80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 393 ;

"Don't worry, He Feng has already led people to search nearby."

"Just now you severely injured a Li Soul, it will inevitably cause backlash to the caster, it depends on whether you can catch the clue."

Qin Xian nodded.

At this time, she couldn't leave her father's side, lest the people in the dark go back and hurt others.

He can only pin his hopes on He Feng.

"By the way, you can arrange it. After my sister-in-law is out of surgery, she will also be arranged to come to this ward."

Since Lin Xiaomei is also on the right track, then the other party can attack this side immediately after something happens there.

There is a good chance that there is more than one murderer.

For the sake of safety, let Lin Xiaomei also come to this ward, so that she can protect the safety of the two of them as much as possible.

"I'll trouble you to arrange it."

"Well, it's arranged, you are going to the operating room to guard."

Shen Xiao nodded, got up and walked out.

He had arranged the ward just now, and when he left the inpatient department, he saw He Feng walking quickly from a distance.


"Have you found anyone?"

Shen Xiao is very popular today, the provincial and municipal circles are under his jurisdiction, unexpectedly someone appeared secretly, hurting people continuously, yet he didn't find any trace.

It was literally slapping him in the face.

Especially when he remembered that he was still in front of Qin Xian to promise that no trouble would escape his eyes.

"Found it, but."

"already dead."


Shen Xiao, who was a little excited just now, frowned immediately.

"I took the poison myself, I guess I knew I was exposed, so I didn't want to leave any clues."

"Who is it? Where did you come from?"

"The locals, the people in the circle who are not in the record, presumably hide it on purpose. This method is a bit similar to that of Hei Yue."

Black Moon, the reason why the Alien Military Bureau can search for it for so many years, can't be uprooted.

That is, this Black Moon is an organization formed by a mixture of people in the circle, and the people in it have all kinds of teachings and nine streams.

And Black Moon is best at catching some special people who haven't had time to be exposed.

Because these people were controlled or recruited by Black Moon without being exposed, there is no trace of them in the circle.

In the vast outside world, if you want to hide deliberately, even if there is a state machine behind the Alien Military Bureau, it will be extremely difficult to dig out these people.

No wonder they have been paying attention to the movements in the circle, but they haven't found any traces.

Feelings are locals hidden outside the circle.

"Investigate carefully, I don't want to speculate, if it is someone from Hei Yue, then there must be ironclad evidence."

Although he and Hei Yue had an antagonistic relationship, he would not directly believe that it was Hei Yue's work without any doubt.

Save time and let the real dark man go.

"Also, carefully investigate this person's usual circle of intersection. He should have accomplices."

He Feng left quickly.

When Shen Xiao came to the door of the emergency operating room, there was a faint cry of a child in the room.

Wei Lan, Lin Guozhang, and Qin Wenjun all stood up in surprise.

He also walked over quickly.

A few minutes later, the door of the operating room opened.

The doctor came out and congratulated him with a smile on his face.

Mother and daughter are safe.

I gave birth to a girl, and because of the premature birth, she weighed about half a pound. Although she was weak, she was still healthy compared to children in the same situation.

Hearing that the mother and daughter were safe, Wei Lan was finally relieved, and bowed to the doctor again and again to thank him.

As for whether it was a girl or a boy, Wei Lan didn't care.

They are all my grandchildren, both male and female.

This time it was so dangerous, and she was thankful that she could guarantee the safety of the mother and daughter, and she would force other things.

Not long after, Lin Xiaomei, who fell asleep, was sent to the ward. The child was taken away by the doctor because she was too weak.

This side just entered the ward, and Hu Yuehong, who received her son's call over there, has already left the door with the cooked porridge.

When she arrived at the hospital, Lin Xiaomei was still awake.

"Yuehong, this time I really trouble you."

"Second sister-in-law, why are you being polite to me?"

Hu Yuehong smiled and put the things on the cabinet next to the bed.

Only then did he ask about the situation.

"Fortunately, the mother and daughter are safe, and second sister-in-law, don't worry too much."

Hu Yuehong patted Wei Lan's hand comfortingly, feeling a little sad.

It's Chinese New Year, every family is happy, but the Qin family has accidents again and again. Fortunately, Lin Xiaomei's incident is safe and sound.

As for Qin Guoyong, she turned her head to look at the hospital bed at the other end, and sighed inwardly.

"Yeah, it would be even better if Lao Qin could recover."

Looking at Qin Guoyong beside him, Wei Lan couldn't help feeling worried again.

"Don't worry, the second brother will be fine."

In the ward, everyone communicated in low voices.

Outside the ward, Shen Xiao had already told Qin Xian in detail the news that He Feng brought over just now.

"This black moon really likes to dance."

She asked herself that she didn't have any deep hatred with Hei Yue, yet the other party dared to make such calculations.

That is courting death. When this matter is over, we must clean up this desperate black moon.

"Don't worry, although this hiding method is somewhat similar to that of Black Moon, but it still needs to be confirmed."

"The circle is so chaotic now, we can't be dragged into the whirlpool."

Qin Xian nodded in agreement.

Although she was angry and angry, she did not lose her mind.

"Also, I have asked He Feng to investigate carefully along this clue, hoping to find out his accomplices."

"Well, make the movement as loud as possible, so you don't have to be afraid of it."

Shen Xiao immediately understood her plan.

It is impossible to do it at certain times, but it is easiest to catch the tail when it is done at certain times.

And it can also have a deterrent effect, so that the opponent does not dare to continue to shoot.

In this way, Qin Guoyong and other Qin family members are guaranteed.

"You haven't had a good rest these days. I'll collect it in the evening, so you go back and have a rest."

Ever since Qin Guoyong fell ill, Qin Xian has been by the bedside around the clock.

"It's okay, there are still vacant beds in this ward, I can just squint at night."

Now how many people are still in the dark, she doesn't worry about leaving her father and sister-in-law here.

Although Shen Xiao's ability is not bad, it is not so easy for Gu Wu to deal with something like Li Po.


The two turned around and went back to the ward. Lin Xiaomei had already woken up, and Wei Lan was taking care of her eating porridge.

Qin Xian stepped forward to say a few words of concern, seeing Lin Xiaomei's pale face, he hated those who did it secretly.

"Sister-in-law, do you still remember how you fell?"

"It's because I'm so useless. When I opened the door, there was a cold wind blowing over, and my brain suddenly hurt, and then"

Lin Xiaomei said with a look of guilt.

The big guy in the family was exhausted because of his father-in-law's sudden illness, and because of his own carelessness, everyone was worried about her.

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