80s Taoism

Chapter 447: The Herb Collector

【Merry Chrismas! 】

Liu Zhaodong from Muyun Village is a herbalist and often collects herbs in Meishan.


Just as he was collecting herbs on a hillside, he suddenly heard the roar of a wild animal in the valley. The voice sounded familiar, but it was only heard in TV movies, and it was the first time I heard it in Meishan. It is still very shocking to hear the roar of this beast in reality, the real three-dimensional surround sound! At that time, Liu Zhaodong only felt his feet go soft, and he sat down on the ground.

"Tiger! There are tigers in Meishan!" Liu Zhaodong's heart was full of turmoil.

Liu Zhaodong quickly climbed to the top of the mountain, looked around, and happened to see more than one tiger on the opposite mountain! Liu Zhaodong's eyes widened, it was a living tiger! After living a long time, he also heard that there was a tiger in Meishan, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. In recent years, I have also heard people talking about hearing tigers roaring in Meishan. But I have never heard of people talking about seeing tigers in Meishan with my own eyes. But today, Liu Zhaodong finally saw the tiger with his own eyes.

wrong! There was a tiger with a man in its mouth! Still a kid, like a teenager!

Liu Zhaodong thought at first that the tiger was just holding a prey, but after he saw clearly, he was shocked, the tiger was going to eat people!

I don't know where Liu Zhaodong had the courage to run to the opposite hill so quickly. At that time, he didn't even think about running over like this, whether the tiger would treat him as a buy one get one free meal. Liu Zhaodong usually tells his little boy that a doctor's blood needs to be warm, but if his blood is cold, how can he save others?

Liu Zhaodong is used to walking in the mountains, and he can run fast even on steep mountain roads. Not very far away, Liu Zhaodong quickly went down the mountain and ran to the opposite mountain. But when he ran to the opposite mountain, those tigers had already walked slowly into the depths of the forest.

Liu Zhaodong ran so fast that he pulled him a lot closer. As the distance got closer, Liu Zhaodong could clearly see that there were five tigers in total. Strangely, Liu Zhaodong saw not only a tiger, but also a native dog, a black cat, and a monkey. The monkey was sitting on the tiger's back, and the child had been thrown onto the tiger's back at some point, lying on a tiger's back. The reason why the tiger walked so slowly seemed to be worried about knocking the child off the ground.

"How did this happen? We must save the person. This time, I'm afraid he will fall into the jaws of a tiger sooner or later." Liu Zhaodong was terribly worried.

Although a little scared, Liu Zhaodong followed. However, he didn't dare to get too close. He had a hatchet and a small steel pick in his hand. With these two things, it was impossible to scare away the five adult tigers. Therefore, he tiptoed along the way, lest he make any noise and be discovered by the tiger. He can only hope that these tigers can throw people down. This is Liu Zhaodong's only way to save his life.

A tiger stopped suddenly, stared at the place where Liu Zhaodong was hiding, and roared angrily. Liu Zhaodong was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out. Spotted by a tiger! Liu Zhaodong felt that he was bound to die. But I didn't expect that the tiger just gave a warning, then turned around and ran towards its companion.

It was hard for Liu Zhaodong to believe that the tiger had just realized that he had stopped just to warn himself. Liu Zhaodong was very hesitant, wondering if he should continue to follow, but it is very dangerous to continue to follow. If he angered the tiger, he might kill himself in minutes. Perhaps Liu Zhaodong didn't understand afterwards why he had the courage to resolutely chase after him at that time. Just for that strange child.

The tiger that warned Liu Zhaodong just now stopped again. Liu Zhaodong was so frightened that his face turned blue, thinking that his pursuit had angered the tiger. The earth dog suddenly barked at the tiger a few times, and the tiger glanced at Liu Zhaodong, then turned around and ran forward.

The earth dog glanced at Liu Zhaodong, and then continued to walk forward.

"These tigers are really strange. They seem to listen to that native dog very much." Liu Zhaodong was puzzled.

Of course the tiger was holding Zhang Jiaohua, and the dog was of course the Diamond Mountain Leopard. The few tigers are naturally the ones who ran out of the zoo.

One night, the tiger actually found Zhang Jiaohua. With their protection, Zhang Jiaohua was naturally much safer. But a tiger is an animal after all, no matter how smart it is, it cannot be a human being. Naturally, it was impossible for them to take good care of Zhang Jiaohua who was in a coma.

Liu Zhaodong was only focused on following the tiger, but he didn't notice that there was a monkey in the tree beside him looking at him strangely. This is naturally a fat monkey. The fat monkey jumped up from the tree and fell directly into the basket on Liu Zhaodong's back, almost knocking Liu Zhaodong to the ground.

"Zhizhi..." the fat monkey kept yelling, and quickly threw the things out of the basket.

"Hey!" Liu Zhaodong was in a hurry, the herbs in it took a long time to work. Although Meishan is very large, the places where medicinal herbs grow well are all in the deep virgin forest. Naturally, Liu Zhaodong didn't want the herbs he picked so hard to go to waste, so he hurriedly picked up the herbs that were scattered on the ground. But when he finished picking up the herbs and went to look at the tigers, the tigers had disappeared.

"This monkey is actually trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain!" Liu Zhaodong himself was surprised when he came to this conclusion. Liu Zhaodong thought that where the five tigers passed by, there would always be some traces, but he searched in the previous direction several times, but he couldn't find any traces.

However, at the same time, Liu Zhaodong also suddenly felt that it was strange to meet this group of animals. The tiger doesn't seem to be scary at all, and the dogs, cats, and monkeys are so spiritual, "Maybe they don't have any malice towards that child." Thinking of this, Liu Zhaodong felt a little relieved.

However, Liu Zhaodong was still a little unwilling, and searched around several times, but still couldn't find any clues. Seeing that it was getting dark again, Liu Zhaodong had no choice but to walk home.

What Liu Zhaodong didn't know was that after he gave up his search and left, five tigers emerged from the bushes in the forest he had searched, and one of them was still carrying Zhang Jiaohua on his back. Zhang Jiaohua seemed to be asleep, lying on the tiger's body. Still relying on how the tiger jumped and shuttled in the mountains, Zhang Jiaohua didn't respond. If it weren't for his breathing still normal, others would have thought something was wrong with him.

Zhang Jiaohua was in a very strange state at this time, and he couldn't tell whether he was in a dream or in reality. This state was very mysterious. It was as if Zhang Jiaohua suddenly merged into the world, he couldn't feel his own existence, but he was there.

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