80s Taoism

Chapter 545 Picking Wild Fruits

"Then you are lucky. If you come with another one, I will convince you." Zheng Wendong thought Zhang Jiaohua was lucky.

"Here it comes, it's another one." Zhang Jiaohua pulled up the fishing rod again, and another lively carp was pulled out of the water. Zhang Jiaohua was very skillful, and easily put the carp into the bucket. The carp didn't panic when it got into the bucket, but swam excitedly in the bucket.

Zheng Wendong was so dumbfounded that he didn't even notice that the fishing rod was being pulled.

"It's the fish, it's the fish." Xu Chuanan, beside Zheng Wendong, hurriedly pulled up the fishing rod. As a result, a three-finger-wide crucian carp flew directly into the grass. When Xu Chuanan ran to catch the fish in a panic, he tangled the fishing line into a mess.

"Are you convinced?" Zhang Jiaohua laughed.

"Zhang Jiaohua, how did you catch the fish? Isn't that scientific?" Zheng Wendong scratched his head. Zhang Jiaohua doesn't use the fishing skills of ordinary people at all. A fish weighing a few catties can be pulled up directly without slipping.

"This is a secret recipe handed down from the ancestors. It is passed on from men to women, from inside to outside." Zhang Jiaohua was naturally joking, but he really couldn't pass on this fishing method to Zheng Wendong.

Chen Haibo was very strange to Zhang Jiaohua's way of fishing, but he didn't ask a word. Zhang Jiaohua possessed too much magic, if he didn't say it himself, Chen Haibo didn't dare to ask casually. If you ask other people's taboos, it's not good.

Chen Haibo is also not like teenagers like Zheng Wendong, who will get impatient when he can't catch fish for a while. Fishing is a kind of exercise of mind. If it's just for fishing, with the net worth of a big star like Chen Haibo, how could he not be able to afford a few fish? Since fishing is not for the sake of catching fish, what is the difference between catching fish and not catching fish? Sitting on the shore, quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait, is a kind of practice in life.

Zhang Jiaohua is still young, although his temperament is much more mature than the average peers, but compared with Chen Haibo, who has experienced in society for many years and has a clear understanding of the world's sophistication, he is still very lacking. For example, sitting on the shore, he can't experience that kind of tranquility, and can't feel the artistic conception of life cultivation. Using Taoism to fish is actually a kind of impetuousness.

No matter how advanced Zhang Jiaohua Taoism is, he still can't truly surpass his age. His character needs time to be honed before he can gradually mature. This is also an extremely important reason why he has never been able to break through the first layer of the cultivation map. If there is no breakthrough in the state of mind, how can one realize the level beyond the realm in the Taoist diagram?

"The scenery here is really nice. The air is also fresh. Choosing this place for an autumn outing is the right choice." Tang Yan and Chen Cheng stood by the reservoir, looking at the surrounding autumn scenery, the blue sky and the clear lake water are connected together. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoy a moment of tranquility in such a quiet environment.

"Yes. Sometimes, I really don't understand. Why are people so tired? In fact, everyone's daily needs are very small. Two to three meals a day, but less than a catty of rice, some daily necessities, oil and salt, to fill the stomach. Why do you have to work hard every day?" Chen Cheng said.

"Yeah, I'm really envious of the farming era, where men farm and women weave, how carefree life is?" Tang Yan sat down and looked at the sparkling water.

"Hey, a catty of fish is ready, and I'm going to grill it soon. Tangyan, Chencheng, why don't you come over and grill the fish together?" Li Wenjuan shouted at Chencheng and Tangyan.

"Come on, come on. Chen Cheng, let's go." Tang Yan stood up and smiled at Chen Cheng. The long hair brushed across the cheeks from time to time under the breeze.

"Okay, let's go together." Chen Cheng also smiled.

Zhang Jiaohua grew up in the countryside and has done all kinds of work since he was a child. The skill of sorting fish is also very good. Use a small knife to clean the scales of the fish, and then take out the thorns in the fish meat as much as possible, and then cut the fish meat into thin fish fillets, and throw them on the bamboo sticks.

When grilling fish, you only need to coat the fish with seasoning while grilling. Soon, the charcoal was burning blazingly, and the firepower was getting stronger and stronger, and the smell of grilled fish mixed perfectly with the smell of the seasoning. Just smelling this smell, I immediately moved my index finger, wishing I could eat it right away.

"Beggar, who did you learn this skill from?" Tang Yan asked puzzled.

"When I was young, I often made food, but practice makes perfect with time." Zhang Jiaohua brushed a skewer of grilled fish with seasoning and sent it to Tang Yan.

Tang Yan received it in his hand, put it up to his nose first, smelled it a little, and immediately showed a very intoxicated expression.

"This taste is really wonderful. I've never eaten such a delicious thing." Tang Yan bared her silver teeth and took a bite of the fish, immediately full of praise.

Such group activities do not require much food. No matter how ordinary the taste of food is, under everyone's competition, it will still be better than delicacies from mountains and seas. Zhang Jiaohua caught several catties of various fish from the reservoir, which was enough to fill everyone's stomachs.

