80s Taoism

Chapter 536: What a Big Mouse

Zeng Lei's forward speed slowed down, and his extremely keen perception of danger had already made him feel the danger approaching. Although the stability in this tunnel is not high, and the air does not seem to be stuffy, Zeng Lei's forehead is already covered with beads of sweat.

"Pfft, puff..."

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded in front of the tunnel, something was approaching him!

what is that?

Zeng Lei's hairs suddenly stood on end, it's dangerous!

Zeng Lei clenched the Luoyang shovel in his hand, and when he came down, Zeng Lei took a Luoyang shovel in his hand. Although Ma Fusong was always on guard against Zeng Lei, he didn't say anything when he saw Zeng Lei holding the Luoyang shovel in his hand. If the two sides were to meet, Zeng Lei would have a Luoyang shovel in his hand, and Ma Fusong felt that their side would still have a much greater advantage.


As the sound got closer, the footsteps became louder and clearer. Zeng Lei stopped and used the searchlight on his miner's hat to shine on the tunnel ahead.

"Ah!" Zeng Lei exclaimed when a figure appeared on the focus of Zeng Lei's searchlight.


The thing also let out a scream, but it didn't run away, but kept roaring at Zeng Lei, as if Zeng Lei had invaded its territory.

"That's a mouse! A huge mouse! Oh my God!" Zeng Lei's eyes widened.

A fat mouse was parked in front, baring its teeth at Zeng Lei, as if it wanted to drive Zeng Lei out of the tunnel.

Zeng Lei clenched the Luoyang shovel in his hand. Zeng Lei knew that at this time, no matter how scared he was, he could not escape. Once they escape, the other party will think that Zeng Lei is afraid, and will attack Zeng Lei without any scruples.

"Drink!" Zeng Lei shouted at the giant rat. Zeng Lei hoped to scare the giant rat away with his roar. But instead of retreating, the giant rat yelled at Zeng Lei even more angrily.

Zeng Lei stood there holding the Luoyang shovel, his eyes fixed on the giant rat.


The giant rat was furious and rushed up angrily. Zeng Lei vigorously raised the Luoyang shovel in his hand, and hit the giant rat's nose hard, cutting a bloodstain on the giant rat's nose, and blood spattered everywhere.

The giant rat neighed miserably, not only did not escape, but its wildness was completely aroused. He rushed towards Zeng Lei frantically.

"Brother Ma, listen! There is movement ahead! Is there really something unclean?" Lao Wu said.

Ma Fusong also heard the sound coming from ahead, stopped quickly, and pressed his hand down to the others, "Stop, stop. Guys who are all ready to defend themselves, listen to the sound, I'm afraid this thing is not easy. Fifth, go over and have a look."

"Brother Ma, why don't you do the one with the surname Zeng by the way?" Lao Wu asked.

"Why do you do him? The surname Zeng is still useful, and the treasure is still there. If you do him, who will find the way for us. By the way, you can help him. We can't let him die for nothing."

The fifth child had always been obedient to Ma Fusong, without saying a word, he ran in the direction of the sound with an iron rod in his hand.

Zhang Jiaohua followed Ma Fusong and others not far behind, keeping a distance to avoid being discovered by Ma Fusong and others. Ma Fusong and the others seemed to trust Lao Qi who was guarding the cave very much. They never expected that someone would follow up secretly, so that no one took a flashlight to look behind him.

Of course, even if they took a flashlight to look behind, they would definitely not see Zhang Jiaohua.

Hearing the voice from ahead, Zhang Jiaohua knew that Zeng Lei must be in distress.

Zhang Jiaohua patted Zuanshan Leopard on the head, "Go up secretly. If Zeng Lei is in danger, help him. Be careful yourself, don't let the ghosts in this tunnel eat you."

The Diamond Mountain Leopard rushed out quickly, but it didn't make a sound at all. It was so fast that it couldn't be seen without looking carefully.

Zeng Lei found that the giant rat in front of him was a formidable opponent, it was too cunning, only Zeng Lei used Luoyang shovel on the bridge of the nose carelessly at first, and almost cut off the rat's mouth directly.

But the giant rat behind has always avoided Zeng Lei's attack very quickly. Zeng Lei made several consecutive attacks, but the giant rat easily avoided them. Zeng Lei attacked without sparing any energy several times in a row, his physical energy was exhausted very quickly, and his whole body was already sweating profusely. But dare not not maintain an offensive posture. Because the giant rat could attack at any time. In Zeng Lei's current state, it was indeed very dangerous.

Just when Zeng Lei was slightly distracted, the giant rat immediately jumped up and bit Zeng Lei's leg directly.

Zeng Lei flashed quickly, but was still bitten by the giant rat to his trouser leg, hiss! He bit off a piece of cloth directly from Zeng Lei's trouser leg. There was a huge hole in the pant leg.

Fortunately, Zeng Lei has been practicing Meishan Zhuang Gong these days, otherwise he would have bitten his leg with this blow.

This giant mouse is not an ordinary big mouse, its sensitivity is much higher than that of ordinary mice. Although it is big, it is not clumsy at all. This made Zeng Lei a little crazy. This mouse is not only agile, but also has amazing defensive power. It was hit so hard by Zeng Lei just now, but it didn't have any effect on it.

Lao Wu hurried over, slammed the steel rod over, and smashed the giant rat away.

"Brother Zeng, what the hell is this? Why does it look like a mouse?" Lao Wu asked while guarding. "

"It looks like a mouse. This ghost thing is really powerful. I almost died just now." Zeng Lei said with lingering fear.

"Brother Ma is a little worried about you, so let me come and help you." Lao Wu said.

"Thank you." Zeng Lei was a little confused. Ordinarily, Ma Fusong had seen through his behavior, so he should have found a way to get rid of him. How could you ask Lao Wu to come and help?

"Hey, come and help me, I can't deal with this alone." The fifth child gave the giant rat a moment ago, and once again pissed off the giant rat, roaring crazily.

Zeng Lei didn't care about thinking so much, and quickly attacked with the Luoyang shovel, and the two of them shot together, finally preventing the giant rat from picking up the mistake. The giant rat was attacked by Zeng Lei and Lao Wu from time to time, and became more and more violent.

"Fortunately, there is only one. If there is another one, we will be miserable." The fifth child was also shocked by the giant rat and broke into a cold sweat.

"Squeak!" Suddenly the giant mouse ran away quickly, then raised its head and screamed.

"No way. It seems to be summoning the same kind." Lao Wu scratched his head and said.

Zeng Lei used a searchlight to shine forward, and several rats of the same size as this giant rat came in front of him!

"My god, you can't tell if it's good, or it's bad!" Zeng Lei glared at Lao Wu.

The fifth child dropped the steel rod and ran away.

"I'll wipe it!" Zeng Lei didn't care too much, and ran back quickly.

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