80s Taoism

Chapter 549: Elixir

Zhang Jiaohua squatted next to the spiritual spring, although there was still a pool of water in the spiritual spring, but no spiritual spring flowed out.

"There has been no water for ten years. The water in the Lingquan is getting lower and lower. If this progress continues, the Lingquan will be completely dry in a few years." Luo Tianfeng stood next to Zhang Jiaohua and muttered.

Zhang Jiaohua frowned, "I'm not interested in your spiritual spring. I just find it strange, how could this spiritual spring dry up for no reason?"

"We have been investigating the reason, but we have not come to any conclusion." Luo Tianfeng said with a bitter face.

Zhang Jiaohua leaned down and went deep into the spiritual spring with his hands.

"You, what are you going to do?" Luo Tianfeng was anxious, but there was no way to stop him. I'm afraid that Zhang Jiaohua will take away all the remaining Lingquan in the Lingquan at once.

Zhang Jiaohua ignored Luo Tianfeng, he was not interested in Lingquan, he just wanted to confirm some things.

Zhang Jiaohua scooped up a handful of water with both hands, and then let the spiritual spring flow into the spiritual spring slowly from the gap in his hands. Compared with the spiritual spring in the Taoist map, the purity of this spiritual spring is a thousand miles away. This spiritual spring is nothing but spring water with a relatively high spiritual energy content. The main part is already real spring water. But the spiritual spring in the Taoist diagram is a spiritual spring formed by condensing spiritual energy. It just looks like water, but it's not water at all. If this spiritual spring is really a spiritual spring visualized by some ancient power, then the situation in this secret realm may be really bad.

What caused the Xiudao map space to become a secret realm? Is it true that as Luo Tianfeng said, those monks who ascended left the space they visualized here before ascension? Or after reaching the realm of refining emptiness and joining the Tao, this cultivation map has no meaning anymore?

Questions flooded Zhang Jiaohua's mind one after another, and Zhang Jiaohua couldn't find the answers to these questions for the time being. So Zhang Jiaohua started to walk along the Lingquan. The original stream had already changed beyond recognition. After the stream dried up, various elixirs were planted in the stream to make full use of the spiritual energy remaining in the soil. Zhang Jiaohua picked up a pebble from the dry river channel of the stream, rubbed it with his hands, and easily removed the thick outer skin of the pebble, revealing the crystal clear inner core. These pebbles are not ordinary pebbles, but the most exquisite and precious jade stones.

This kind of pebble is also a visualized entity, even if it is a real ordinary stone, it is impossible to remain an ordinary stone after being soaked in spiritual liquid for many years.

This made Zhang Jiaohua very excited. Of course, the reason Zhang Jiaohua was excited was not because he had obtained a piece of beautiful jade. Even if it is a piece of priceless jade, Zhang Jiaohua has no interest. Zhang Jiaohua just confirmed one thing, this secret realm was really visualized by the ancient master. Because the pebbles in this creek are exactly the same as the pebbles in the spiritual spring in his cultivation picture.

Because every plant, tree, and speck of dust in the Taoist painting is visualized, so although the various substances in the Taoist painting are similar to natural ones, they are not the same. In other words, it is impossible to do exactly the same. No matter how powerful a monk is, it is impossible to notice so many details when he visualizes.

Seeing the crystal clear jade in Zhang Jiaohua's hands, Luo Tianfeng's eyes lit up, what he valued was not the value of the jade in the world, but the aura contained in the jade. This is not an ordinary jade, but a piece of spiritual jade. It is the best material for characterizing runes. Jade talismans are different from the one-time talismans drawn on yellow paper. They can be used repeatedly, and only need to be filled with spiritual energy regularly. The jade talismans can be used almost unlimitedly. Moreover, the storage of jade talismans is much more convenient than that of yellow paper talismans. It is a must-have for those who practice Taoism when they travel and live at home.

But Zhang Jiaohua didn't like it, and casually threw the piece of Lingyu in his hand, which was about to be killed in the city, on the ground. If he wants such a jade, he can take a piece from his cultivation map at any time, and it is definitely much richer than this piece of spiritual jade. What is the use of a piece of spiritual jade that is about to be discarded?

Luo Tianfeng picked it up excitedly. He was afraid that others would find out the secret, so he carefully looked around while picking up the jade, tied his shoelaces very naturally, and then picked up the Lingyu discreetly.

Luo Tianfeng had already marked these spirit jades as the private property of the Luoxian Sect, and immediately organized the Luoxian Sect to collect pebbles from the creek bed after sending away the plague god. Even taking advantage of the fact that other factions don’t know about it, they searched all the cobblestones in the entire secret realm, and even planned to expand the object to include all items in the secret realm, and they had to conduct a careful inspection. Who can be sure that there will be no cobblestones in this secret realm that have been neglected in Lingquan?

Zhang Jiaohua walked around the territory of the Luoxian Sect, selected one or two seedlings of all the elixir of the Luoxian Sect, and collected them into his cultivation map.

Of course Zhang Jiaohua didn't immediately put these elixirs into the space of the cultivation map in front of Luo Tianfeng. Instead, Luo Tianfeng found a suitable container to put the elixir seedlings in.

After shopping around, Zhang Jiaohua came out from the secret place. The members of the Luoxian Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief, Luo Tianfeng sent Zhang Jiaohua to the camp respectfully all the way, and then returned to the secret realm relieved.

