80s Taoism

Chapter 507

"Biaohua, take a look at the decoration here, do you think it's okay?" Wu Yuan asked

Zhang Jiaohua nodded, "Not bad."

Zhang Jiaohua glanced at Wu Yuan. There was something wrong with this guy. He was timid. He seemed to have something to say but didn't dare to say it. He glared at Wu Yuan, "If you have something to say, just say it. Don't beat around the bush."

Wu Yuan scratched his head, "The money spent on the decoration and various certificates is much more than expected. They were all charged from your card. I didn't expect to spend so much. But I think, since we are going to build the best hotel, all kinds of equipment will naturally be the best. Therefore, the budget is a bit over."

Zhang Jiaohua couldn't help but chuckle, "When I first saw you like that, I thought you had embezzled money. You really look like a corrupt person."

Wu Yuan scratched his head and stood on the pile for a few months. The fat was reduced, but he didn't lose a catty of weight, and his figure was still so huge.

"I don't want to grow up like this. But there is no way. I gain weight even if I drink plain water. Jiaohua, do you have any effort to make me lose weight faster?" Wu Yuan asked.

Zhang Jiaohua stared at Wu Yuan, causing Wu Yuan to be at a loss. After a while, Zhang Jiaohua asked, "Are you sure you want me to give you a faster and more effective method?"

As soon as Wu Yuan heard it, he knew it was not a good thing, and quickly shook his head, "Don't, don't, you pretend I didn't say anything."

While talking, an elderly man in his sixties came in from outside, followed by several young people, carrying ingredients in their hands.

"Master Zhu, why did you come here at this time, isn't the vegetable market nearby?" Wu Yuan asked.

"You can't buy such good ingredients in the vegetable market. Since we have agreed that Koufu Restaurant must strive for excellence, the ingredients must be the best. I went to the nearby villages to choose these ingredients. They can't be bought in the vegetable market. So the time is a bit late, but don't worry, there will be no delay." It was Zhu Songtao and his team who came. These people are basically his apprentices.

"However, Master Zhu, the business hasn't started yet, you can still go to the countryside to get ingredients, but when it opens, where will you have time to go to the countryside to get ingredients? And we will definitely not have less. By then, you may not be able to get so many ingredients that meet your requirements." Wu Yuan said with some concern.

"Don't worry about that, I am very familiar with the surrounding countryside. I have contacted several villages and asked them to grow some vegetables that meet our requirements. I will ask an apprentice to pick up the vegetables in the future. Didn't you say that after the opening, our back kitchen will be equipped with a small truck for procurement?" Zhu Songtao said.

Wu Yuan looked back at Zhang Jiaohua, scratched his head, "I said yes. But..."

Zhu Songtao didn't see Wu Yuan's embarrassment, and hurriedly said, "Manager Wu, you can't go back on your word. If the ingredients don't come according to my requirements, I won't work here for a long time."

"What do you think I'm doing? It's up to you to decide." Zhang Jiaohua said.

Wu Yuan felt relieved, and said, "Master Zhu, don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised. But you must check it out. If we don't do it at Koufu Restaurant, it's the best thing to do!"

"I don't dare to say that, I still have to read the seasoning you mentioned first." Zhu Songtao was not confused by Wu Yuan.

For this, Wu Yuan is naturally full of confidence, "There is naturally no problem with this."

But Zhu Songtao frowned. As the saying goes, there is no hair on the mouth, and things are not secure. Zhu Songtao really felt that this fat man was not reliable. He also noticed that the boy next to the fat man was not as simple as he imagined. Because when the fat man said something, he always had to look at his face. Could it be that he is the child of the owner of Koufu Restaurant?

Zhu Songtao began to worry about his future, how could this kid succeed? But now that Koufu Restaurant has become like this, we can only hope that the two guys don't make trouble. With his own skills, it is not impossible to set up this restaurant.

Zhu Songtao was in a bad mood, and walked into the back kitchen with a calm face. Zhu Songtao's apprentices could also see that the master's complexion was not good, and he was cautious in everything he did. They changed many restaurants with Zhu Songtao, each time not because of their craftsmanship, but because of conflicts between the master and the boss. For this time, they didn't hold much hope. Zhu Songtao's craftsmanship is indeed good, and he is also very generous to his apprentices, otherwise they would not follow Zhu Songtao wholeheartedly.

Zhang Jiaohua and Wu Yuan also entered the back kitchen, Zhang Jiaohua also wanted to see how Zhu Songtao's craftsmanship was.

Zhu Songtao led his apprentices to make the kitchen very lively. His apprentices cut and washed vegetables very quickly. Zhu Songtao stood aside with a sullen face and said nothing. His apprentices didn't even dare to vent their breath.

Today is a dish test, and there are not many dishes prepared. So without much effort, the dishes are ready. At this time, Zhu Songtao started to cook. His apprentices all stood aside.

