80s Taoism

Chapter 395

[Ask for the last monthly pass at the end of the month! 】

"The world is changing too fast!" At Zhang Dechun's age, he couldn't help but sigh. No longer like before, Meiziao, a remote mountain village, seems to have moved forward with the wheel of the times since the concrete road was opened.

The old people will always sigh that today's era is no longer their era. Whether it is doubt or fear, the times must move forward.

The ancient profession of Mei Shanshui Master is also slowly changing its form of existence in the new era. Shi Qingwang from Popotian in Youpu Town used to always have a few apprentices by his side, but now all his apprentices have gone to Guangdong to work or grow tea.

People in the village will not be the first to think of Shi Qingwang when they get sick or something happens. The barefoot doctor in the village is already eating up his business.

"The world is about to change!" Shi Qingwang would also sigh. In the past, grandpa had to sue grandma to become Shi Qingwang's apprentice, but now no one is willing to be a navy master. When everyone is not full, the sailor can eat meat. This is a very promising profession, but everyone is eating meat, and the navy can only eat enough, which becomes a bit embarrassing. Shi Qingwang is a sailor with a heritage. It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to turn stones into gold like Zhang Jiaohua. There is also no guarantee that disciples will live better than others following him. So his disciples left one by one.

Since electricity was used in the village, briquettes have been used for cooking. Fewer and fewer people in the village went to the mountains, and children rarely climbed trees. Injuries such as nameless swelling and pain, insect bites, bruises, etc. are naturally less and less. And these injuries happen to be what Shi Qingwang is best at treating. Shi Qingwang began to find that he gradually lost his sense of existence in the village. Especially when Shi Qingwang himself was seriously ill and had to go to the hospital for treatment, the villagers suddenly discovered that the so-called Meishanshui master was also a mortal.

This sense of loss made Shi Qingwang extremely depressed. Although he recovered from his illness, his energy and spirit have not been able to recover well.

Shi Qingwang suddenly remembered that there was another Meishanshui master in Meiziao who might be the smallest in the world with inheritance. The idea of ​​exchanging mountain dogs with Zhang Jiaohua never came to fruition, because Shi Qingwang found that even if he had collected twenty-four mountain dogs, his family could not afford them. His beast-monitoring ability obviously didn't reach Zhang Jiaohua's level. This skill also requires talent.

Shi Qingwang suddenly felt that he wanted to go to Meiziao while he was still able to walk. Look at the youngest sailor. Maybe he knows what kind of path Mei Shanshui should take in this era. After all, Master Mei Shanshui cannot destroy the sky and destroy the world like the mages on TV, nor can he fly into the sky, and even suffer from birth, old age, sickness and death like ordinary people. Shi Qingwang began to be confused about what kind of Taoism this Mei Shanshui master cultivated.

The white dog of Shi Qingwang's family gave birth to several pure white pups, and everyone in the village came to beg for the pups. Shi Qingwang refused to live or die this time, saying that someone had already made an appointment. Shi Qingwang was planning to leave these puppies to Zhang Jiaohua. When the puppy is full moon, Shi Qingwang is going to Meiziao.

A month later, Zhang Jiaohua, who was studying in the classroom, was called out by the teacher, saying that an old man was looking for him. Zhang Jiaohua was also very confused when he looked at Shi Qingwang who was no longer as handsome as before.

"You just now think of wanting to trade puppies with me?" Zhang Jiaohua was frightened by Shi Qingwang.

"It's not an exchange, these puppies are for you. Even if I exchange puppies and go back, I can't support so many puppies. I'm not healthy, and I can't support so many mountain dogs with the few acres of land planted at home." Shi Qingwang sighed.

"Do you have to raise mountain dogs by yourself?" Zhang Jiaohua was very surprised by this question.

"Don't you want to raise it?" Shi Qingwang was also very confused.

Zhang Jiaohua still decided that there was no need to argue these useless issues with an old man, "You came all this way just to give me these puppies?"

"No. I want to ask you something." Shi Qingwang said.

"Ask me?" Zhang Jiaohua looked at the old man in front of him in some bewilderment.

Shi Qingwang nodded, "Can you find a quiet place to talk?"

"Okay. Go to the woods over there." Zhang Jiaohua pointed to the woods beside the Yidushui River.

"Yes." Shi Qingwang nodded.

"Can you tell me how Master Mei Shanshui should practice?" Shi Qingwang asked.

"How do I know? You have been a naval officer all your life, don't you know how to practice?" Zhang Jiaohua asked in surprise.

Shi Qingwang shook his head, "Although I have inheritance, I copied this scripture, but I don't know what it means to practice. I have observed the commandments of a navy master and memorized the scriptures of a navy master, but what is the practice of a navy master?"

"Don't you have any exercises?" Zhang Jiaohua asked.

"What exercises? Do you have any exercises?" Shi Qingwang asked.

Zhang Jiaohua shook his head, "I don't know either."

"Didn't your master teach you?" Shi Qingwang asked.

"My master is an old Taoist priest in a dream. But he hasn't solved the incense hexagram yet." Zhang Jiaohua said.

"Did you dream about it?" Shi Qingwang was also stunned. He didn't expect such a miraculous thing to exist in the world. "It's okay if you didn't learn it. The world has changed, so what about the navy master? My apprentices went to Guangdong to work one by one, each with their own affairs. No one came to see me when I was sick, and I don't think anyone would come to ask me to explain the incense hexagram when I died. Is Mei Shanshui master going to break the inheritance in the future? I came here just to ask you. See if you know Mei Shanshui. How does the teacher practice cultivation?"