With the bottom of the stomach cushioned, everyone's interest rose even higher. Someone proposed to pick wild fruits, wild vegetables and mushrooms in the mountains near the reservoir. So it is divided into wild fruit group, wild vegetable group and mushroom group.

Autumn is the harvest season, and there are many wild fruits on the mountains around the reservoir. Various wild fungi can often be seen under the trees. But not all mushrooms are edible, many mushrooms are poisonous, and eating unfamiliar mushrooms is very dangerous. But with Zhang Beggar here, this danger can be reduced to almost zero. Although there are many mushrooms in the northern forests that Zhang Jiaohua doesn't know, Zhang Jiaohua can definitely tell which are poisonous and which are non-toxic. This is almost a basic skill for Mei Shanshui.

Zhang Jiaohua was assigned to the wild fruit group. After all, he was the only kid from the countryside in the class, and he had more field experience than all the city kids combined.

Chen Cheng, Tang Yan, and Chen Haibo also grew up in the city, and they didn't have much experience in this area.

The wild fruit group seems to be more popular, and many people are vying to join. Maybe it's because Tang Yan and Chen Cheng are both in this group. Chen Haibo did not join the wild fruit group, but he became the leader of the wild vegetable group, leading a group of people to search for wild vegetables by the puddles at the foot of the mountain. He has read books about wild vegetables and knows several common wild vegetables. At this time, it can be regarded as a relatively rare skill.

Taking advantage of everyone's inattention, Zhang Jiaohua has already released the fat monkey secretly, and it is the best at finding wild fruits.

More people don't necessarily mean more power. People who grew up in the city turned into a group of curious babies in the forest.

"Look, the maple leaves are all turning red. It's so beautiful. Hurry up, take a picture for me." Li Wenjuan happily picked a few red leaves from the maple tree, and prepared to take them back and put them in the book. People's love for the beauty of nature is far less than their desire to frame themselves with beauty.

All kinds of singles, couples, group photos, all kinds of poses, funny... The point-and-shoot camera is almost fooled, and the click of the camera when shooting can be heard in the woods from time to time. Let the speed of travel be surprisingly slow.

"Everyone, don't just remember to take pictures. I haven't picked any wild fruits. Everyone, hurry up." Zheng Wendong urged.

Zhang Jiaohua was not in a hurry, anyway, there was a fat monkey around, so it would definitely be able to find the wild fruit soon.

"Zhang Jiaohua, what kind of wild fruit do you have in the southern forest?" Xu Xiaoting followed Zhang Jiaohua all the time.

"There are many kinds of that kind. In this season, there are a lot of persimmons, chestnuts, etc. I don't know the wild fruits in the north." Zhang Jiaohua looked around from time to time, but the target he was looking for was not wild fruits, but the figure of the fat monkey.

From a distance, Zhang Jiaohua spotted the fat monkey. Fat Monkey was greeting Zhang Jiaohua from far away. It wasn't too close to be seen by others.

"Go, there might be something to discover over there." Zhang Jiaohua immediately walked towards the location indicated by Fat Monkey.

"How did you see it?" Zheng Wendong looked around, but didn't see a trace.

"Over there, you can see it when you walk over there." Zhang Jiaohua led a group of people over there, and there was indeed a wild apple tree among the pine trees over there. The tree is like countless small red lanterns, hanging all over the tree, but it is much smaller than the usual apples.

"I come, I come. I often climb trees." Zheng Wendong scrambled to climb the tree.

Zheng Wendong can climb trees, but his speed is too slow, even Mei Ziao's child who is not good at climbing trees can climb faster than him.

It took Zheng Wendong a long time to climb to the crown of the tree. On the tree, Zheng Wendong hugged the trunk tightly for fear of falling from it.

"Hey! Don't just be afraid. Hurry up and pick the fruit. Come, pick one for me to taste." Tang Yan said.

"Okay, okay." Encouraged by Tang Yan, Zheng Wendong finally dared to move. I picked a few apples nearby and threw them away. Fortunately, the ground was covered with thick leaves, which were not damaged at all.

Tang Yan picked up one, wiped it with a handkerchief, and took a bite, "Well, it's delicious. It's full of water. Zheng Wendong, hurry up and pick more. Don't be afraid, how tall is this tree? You can't die if you fall."

"I, I, I'm not afraid. How can such a little height scare me? You go ahead, and I'll pick it off for you right now." Zheng Wendong's feet kept shaking, obviously he was scared to death.

Zheng Wendong finally picked dozens of wild apples from the tree, and when he got down, he couldn't stand still. It took a long time to recover.

"Zheng Wendong, you are really useless. Picking a few wild apples will make you look like this bear." Li Wenjuan said.

"You, you have the ability to go up and try?" Zheng Wendong didn't expect that he would be so terrified when he got to the tree, and he was ashamed in his heart.

"It's not bad, maybe it's because I don't often climb trees and I'm afraid of heights." Zhang Jiaohua excused Zheng Wendong.

Although he had never entered the mountains around Xiyun Reservoir, Zhang Jiaohua was able to walk in the right direction every time and find all kinds of wild fruits in the forest. Let everyone in the wild fruit group be amazed.

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