Zhu Songtao's skills are really good, no wonder he changes bosses more diligently than changing clothes, but there are still people willing to hire him.

Zhu Songtao is very proficient in both northern and southern cuisines. Zhu Songtao first made a Dongpo pork. Dongpo Pork is a Zhejiang cuisine, which is a dish that Zhu Songtao is good at.

When it was almost ready, Zhu Songtao frowned and said to Wu Yuan, "If you want to add seasoning, it's time to add it now. But I think the taste of this dish will not be bad even if you don't add it."

Wu Yuan smiled, "Master Zhu, it seems that you still have no confidence in our seasoning. But the most important thing today is to let Master Zhu know about our seasoning, so this seasoning must be added."

Wu Yuan took out a small porcelain vase from his pocket. Just looking at the appearance of the porcelain vase, he was quite impressive. In fact, this small porcelain vase was a high-quality imitation that Wu Yuan bought at the beginning. It can also be regarded as waste utilization for seasoning.

"How much to add?" Zhu Songtao took the porcelain bottle and asked.

Wu Yuan didn't know either, and looked back at Zhang Jiaohua.

"Add whatever you want, more or less will not make much difference. Anyway, you can explore slowly in the future." Zhang Jiaohua's answer is also quite unreliable.

Zhu Songtao couldn't help but frowned again, but patiently opened the porcelain bottle, put it under his nostrils and took a sniff.

"Huh?" Zhu Songtao, as a super chef from a state-owned restaurant, not only has good craftsmanship, but also has outstanding sense of smell and taste. Ordinary seasonings, smell it, and you can smell it roughly. But this seasoning, he sniffed it, but he couldn't smell a seasoning that could name it. The flavors of this seasoning come together perfectly. How can Zhu Songtao distinguish this complex fusion flavor?

Although he didn't smell the ingredients, Zhu Songtao also knew why the fat man had so much confidence in the seasoning. This seasoning is really good stuff.

Originally, Zhu Songtao was reluctant at first, but now he is very much looking forward to what kind of performance he will have after adding this seasoning.

He took the bottle and tapped the porcelain bottle on the top of the pot, and shook out some powder from the porcelain bottle. To Zhu Songtao's surprise, after these seasonings entered the pot, the fragrance suddenly became stronger.

"Oh, I added too much." Zhu Songtao already knew the value of this seasoning at this time, so he should save such a precious thing.

Zhu Songtao completed the last step, just as the aroma of the seasoning had merged with the meaty aroma of Dongpo pork. Unlike other spices, it does not cover the aroma of meat at all. Instead, it brings out the aroma of meat to the fullest. When smelling in the nose, it does not have the greasy smell of ordinary meat. Instead, it has an attractive fragrance that makes people want to stop.

"Master Zhu, how about this seasoning?" Wu Yuan is also a good person, so he can naturally see the changes before and after Zhu Songtao.

"The scent seems to be pretty good, but I don't know if it will affect the taste." Zhu Songtao's words were a little insincere.

Wu Yuan winked at Zhang Jiaohua, and smiled, "Try it quickly!"

"Then you should try it first," Zhu Songtao said.

Wu Yuan smiled and said, "Master Zhu, what's the use of our tasting? It's up to you to taste it. If you say yes, then it's good. If you say no, we don't need this seasoning."

"That won't work, the flavor of this seasoning seems to be good, let's try it." Zhu Songtao was very embarrassed.

Zhang Jiaohua didn't mind whether Zhu Songtao believed in seasoning. I don't care if I use seasoning or not. Anyway, let Wu Yuan take care of the restaurant's affairs, it doesn't matter if the business is good or not.

In fact, Zhu Songtao really wanted to taste the taste of this Dongpo meat. The apprentice on the side immediately handed over a pair of chopsticks with empathy.

Zhu Songtao took the chopsticks and put a piece of Dongpo meat on the plate, and a strong meaty aroma exploded in his lips immediately. Zhu Songtao's eyes widened, and his heart was turbulent.

Wu Yuan knew this would happen a long time ago, and said to Zhu Songtao with a smile, "Master Zhu, how is it? The effect of this seasoning is not bad, right?"

Zhu Songtao glared and said angrily, "It's not just passable? With this seasoning, I dare say that no one in the world can make better Dongpo pork than me."

"Master Zhu, this seasoning can not only be added to Dongpo meat, in fact, no matter what kind of dish, after adding seasoning, the taste will be greatly improved. This seasoning is not just as simple as seasoning." Wu Yuan laughed.

Zhu Songtao said quickly, "Then I'll try other dishes."

Zhu Songtao was delighted to see Lie. His apprentices looked at the plate of Dongpo pork, all of them eager to try.

Wu Yuan said with a smile, "Everyone, you're welcome, let's have a taste. From now on, the chef of Koufu Restaurant will depend on you."

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