The flame that was originally burning on that branch was not too big, not much larger than a candle holder, and the range of illumination was limited.

Suno was holding it just to be on guard, so he didn't know when he poked.

From here, a total of dozens of steps back to the camp, you can see the fire from the camp through the trees.

Sunuo turned back to Lamuyue: "Let's go."

Unexpectedly, there was no pull at all, Mu Yue was nailed in place, and Sunola's hand was still cold.

When Su Nuo turned back, he saw Mu Yue's face looking pale into the woods.

"What's wrong?" Su Nuo didn't believe what the ghost said, and asked, "Is there something over there?"

"I don't know what it is, I moved it twice." Mu Yue's voice was shaking with a trembling voice. "It's a big one, a thumping sound."

The little girl is most afraid of this, and she should have automatically made up a whole set of thriller stories such as the jungle horror or the barren mountain haunted house.

"It's okay, maybe the bird fluttered its wings." Sunuo looked at the "things" that Mu Yue said and couldn't see it. Then he pulled her and said, "Don't be afraid, we have a lot of people in the camp, and it will be fine to go back."

Mu Yuezhang made a "hmm" and followed Sunuo back stiffly.

But after taking a few steps, I heard the sound of "flutter" coming from behind.

This time, Su Nuo also heard it, and suddenly looked back and saw a dark shadow squatting on the ground not far away, a large group, still twisting.

Sunow suddenly felt the hair roots stand up. But her first reaction was calm, and then she covered Mu Yue's mouth with her hand.

Mu Yue really cried out. Because that "thing" is much closer than when she just discovered it.

Su Nuo covered Mu Yue because she was shocked when she called.

In addition, the people in the camp must be flustered when they hear it. In case the stuff is "fierce", anyone who comes over to look at it must also suffer.

Su Nuo stared at the dark shadow that was still twisting, and murmured in Mu Yue's ear, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, let's go back a little bit. It must not have found us now, and we wouldn't have said nothing Startled it. "

"Huh." Mu Yue nodded tremblingly, his eyes panicked like a frightened rabbit.

Sono slowly let go of his hand and pulled Mu Yue back.

Taking a few steps back, seeing that the dark shadow didn't mean to chase over, the two talents changed to walk sideways.

It's okay, Sunola speeded up Mu Yue.

But at this moment, Su Yang's voice came from the front: "Xiao Nuo, why so long? You responded to me."

Apparently Su Yang was uneasy, and he couldn't hear Sunuo and Mu Yue talking, so he came over.

Su Yang's voice didn't fall, and the shadow that had moved away had noticed the movement here.

Mu Yue was so frightened that Rasuno's hand ran towards Su Yang madly.

Su Nuo was unprepared. He was stumbling and ran, and he was almost caught by a tree branch several times.

Su Yang also heard that the movement was not right and ran over here.

As a result, a few "hums" were mixed in the cluttered footsteps.

Su Nuo froze, and then looked back to see that the dark shadow turned out to be a big wild boar. I saw it twitching just now, it should be itching on the bark.

"Brother, don't come over, there are wild boars." Suno quickly reminded Su Yang.

If at this time he doesn't remind him again, it is more dangerous for Su Yang to rush forward without precaution.

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