80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 454;

"That's not what you said yesterday."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qin Xian's mouth.

She used to have a good impression of this uncle. Even after meeting Xu Feng and his three mothers for the first time, she didn't take too much anger at this old lady's elder brother.

But what happened yesterday made her favorability towards this uncle drop directly to a negative number.

In the living room yesterday, although her uncle didn't say a few words, his demeanor and eyes were almost on the side of Xu Feng and others.

She didn't care much about this, and it was understandable, after all, Xu Feng was his wife, and they shared the same bed for so many years.

Emotionally, it is naturally deeper than the sister who has not seen for decades.

But understanding is understanding, but Wei Guohua didn't stand up and scold Xu Feng and Wei Hongxia when Xu Feng and Wei Hongxia spoke ill of each other.

It made her look down on this uncle a little bit.

This is also the reason why she later wanted to draw a line with Wei Guohua.

Since you want to stand on Xu Feng's side, then do as you wish, and save you the trouble of going around again and again in the future.

"Yesterday I was wrong, today I am here to apologize"


Qin Xian sneered.

"I don't know what you can do to our family."

Seeing her daughter being so aggressive, Wei Lan wanted to say something, but Qin Xian didn't give her a chance.

"Could it be that Xu Feng asked someone to come to our house to find fault with you, and you also knew about it or participated in it?"

Wei Lan, who was about to speak, fell silent for an instant.

Yiweilou is the hard work of their family, and it is also the foundation of their family in the province and city.

What Xu Fengna did was to make it clear that they wanted to close Yiweilou and cut off the foundation of their family.

The daughter will be like this, so there is nothing to say.

As soon as she was silent, Wei Guohua's heart skipped a beat.

Originally, he thought that his younger sister Wei Lan would help him to help him apologize this time.

Now it looks like he underestimated something.

"I know you're angry. It's true that Xu Feng did something wrong this time. I've already scolded her."

"Xiao Xian, after all, I am your mother's elder brother, your elder uncle."

"I haven't seen your mother for so many years, it shouldn't be like this."

His words made Qin Xian amused.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you scold her or not, and it doesn't matter to me whether you apologize or not."

"Because I never intended to forgive."

"She arranged for someone to cut off my family's livelihood, and I will return it. Since she can't stand it, then go ahead and try."

"Didn't you mean the big family in Kyoto? Don't you know a lot of people? Just do what you can."

As far as Xu Feng's virtue is concerned, apologizing is simply bullshit.

Even if he had to apologize out of helplessness, if he specified that he would apologize with his mouth, he would scold her family like hell in his heart.

She didn't have time to follow such a face-saving effort.

"As for you being my mother's eldest brother, it's my uncle's business. This is a fact, and I have never denied it."

"It's just that I heard what you said later, it seems that the trouble is all because of us?"

Wei Lan beside him also had a very ugly face, and Wei Guohua's words really didn't make sense.

From the very beginning, it was Xu Feng who was jumping around, and they didn't do anything at all.

How come it sounds like they are making trouble for no reason?

"Brother, you go back."

Wei Lan directly opened his mouth to chase away the guests.

"Xiao Lan, what are you doing? Do you really want to keep making trouble like this?"

"Xu Feng is your sister-in-law, she already knew she was wrong, why do you still hold on to her?"

"Can't the whole family talk about it?"

Being stabbed consecutively made Wei Guohua angry.

Xu Feng was certainly at fault, but they came here because they wanted to have a good talk and deal with this matter.

In the end, his daughter went to the hospital to lie down, and he finally let go of Taishan, why did his little sister not think about him so much?

"Could it be that you really want to make trouble until I get out of touch with your sister-in-law to make you happy?"

Wei Lan's complexion was ashen, and his chest heaved violently at the series of his words.

Sure enough, they are a close couple. Look at this virtue. I just said a few words lightly about my own fault, but set others on fire.

"I really can't let go, what can you do?"

"A family, a shitty family, as far as what she did, you have the nerve to talk about a family, can you be thicker?"

Wei Guohua was impatient and turned his head to stare at Qin Xian.

"Do you talk to elders like this? Are there any rules?"

"Elder? Do you believe that I slapped you to death?"

Originally, I wanted to give my old lady some face. Since the other party was shameless, there was no need for her to speak nicely.

"Shame on your face, get out of here now."

"Apologizing or something, we don't care."

"Yes, you go, don't come again, we don't need your apology."

Wei Lan was also extremely disappointed.

From yesterday to today, the other party has always put on an apology posture, but the rushing out has nothing to do with apology at all.

Forget about yesterday, it was Xu Feng who kept jumping around.

What about today?

This is her big brother. He said well at the door that he came to apologize, but now he has pushed all the faults on them.

Is that what an apology is?

They didn't care about apologizing. Since they were the ones who wanted to apologize, they had to put on a correct attitude.

What is this called?

"Okay, okay, since you guys want to make trouble, then let's make trouble."

"I'm too lazy to care about anything."

Wei Guohua left with a flick of his sleeves.

Looking at this attitude is really eye-catching.

"How did he become like this?"

Wei Lan was very powerless, the eldest brother in her memory was not like this.

"People are always changing. He has accepted the kindness of Xu's family. Now that he has this seat, he will naturally want to keep it."

"Yesterday, Xu Feng and Wei Hongxia acted like that, but he didn't make a sound. He made it clear that he was on Xu Feng's side. After all, we are from the countryside. We have no power or influence, but we can't help him."

She couldn't be more clear about Wei Guohua's thoughts.

She understood it yesterday.

It's just that although he showed his attitude yesterday, he didn't target them, and she didn't bother to say anything.

This Wei Guohua has completely exposed all the thoughts in his heart.


Why can't Wei Lan understand this?

It's just that I think I'm the only big brother, so I have to be patient.

"Xianxian, do you have any plans?"

She didn't intend to let Xu Feng go so lightly.

Look at her, she lost her job and dare to be so arrogant. Even if she let this kind of person go, can the other party do something?

Instead of waiting for her to make a move, it is better to let her be afraid, or fear.

"Don't worry about this, mother, I have my own opinion."

"Then can you"

Although Wei Lan didn't know what the daughter's ability was, she knew that the daughter was very powerful.

"Naturally, you have to give your face. I won't do anything to him."

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