80s Peasant Girl

Chapter 648;

Fast forward to November, and the road from Shan'ao Village to the town has also been completed.

This was another day of joy for the whole village, not only in Shan'ao Village, but also in many villages along the road, most of them were smiling.

As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. This road opens up the access to the outside world in every village.

In each village, there is no lack of visionary people.

The vigorous development of Shan'ao Village has pulled them invisibly?

On this day, Qin Xian set off from the village in the car arranged by Gu Shuangshuang and walked the whole way.

It used to take half a day to get to the town, but now, it only takes more than half an hour.

Although the cost of this road was more than the original plan, it shortened the original twists and turns. It took a straight line to reach the town, but it shortened the distance a lot.

Along the way, they saw a lot of villagers, some gathered by the side of the road, and some walked along the road to the town.

Everyone had smiles on their faces and was clearly happy with the road.

"Now that the roads and bridges have been repaired, the next step is to build houses and follow-up to the base."

"Before the winter snow comes, hurry up."

Gu Shuangshuang nodded again and again, and she had already explained it.

To collect points, the construction has been good during this period, and most of the materials needed have been transported to the village one after another.

It will be initially formed at the end of the year, and the rest will be completed in a month or two at most in the spring of next year.

When the two returned to the village, Qin Xian immediately greeted his father and went to Shui Sheng's house.

Their family wanted to build a house, so naturally the foundation could not be chosen on the original yard.

After all, it's about to enter winter, so we can't push the yard here, can we?

Moreover, their yard is quite far from the medicinal material base.

Simply, Qin Xian had already selected another foundation a few days ago, which is at the foot of the mountain where the medicinal material base is located, near the edge of the cement road.

First, it is close to the medicinal material base, and it will be convenient to enter and exit in the future.

Secondly, Qin Xian has already asked Gu Shuangshuang to help him get a car. There is no way for a car to get in and out of the yard where their family lives now.

Building the new house on the side of the main road of the medicinal material base will make it much easier for cars to get in and out in the future.

Things are going well, just go to the town to go through the relevant procedures of the real estate base.

For Qin Xian, this is simply a trivial matter.

The next day, she followed Gu Shuangshuang to the town and found the town staff.

She is a famous person in the town now, such a trivial matter is not a big deal at all, and she will get the relevant procedures in hand very quickly.

After the formalities were completed, Qin Xian directly asked Yang Ke to be responsible for finding someone, and started the work quickly.

She had already prepared the design drawings of the house a few months ago.

The standard three-storey small western-style building has left a large open space in front of it, and it is planned to turn it into a concrete floor at that time.

It is convenient for parking, and it can also be used for stacking, the medicinal materials that will be sold in the medicinal material base in the future, etc.

On the right side of the small western building, according to Wei Lan's idea, a piece of land was left, and she planned to grow some small vegetables in the future, such as onions and garlic.

As for the left side, Qin Xian didn't leave it empty, but specifically told Yang Ke to build a large and spacious house when the time came.

This is the practice room for Xiao Lele and Strong Boy.

On the day of the start of construction, many people from the village came to help. Qin Xian originally planned to pay them two yuan a day as before.

But without exception, everyone didn't ask for it, saying that they had made a lot of money from her in the past year or so.

This new house is being repaired, and everyone in the village is helping, so can you still collect money?

It is true that Shan’ao Village used to be contradictory and closed, everyone was very poor, and everyone in the village asked for help when repairing houses.

You only need to greet two meals, and you really haven't received money or anything.

Wasn't that how their yard was renovated back then?

The big guys don't accept money.

With the help of the villagers and Gu Shuangshuang's professional team, once those machines came up, the speed of forming the foundation was really much faster.

"Girl Xian, do you think Brother Qin Jinbao's house is also being built up now?"

Speaking of, Brother Qin Jinbao, when they came back with Qin Xian's family for the first time, they asked Master Shui Sheng to help them repair the house.

It's just that the people in the village were busy at that time, and when they had free time, Qin Xian wanted to build a medicinal material base.

Master Shui Sheng was also thinking about it, but he forgot about it.

Last year, when the boy came back, he mentioned it again, but Master Shuisheng meant that when Qin Xian got it right, after all, everyone in the village was busy building bridges and roads, and they didn't have time to spare.

The two brothers also understood very well, and worked in the province and city for another year, and their pockets were more substantial.

Simply, the two brothers decided not to use adobe for the new house, but to directly build a large tile-roofed house with blue bricks.

Who knew that Qin Xian's side was busy until the end of the year.

He thought, anyway, Qin Xian was going to the town to buy materials, so he simply brought back what Qin Jinbao needed for his new house along the way.

Many people in the village are free now, and they are trying to get the frame out before the Chinese New Year, so that in the coming year, they only need to do it again to complete the entrustment of the two brothers.

"Success, I happen to have machines here too, Uncle, please help me out."

After these few years, she has changed a lot towards Brother Qin Jinbao.

In the past few years in the provinces and cities, they have not made any mistakes, and they work honestly to make money. According to her elder brother, the two brothers will take the initiative to help him with what they can do when he is too busy.

Now that she has changed, she is not the kind of person who clings to the past.

However, even if she let go, her attitude towards the brothers was still lukewarm.

The two brothers did not expect extravagantly for this, and now their consciences realized that they were too ashamed to think of the shitty things they did in the past.

Especially for the cousin Qin Xian, they made a heinous mistake. Forgiveness, they dare not ask extravagantly.

This year, Qin Wenjun and others returned to the village again to celebrate the Spring Festival.

I was shocked by what I saw along the way.

This change is too great, not to mention the road leading to the town, and the Qin Family Bridge, after all, they have not lost contact with the village this year, and they will inevitably talk about these things every time they talk on the phone.

After listening to many descriptions, there are more or less images in my mind.

But the changes in the village have not been mentioned much. In Shan'ao Village today, many houses have become brand new green brick and large tile houses.

Moreover, cement roads also criss-cross the village, and the main road naturally leads directly from the bridge to the medicinal material base.

The other staggered cement roads are not too wide. Most of them are small roads made by the villagers who ask Qin Xian for help when watering the main road.

It belongs to the kind of small road that can only pass through bicycles, but even so, it is very good.

It's much better than the original dirt road. On rainy days, you don't have to pay full of mud as soon as you go out.

"Little sister, your speed is too fast. If we don't come here for a year or two, I'm afraid we won't recognize that this is Shan'ao Village, right?"

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