80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 384;

"Xianxian, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing her silent for a long time, her brows full of contemplation, Shen Xiao was a little puzzled.

"Ah? It's okay, I just think this black moon is quite powerful."

She had no intention of telling Shen Xiao about the doubts about Chu Yunqin in her heart.

After all, most of these are his own doubts, and if he speaks out rashly, it will be difficult for Shen Xiao to do so.

It's better to find a way to investigate and investigate secretly, and wait until we get definite evidence.

From this point of view, it is a little inconvenient to borrow the people from the Alien Armed Forces Bureau.

It's really sad.

It's really impossible without people who can use it.

"Yes, so you have to be very careful and don't mess around."

"Yes, yes, when did you become an old man? So long-winded?"

Qin Xian looked at him with a smile.

On that day, Shen Xiao didn't stay for dinner, but was called away by He Feng's phone midway.

Now people in the circle are in a state of panic, and there have been successive vicious killings, no matter how embarrassing the status of the Alien Armed Forces Bureau in the circle is now.

They all still need to come forward to maintain harmony in the circle.

Although he doesn't need to go there, as the manager of a province in the Alien Armed Forces Bureau, there will be a lot of things that he needs to deal with.

The next day, the 10th day of the twelfth lunar month, was the last day of the opening of Yiweilou this year.

Wei Lan and the others left early.

Qin Xian did not follow, but turned back to the study after having breakfast, and called Gu Shuangshuang, asking her to pay close attention to the people in the provincial and municipal circles during this time.

And recruit more people to follow their family secretly, and report immediately if there is any abnormality.

She still took to heart what Shen Xiao said last night.

She herself is not very afraid, but she is afraid that someone will stare at her family.

It's better to take precautions than to regret when something really happens.

After explaining to Gu Shuangshuang, she went to the bedroom again and pulled out the little fire snake hiding in the corner of Maodong.

Very solemnly and seriously assigned it the important task of guarding the house.

This little guy was quite spiritual when he hadn't entered the rank, and now he has successfully advanced to the ranks of monsters, and his intelligence has been greatly improved.

It has about the intelligence of an eight or nine-year-old child. Although it is not smart, it still cares about what its master tells it.

After everything was explained, Qin Xian went out to the blind building.

Now that the weather is cold, the business of Yiweilou has been somewhat affected.

In addition, they announced a few days ago that the Yiwei Building will be closed for a holiday after finishing today.

It was past nine o'clock at this time, and there was no customer in the store yet.

However, the back kitchen is still quite busy, and some things need to be prepared in advance.

"Xianxian, I haven't told your sister-in-law about what you said, why don't you go and talk to her?"

Qin Xian nodded, opened the curtain of the back kitchen, and greeted his sister-in-law.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Guofen put down his work and came out, looking at her in surprise.

"Sister-in-law, let's sit over there, I have something to tell you."

While talking, Qin Xian picked up a pot of freshly brewed tea and two empty cups and walked towards a table in the corner.

Although she didn't know what she was going to do, Qin Guofen followed.

After more than ten minutes, Qin Xian finished his thoughts.

"Sister-in-law, what do you think? If you want, after the holiday here, you can take your cousins ​​to the house every day, and I will ask my elder brother to teach you."

Qin Guofen didn't expect that what she was going to talk about was this.

She has also worked in Yiweilou for several months, and she knows the business of Yiweilou very well.

Under today's social conditions, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is making money every day.

After all, the monthly salary of those workers in regular factories is only fifty or sixty, and the better ones are only seventy or eighty.

Just like her husband, who teaches and educates people in a key elementary school, his monthly salary is only more than 50 yuan.

Of course, this is just a pure salary and does not cover those various subsidies.

And what about blindly building?

The money I earn in a day is more than 100, and in good times, I can make 200.

How much is that a month?

It was a huge sum of money.

And the root of Yiweilou's money is medicinal food, so the formula and cooking methods are particularly important.

She had worked in Yiwei Building for a few days before, and she discovered this, and told her husband carefully.

At that time, the couple discussed it, and the second brother believed her, so she had to avoid suspicion.

So in the past few months of working, even if she was curious about what those medicinal materials were, she never asked.

At this moment, Qin Xian actually said that he wanted to teach her how to cook medicinal food.

While she was extremely surprised, she was also a little moved.

"Xianxian, I really want to learn, but it's important, I'm worried"

"Sister-in-law, can I still believe it? Our family doesn't have that many ideas, and besides, this Weilou will definitely grow bigger in the future, and it can't be an exclusive business."

Her words stopped short, but she didn't say too much.

But Qin Guofen heard it.

This is not an exclusive business, so does that mean that if you learn it yourself in the future, when a certain opportunity comes, you can go to other places to set up your own business?

"No no no."

Qin Guofen quickly waved his hands.

"Sister-in-law, listen to me."

"Yiweilou will definitely expand in the future, and it will be opened to other places. I didn't say that I would let you go."

"What I mean is, if there is an opportunity in the future, we will go to another place to open. You go there, and then my family will provide the technology, and you will pay the cost of opening the store. We will divide it according to the rules."

Qin Guofen is not a fool, he immediately understood what she meant, and his eyes lit up.

If that's the case, she also took advantage of it.


"Sister-in-law, we are a family."

Qin Guofen's heart was warm, and she was very moved. For such a profitable thing, this little girl actually

Family, these three words are often talked about by people, but how much can they really do?

"I discussed this matter with my family, and everyone agreed."

"After the Spring Festival, my sister-in-law is about to give birth. I'm afraid it will take a long time to come to the store, and my mother will have to take care of her."

"The back kitchen needs manpower, sister-in-law, are you willing to help?"

Qin Guofen smiled and nodded.

"Since you envy trust me, then my sister-in-law will definitely not let down your trust."

After talking about the matter, my sister-in-law went back to the back kitchen to help.

At the same time, diners also came to the store.

It was an old man who came, Gu Tang immediately ran over to greet him.

Just as Qin Xian put down the teapot and looked up, he was taken aback for an instant.

She knew the old man who came in at this time.

The moment their eyes collided, the old man grinned and cupped his hands at her.

"Little friend Qin Xian."

"Good morning sir."

Qin Xian also smiled and cupped his hands.

With such a move, everyone around was taken aback.

Brothers Gu Tang and Gu Zhan turned their heads to look at the old man together. They looked familiar, as if they had seen him before, but they couldn't remember where they had seen him before.

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