"You have been a Mei Shanshui master all your life and you don't know it, so how can I know? I haven't had that dream for many years. Maybe I will never dream of an old Taoist priest again." Zhang Jiaohua shook his head, his eyes full of confusion.

"Alas!" Shi Qingwang sighed, and walked away tremblingly.

Looking at Shi Qingwang's back, Zhang Jiaohua's heart was also empty. He didn't quite understand what Shi Qingwang was feeling at this moment. But he was very confused, he didn't know what the road ahead of him was like. His life is destined to be different, but he really doesn't know what to do in the future.

The wind blew up, the trees in the mountains swayed, the leaves of the broad-leaved trees made rustling sounds, and the thin-leaved trees made rustling sounds. The sky is blue and the sun is warm.

"Biaohua, beggar" I don't know how long it took, Zhang Yuanbao and others ran over shouting all the way, only then interrupted Zhang Jiaohua's contemplation, and there was a hint of deepness on his immature face that didn't match his age.

"Biaohua, why don't you know how to go back so late? We are looking for you everywhere. I thought you were abducted by that old man." Zhang Yuanbao ran over and shook Zhang Jiaohua who was still in a daze.

"It's fine." Zhang Jiaohua shook his head.

"It's fine," said the mute.

The four white mountain dogs were all put in a cardboard box, and they looked at Zhang Jiaohua eagerly, their eyes full of curiosity. Zhang Jiaohua, as a master of Mei Shanshui, exudes an aura that puppies love very much. Let Zhang Jiaohua get close to them easily.

Back at school, Zhang Jiaohua gave the four puppies to Zhanshanbao to take care of them. The puppies soon fell in love with the mountain leopard, but they did not regard the mountain leopard as their father, but as their mother. As long as the mountain leopard squats down, the puppies will run over to find milk on the mountain leopard's belly.


In Meiziao, the storm is still not over. But Zhang Youping's attitude is very firm, because Meizi'ao is a pilot project. If Meizi'ao can't be implemented and the situation can't be opened, then let alone other places.

"Everyone, first of all, everyone needs to be clear. It's not that I want to squeeze more profits from you. To be honest, the profit of Biyu Xianyin is enough for me. But it's not enough for you. It's not enough for our Meiziao. The value of the tea itself has already been reflected. It's impossible for the tea factory to increase the price out of thin air. Then you can only look for profit margins from the tea surroundings. As for the tourist tea farms that the county is now trying to promote, everyone is unaware of the economic benefits. And no one is willing to invest, because there are too many unknown risks. The other is sightseeing The problem of how to distribute the benefits generated by the tea farms. In the future, tourists may not directly consume in the tea farms, and the tea farms will not be able to directly benefit, but they will have to invest a huge amount. This is a very big problem. This is also the reason why I am determined to integrate all the tea farms. We currently have several cooperation methods to integrate the tea farms... "

Although Zhang Youping patiently introduced the shareholding system to growers, it was difficult to get their understanding.

"Youping, we believe that you will not harm everyone. But can you guarantee that everyone will earn money from the tea farm after investing in it. We are not worried about whether we can earn more, but we are worried that we will earn less in the end." Zhang Enzhong said.

"You can rest assured on this point. The company will make statistics on your income in the last three years. After you buy shares, even if the benefits are not as good as expected. But I can guarantee that you will not earn less. You will have a guaranteed income. This gap will be filled by the Biyu Xianyin Group. But if you start to make money later, the previous gaps will have to be filled. These will be clearly reflected in the contract. That is to say, you don't have to bear any risks, but you can enjoy future benefits. , I will hold the shares, and I will pay you every year. Finally, there is another way, that is, I will buy your tea farm with a one-time payment..." Zhang Youping said several ways, and the tea growers in Meizi'ao immediately started discussing.

"Basically, we didn't suffer at all. Not only will we not need to manage the tea farm in the future, but our income will not decrease. If we join the plantation group, we will be able to receive extra wages." Zhang Qigao made some calculations, but became worried for Zhang Youping, "Youping, if you do this, you will suffer a lot."

"I am not worried about losing money, but I am confident that I will make money. The future income of the tourism industry will even exceed the income of tea itself." Zhang Youping said confidently.

"Are you really so sure? Youping, don't lose money!" Zhang Jiwang also said worriedly.

Zhang Dechun laughed, "I thought Youping was going to be a capitalist, but how could a capitalist be so kind as to take all the risks by himself?"

Liu Guocai also stood up and said, "Youping, I don't understand your plan, but I believe you, Youping. I believe you won't deceive everyone. Youping, I'm in this stock!"

If someone takes the lead, it will be easy to handle things.

The last time Liu Changhe followed Liu Baoyi to make trouble, this time he was excluded. However, these people still did not give up, and this time they also came to attend the meeting.

Liu Changhe stood up, "Mr. Zhang, what about us? Can we buy shares in our tea farm?"

"I'm sorry, your tea farm cannot be a shareholder. You can only choose the third way to transfer the tea farm to the tea factory. This is the only solution. We will evaluate your tea farm and then transfer it in one go. As for whether you are willing or not, it is up to you. Of course, if someone else is willing to take over your tea farm, the tea factory will not object." Zhang Youping thought for a while and said. Originally, these people who made trouble last time were not in Zhang Youping's plan, but considering that everyone is a fellow villager after all, I still give them a chance.

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