"Zhang Daoyou, I went back and told the sect master about the situation. The sect master agreed to lend the Xiyun treasure boat to Zhang Daoyou. The treasure ship has already been moored on the shore, and the sect master has specially assigned the boat boss to be in charge of driving the boat." Hua Shaobo is more respectful than before.

Zhang Jiaohua nodded, "Then thank you for your kindness. Is there an elixir garden in the secret realm of your Xiyun sect?"

"Yes. But now the spiritual spring is about to dry up, and our elixir nursery doesn't have many aged elixir. There are quite a lot of elixir seedlings." Hua Shaobo said quickly, fearing that Zhang Jiaohua would ask him for the elixir.

"I just want some elixir seedlings. I just got some from Luoxian Sect. Let's see if you have any different elixir." Zhang Jiaohua naturally understood why Hua Shaobo was nervous.

"That's no problem. Fellow Daoist Zhang can go to the secret realm of our Xiyun Sect with me now. There are so many elixir seedlings. Judging from the current situation in the secret realm, it is impossible for these elixir seedlings to grow. If you need it, fellow Daoist Zhang, just take it." Hua Shaobo can make decisions so easily, presumably these elixir seedlings are not so important in the Xiyun Sect.

Zhang Jiaohua went to the site of Xiyun faction, the entrance of Xiyun faction is in the reservoir. In fact, there is actually an island in the lake covered by the formation of the Xiyun faction. The secret realm of the Xiyun faction is much larger than that of the Luoxian faction. The aura also seems to be more intense.

"Back then, our Xiyun faction originally had three secret realms, and the three secret realms could have been connected through the transfer array. Later, due to the situation, we had to give up the other two secret realms. Therefore, the teleportation array in the secret realm has been closed for a long time." Hua Shaobo didn't hide anything. These things are not classified. People from the three sects all know it.

What surprised Zhang Jiaohua was that the elixir in the Xiyun Sect's elixir nursery was very different from the Luoxian Sect's. The elixir gardens are distributed around the source of the spiritual spring, and the dry riverbed of the lingquan has also been planted with elixir. The source of the spiritual spring is a pond, which is slightly larger than the source of the Luoxian sect. It has also been completely shut down. The pebbles on the river bed are densely spread out in the river bed, and its value may not have been discovered by the Xiyun faction.

Zhang Jiaohua borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, and told Hua Shaobo the secret.

"Thank you Zhang Daoyou for reminding me." Hua Shaobo was very excited. The news of Zhang Jiaohua will suddenly raise his status in the sect.

The Xiyun faction attached great importance to Zhang Jiaohua's arrival, and Hua Zhaoyang, the master of the Xiyun faction, brought several elders to treat him warmly. When Zhang Jiaohua left in the end, Hua Zhaoyang sent Zhang Jiaohua out in person with the masters of the faction.

After Zhang Jiaohua came out, he secretly sent the harvested elixir seedlings into the space of the Taoism Map in a place where no one was around. All that was left outside were empty boxes. These spirit materials and elixir are all very delicate species and have extremely harsh requirements on environmental conditions. Zhang Jiaohua was afraid that something might go wrong with these elixir seedlings.

When Zhang Jiaohua returned to the tent, it was already four or five o'clock in the morning, and Dongfang had already vomited white. The sky has gradually brightened.

Zhang Jiaohua wouldn't have any problem even if he didn't sleep. But he didn't want to be too special in class, so he found an open space, lay down, closed his eyes and rested.

"Look! There is an ancient boat by the lake!" Zheng Wendong, who got up to release the water, yelled loudly, waking up everyone.

"Zheng Wendong, what are you arguing about so early in the morning?" Xu Chuanan said dissatisfied.

"Hey, it's true, what a beautiful ancient ship!" Han Qiulong's voice sounded outside the tent.

Hearing the sound from outside, the students in Zhang Jiaohua's class walked out of the tent one by one, and Chen Cheng and Tang Yan followed suit. Chen Haibo also walked out of the boys' tent.

"Wow! This boat is so beautiful! Let's go and ask if we can rent this boat." Tang Yan walked towards the ancient boat quickly.

"Yeah, it would be nice if I could rent it out." Chen Cheng said with a smile.

For the students in Zhang Jiaohua's class, renting such a big boat was beyond imagination. But for Tang Yan and Chen Cheng, they feel that the problems that can be solved with money are not problems. But what she didn't expect was that the owner of the ancient ship didn't take worldly money seriously at all.

As soon as Xu Xiaoting stepped out of the tent, she saw the boat and immediately widened her eyes: Isn't that the boat I saw last night? How come here?

Xu Xiaoting glanced at the boy's tent and saw that Zhang Jiaohua had walked out of the tent, and immediately ran over quickly, "Biaohua, beggar, boat, boat, that boat last night!"

Zhang Jiaohua smiled, "That's right. I talked to the owner of the boat last night, and today I will lend the boat to us for a day."

Chen Cheng and Tang Yan immediately stopped when they heard the words.

"Biao Hua, have you rented this boat?" Tang Yan asked immediately.

"That's right. It's not renting, it's borrowing. I happen to know the owner of the boat." Zhang Jiaohua said.

Tang Yan knew that Zhang Jiaohua was a bit mysterious, and being able to borrow the ancient boat might not be a big deal to Zhang Jiaohua.

Chen Cheng was much simpler, and didn't think too deeply about it at all. When he heard that the boat had been borrowed by Zhang Jiaohua, he immediately said excitedly, "I'm going to swim in the lake!"

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