80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 386 ;

Qin Xian fell silent.

Ever since Gu Shuangshuang's people had an accident in the neighboring province last time, she felt that she didn't have enough people under her command.

I want to recruit some people, but I don't know where to start.

When she saw the old drunkard today, she was a little moved.

But she didn't know the old drunkard, after all, she had only met him once before.

I mentioned it to Shen Xiao just now, and I also wanted to get some news about the old alcoholic from him.

Who knows, after hearing such news.

If you want to tame the old drunkard, you have to help him get rid of the Pei family.

Although she didn't have a good impression of this old man Pei earlier, but it didn't reach the point of killing people, especially if he had a whole family.

It is true that she is short of manpower, but in order to subdue one person, she can't do so to harm the lives of so many strangers.

It seems that the idea of ​​subduing the old alcoholic has to be put away.

"This year, the blind building will not be open. What are your plans these days?"

Hearing this, Qin Xian immediately talked about his plan to start training new chefs, and that Yiblinlou will develop in a better direction in the coming year.

Seeing her thinking so carefully, Shen Xiao also nodded repeatedly.

"This method is very good. You still have to let go of business slowly, especially if you want to grow bigger, you always have to recruit more troops."


It is inevitable to grow bigger, otherwise, the current Yiblinlou will allow the family to live comfortably for a period of time, but what about the future?

Besides, as parents, Uncle Lin and the others are getting older, they can't drag them to the shop to help out, right?

From the very beginning, she planned to let her parents enjoy the blessings and let her elder brother have the skills to live comfortably.

"Need me to help with something?"

"Not yet, it's just started now, and it won't be achieved in a short while."

"Cultivate talents first, then expand slowly, step by step."

In the next few days, Qin Guofen came with her two children on time at nine o'clock every morning, and Qin Wenjun tried his best to teach Qin Guofen how to cook various medicinal materials for cooking.

Li Jun's school had also been on vacation early, but he still had parents above him, so Qin Guofen didn't know that Qin Guofen had something urgent to do.

This year they cannot go back to the town for the Spring Festival. After discussing it, the couple decided to spend the Spring Festival in the province or city this year.

No, Li Jun went back to town yesterday, intending to bring his parents here.

"Xianxian, are you busy?"

Wei Lan's voice came from outside the study.

Qin Xian quickly put down the pen in his hand, got up and went to open the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw something wrong with the old lady's face.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

She clearly remembered that Wei Lan was still teasing Xiaoya with a smile when he entered the study more than ten minutes ago.

Why does his face suddenly become so ugly now?

Come to think of it, nothing happened at home recently.

"Your aunt called just now, something happened in my hometown."


Shan'ao Village, it is said that this place is the place where she was reborn, but the impression left by this place is not so pleasant.

After the family run, she almost never thought about going back.

After the two old people in her family passed away, she didn't care about anything in the village at all.

Now there is movement in my hometown, and it can bring such a big mood swing to my old lady. You don't need to think about it, it must be her father and the two brothers who have messed up something.

"Your father and elder brother are in the living room."

Qin Xian responded, and wanted to see what kind of mess those two guys had made.

When the mother and daughter came to the living room, Qin Guoyong and his son, Lin Guozhang's father and daughter, and Qin Guofen's mother and son were all there, and everyone's face was not good-looking.

Especially Qin Guoyong and Qin Guofen were so angry that their faces were livid, and their eyes were full of anger and complexity.

What happened?

To be able to make these two angry like this, it should be a big deal.

While thinking, Qin Xian followed his old lady to the empty seat and sat down.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

As soon as she sat down, she tilted her head and gestured to her father and sister-in-law with her eyes, and asked in a low voice.

Lin Xiaomei gave her a complicated look.

"Uncle Qin was arrested by the police a few days ago."

Qin Lao Si was arrested?

She raised her eyebrows slightly, this seems to be a big deal, right?

The relationship between Qin Laosi and their family is not very good, if he is arrested, he will be arrested?

Are my father and sister-in-law so angry?

Did she make a fuss out of a molehill, just to find some anger for herself?

Sensing her thoughts, Lin Xiaomei lowered her voice again.

"It was Qin Wushu who went to sue the police, saying that Qin Sishu killed grandpa."

"What the hell?"

This time Qin Xian was a little restless, and his voice was a little out of control.

This news is a bit exciting.

No wonder the old man and sister-in-law are so angry, even though Old Man Qin is not a very good person.

But in the end it was their dear father, after the death of the old man, they let go of all the past.

There is a saying that death is like a lamp being extinguished, and it is naturally impossible for a child to hold on to the past all the time.

However, there are many kinds of death, such as natural death, accidental death, etc. They can accept it, but they have to accept it.

But murder, and being murdered by their own brother, the fourth brother, they couldn't accept it.

"Father, what exactly is going on? What did Auntie say?"

This matter sounds a little abnormal, this good old fourth Qin is not a madman, why did he kill old man Qin?

Murder is a felony, especially killing one's own father, which is a felony both legally and morally.

She remembered that when old man Qin returned to Shan'ao village, life was not so easy, and he didn't have much on hand.

There is no benefit to grab, and Qin Laosi is not stupid, how could he do it?

Is it because he doesn't want to support him?

If this is the case, isn't Qin Laosi a little too cruel?


Qin Guoyong sighed heavily, feeling that his family was really unfortunate.

Why did I have such parents and brothers?

I won’t talk about those things in Shan’ao Village before.

Their whole family moved to the provinces and cities, just wanting to avoid those messes, who knows that they still haven't escaped after hiding so far.

One by one, they couldn't escape after hiding so far.

"Because fifty dollars."

Qin Guoyong was at a loss for words. For fifty yuan, the son actually pushed his own father into the cesspit and drowned.

How could I have such a cruel brother?

"Fifty dollars?"


She knew this number very well. Speaking of it, this number saved her from several troubles, but she never expected it.

Old man Qin actually lost his life because of the fifty yuan.

"Your aunt said just now."

In the end, it was my sister-in-law Qin Guofen who told the story.

Ever since old man Qin returned to the village, life was difficult, and the village came forward to let Qin Laosi and Qin Laowu share the support and so on.

Then the two pulled out of Qin Xian's house, and finally, with Qin Xian's consent, they gave old man Qin the fifty yuan they lent to Qin's fourth family at the beginning, which was also their last wish from the second house.

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