nice person when she talked.

However, Li Jun's eldest brother-in-law is not very talkative.

He was a small leader of a state-owned factory, and in the few few words he spoke, he was very airy.

It looks like one is pointing the country in the factory.

Li Jun knew the character of his brother-in-law very well, and he was used to it.

But he still did not forget to take the time to give Qin Guoyong and others an apologetic look.

Naturally, Qin Guoyong, Wei Lan and the others would not mind this. They had encountered many such people when they lived in the village before.

People from the city, looking at them from the countryside, they are somewhat superior.

Although Qin Xian didn't like this kind of person, he wouldn't say anything.

Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

They didn't speak bad words to each other, they just put on airs.

Immediately afterwards, Li Jun's lobby brother's family came. There were three of them. Li Jun greeted them warmly and entered the door.

"Big brother, why didn't you bring Xiao Guang here?"

"Xiaoguang has gone to grandpa's house, and it will take some time to come back."

Li Jun's lobby brother looks as stylish as he needs to be.

He speaks decently and tactfully, with the air of a seasoned official.

The impression given to Qin Xian is not bad, of course, this is in comparison with Li Jun's brother-in-law just now.

But this lady-in-law is a bit out of the ordinary.

A pair of snobby eyes, flashing picky from the moment he entered the door.

A look that looks down on people at all.

Especially when looking at her sister-in-law and their family, the disdain in her eyes was not hidden at all.

This scene made Li Jun very dissatisfied.

He didn't like to talk to her very much, and he hardly asked anything alone except for saying hello at the beginning.

"I said cousin, your house is too small, can we sit down with so many people?"

As soon as she said this, the big brother Li Hua frowned slightly.

"Let's go out to eat today."

"That restaurant? Is the seat reserved?"

Li Jun was a little annoyed, but he answered anyway.

However, when she heard that he ordered a small roadside restaurant, the lady in the lobby curled her lips.

She wanted to say something, but her husband Li Hua glanced at her.

Immediately turned to look at Qin Guoyong.

"I heard that there have been heavy snowstorms in many places recently. How is the situation in your village?"

"I don't know."

Although Qin Guoyong is honest, he is not unaware that the other party looks down on them.

"How come? Aren't you from the village?"

"Why? Rural people must live in the village?"

Qin Xian, who had been sitting silently on the side knocking melon seeds, suddenly spoke.

The crisp and pleasant voice attracted everyone's attention.

She raised her head and glanced at the lobby sister-in-law calmly.

"Xianxian, sister-in-law of the lobby doesn't mean that."

"I know, little uncle, don't be nervous, I'm just asking casually, you guys talk."

Qin Xian pursed his lips and smiled, tilted his head and greeted Xiaoya.

Xiaoya immediately ran to her side, and the two sisters said this in a low voice.

The atmosphere just now was interrupted by her, and it changed.

Li Jun gave the lobby brother Li Hua a look.

Li Hua is not an ordinary person, so he naturally heard the smell of gunpowder in Qin Xian's words just now.

Glancing at his wife dissatisfied, he came here as a guest today, how could he not give face to his host?

These people are from the natal family of the cousin's daughter-in-law, so it's really rude to talk to them like this.

"What was your attitude just now? What's wrong with my mother asking a few questions?"

The atmosphere on the lord's side is subtle, and the topic has already begun to change out of face, but the son brought by the big brother Li Hua is not happy.

He looks seventeen or eighteen years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and has a haughty look from the moment he enters the door.

Qin Xian was peeling off the candy paper for Xiaoya, and he didn't answer the conversation immediately, nor did he look up at Li Xiaoqiang who was speaking.

"I'm talking to you, are you deaf?"

Li Xiaoqiang suddenly raised his voice.

At this moment, the expressions of the people in the room became subtle.

The faces of Qin Wenjun, Qin Guoyong and others darkened, and the faces of Aunt Qin and Li Jun were also very ugly.

The lobby sister-in-law had a smug smile on her face, and the lobby brother Li Hua's expression was not very good-looking, and he looked at Li Jun beside him apologetically.

Sister Li Jun wanted to say something, but was stopped by her husband.

Looking at Xiaoya again, she was a child at first, she was startled by the sudden roar, and turned her head to look at her cousin timidly.

The strange atmosphere caused the little girl's eyes to turn red slightly, her little mouth to sag, and she was about to cry.

Qin Xian raised his head slowly, no emotion could be seen in his calm eyes.

"Xiaoqiang, what did you say? Hurry up and apologize to Xianxian."

As the host, Li Jun couldn't be silent. He just stood up and stared at Li Xiaoqiang angrily.

"Why should I apologize? What did my mother say just now? What's her attitude?"

"That's right, I'm just asking, what's the matter with her looking like she's taken gunpowder?"

Seeing her son being targeted, the lobby sister-in-law didn't care about anything, she just curled her lips, showing no reservations in her disdain.

"People who come from the countryside are from the countryside, without any education."

"Are you well-educated? What happened to those from the countryside?"

Qin Wenjun stood up.

"Counting up three generations, who hasn't come from the countryside?"

He was angry with Xiang just now, that is, Lin Xiaomei kept pulling.

He also thought that today he came to visit his sister-in-law's house, and if there was trouble, it would make her lose face.

Who would have thought that the other party would push his boundaries and even dare to scold his little sister, the anger in his heart could still be suppressed.

"Xiaoqiang, shut up and apologize."

The lobby brother Li Hua finally spoke, very majestic and beyond doubt.

However, Li Xiaoqiang curled his lips and snorted softly, not intending to give face to his father at all.

"There's no need to apologize."

She didn't want to make trouble anymore, not because she was afraid, but because she didn't want to make my sister-in-law look bad.

"Brother, sit down, don't make sister-in-law sad."

Qin Wenjun glanced coldly at Li Xiaoqiang's mother and son.

He looked at it again apologetically, and the sister-in-law with a bad face next to her took a look.

I'm aggrieved, but bear with it for the sake of my sister-in-law.

"I'm sorry, cousin, this brat can't speak."

"Second Brother Qin, don't suggest it, them."

Qin Guoyong waved his hand, his expression still ugly.

He also glanced at the little sister next to him with some pity. With the virtues of mother and son, the little sister is probably not going to have a good life after getting married all these years, right?

Hey, it's still useless for me after all.

After such a commotion, the atmosphere in the room was no longer the same as before, and everyone fell silent.

However, Qin Xian continued to interact with the Xiaoya sisters, and seemed not to be affected at all.

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