80’s Sweet Marriage: Struggle for a Good Life

Chapter 670: But you are not my baby

Su Nuo knows very well that the fundamental difference between the two meanings of her mother-in-law is that the length of her treatment.

Gu's mother couldn't wait indefinitely, she just wanted to hear Sunuo give her a time limit and a guarantee.

If his physical problems can't be solved and there is no good news at all ... Suno is afraid to think down.

"Xiao Nuo, you are tired, think about it." Mother-in-law stood up and said, "Don't have too much pressure, you have to be cured, and don't cover up."

"I know." Suno nodded. "Mom, I didn't hide it from you on purpose. The doctor said that I can cure it, it's not a serious problem."

Gu Mu had already come to the door, and when she heard Sunuo's words stood still, she turned her head and asked, "What about the results of your inspection today?"

Su Nuo's face went white, and he swallowed hard.

But her throat was too dry, her throat was sore under the dry swallowing, and she was about to cough.

Su Nuo quickly picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a big sip, but now he was really stunned, and tears burst out.

Gu mother trembled while watching Sunuo's hand holding the water glass, and there was a hint of intolerance in her eyes.

But the thought of his son who was still abroad, the mother had to relent.

When her son went away, she was resentful and blame Suno.

But when her son showed his heart, she would be shaken as a mother when she did not marry. Choosing perfection as long as they can live well.

But the situation is completely different now, what if Suno always has no children? How long can I endure and how long can I endure?

Even with a generous heart and deep feelings, at this moment in Gu's mother's view, they are separated by a genius, which is difficult to surpass.

"Xiao Nuo, you go back." Gu mother said, and opened the door without going back.

Su Nuo squeezed the empty tea cup tightly with both hands, staring down at his toes, but his heart was empty.

She had never been so clean in her mind, empty like a blank piece of paper, or a huge infinite space, making it impossible to find even a little thought.

I didn't know how long I sat still before Sunuo stood up.

She glanced at the copied ultrasound report, sneered, and tore the report into the trash.

Revenge? She doesn't even have time to retaliate.

What should I do? In addition to good treatment and continuous waiting, what else can she do?

From Gu's house, Suno drove directly to the airport.

She didn't want to stay in Beihua anymore, she wanted to go home immediately.

The air in city T is better than that in Beihua, but when I got off the plane, it happened to catch the cloudy sky.

On the gray sky, the large clouds of black clouds seemed to have been pressed in their hearts, so that Suno had no chance to give a breath.

Suno almost didn't know how he got home.

The little dolphin still came home happily, turning around his feet, and occasionally pulling Suno's pants.

But the little dolphin almost never barked, but just silently surrounded Sunosar.

Suno squatted down, hugged the little dolphin into his arms, and buried his face in its fluffy and soft curls.

It felt so warm and soft, making Suno want to cry even more.

She suddenly remembered, what was the mood when Gu Minlan sent her this puppy?

"Dolphin, but you are not my baby!" Su Nuo cried.

"Woohoo" cries made Suno like a child who lost his candy, holding the little dolphin in tears.

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