80s: The Farmer’s Wife Is The Boss

Chapter 65: , what do you want to do?

Chapter 65: What do you want to do?

At first a group of people wanted to follow, but they were afraid of Aunt He's mouth, so they all stopped and started talking about Mei Xue.

Are these important?

 No, these are not important.

Uncle Shi looked at the villagers with an angry look on his face. He also came from the countryside and knew that everyone in a village could not be harmonious.

It can be seen that he still feels very sad seeing these people, they are all a shady group.

There are no two or two, and red eye disease is not mild.

The road up the mountain was not far, and soon we arrived at Mei Xue’s courtyard.

  As soon as you get close, the aroma of wine comes out.

Uncle Shi's eyes sparkled and he ran into the yard ahead of everyone else.

  When he saw the five large vats in the courtyard, he was so excited that he wanted to go forward, but unfortunately, he was stopped by someone.

“Hey, who is this? Why, do you want to steal some wine?” Grandma He knew they were coming, so she had been waiting in the courtyard for a long time.

 But this man seemed not to see himself and ran directly towards the wine vat.

“Aunt He.” As soon as Boss Zhao entered the yard, he immediately called for someone.

 The people who led the way also saw the large wine vat in the courtyard, and did not expect that they had brewed so much wine.

Grandma He sent away the people in the village first, and then closed the courtyard door.

“You’re here, did you rush to my house for lunch on purpose?” Grandma He thought of the five yuan and fifty cents as soon as she saw the person.

  It makes me unhappy no matter what I think.

“It cost Aunt He a lot of money.” Boss Zhao said with a flattering look on his face, mainly because he liked the wine and it didn’t matter if he felt aggrieved.

“Xiao Li, quickly bring over the gift I bought for my aunt. Haha, I carefully selected this for my aunt and Xiaoxue.” He waved to one of his clerks.

Uncle Shi quit, "Quick, there's still mine. I bought the meeting gift for the eldest sister, hurry up and get it."

Mei Xue is cooking in the kitchen. With so many people coming all of a sudden, she has to give them food.

 She didn't want to part with meat dishes, so she fried some vegetables and eggs, which just took a while to cook.

 She started the two pots at the same time and had no time to pay attention to the people outside.

After seeing three or four large and small bags, Grandma He put away the "meanness" on her face and said, "Hey, just come. What gifts are you bringing? My family doesn't have any gifts in return."

 After saying that, he quickly took it with his hands and feet.

I took a quick look at the contents inside. Well, it was pretty good. There were cans, some pastries, and meat. I also saw a few packets of fruit candies.

 These things are all precious and must be collected.

“You can find a place to sit by yourself. You’ll have lunch for a while. I’ll go in and help Xiaoxue. You guys treat her like your own family.” There are two different things before and after receiving the gift.

 “You are busy, you are busy.”

So Boss Zhao asked the four people who came up to rest on the stools under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, while he and Uncle Shi began to smell the wine.

“Uncle Shi, this wine is good, and the price is really worth it.” After smelling it, Boss Zhao was very happy.

Uncle Shi also looked happy, "I'm telling you, you get half of this vat of wine from me." Uncle Shi is a knowledgeable person, and he was referring to the vat of wine made by Mei Xue.

 “This can’t be done.” Who is Boss Zhao? How well he knows his Uncle Shi.

“I’ll leave some for you to taste and it’ll taste good. If you take half of it, what will happen to Zeyang’s store?” Who doesn’t like good things?

“Heh, I only want half of this vat. Isn’t there another vat here? If you don’t like it, just let that girl Xiaoxue brew two more vats.”

 Whatever Uncle Shi is willing to do, half of it is his limit.

 The reason he was able to give up so much was because he was the son of his old comrade-in-arms.

Upon hearing this, Boss Zhao was happy and said, "Yes, why didn't I think of that?"

Meixue came out at this time, and was about to ask them if they wanted to have dinner in the courtyard when she heard what Uncle Shi said.

“Uncle Zhao, Uncle Shi, these plums are gone, what can I use to make wine?” I don’t know if Anliang and the others picked any plums today.

Logically speaking, the plums on the mountain should have disappeared long ago. She asked them to go up the mountain to look for them, just holding out hope.

“Xiaoxue is here, you have worked really hard today.” Boss Zhao looked at Mei Xue with a smile, “Why are there no more plums? There will still be plums in September.”

Mei Xue really didn’t know about this, but she didn’t dare to respond, “Let’s see and then talk.”

"By the way, the food is ready, why don't you guys eat some first." The visitor is a guest, well, just eat vegetables.

“Okay, little girl Xiaoxue, what delicious food have you made?” Uncle Shi reluctantly walked out from the wine vat. "Are there any appetizers?"

Meixue glared at Uncle Shi and shook her head, "No, my family is poor, so we have some home-grown vegetables. If you don't like it, then you can pack some wine and go to town to eat." Don't even think about eating her meat.

Hearing this, Uncle Shi was not happy, "Fried green vegetables are good and can be eaten with wine. Xiaoxue, let's eat outside. It's windy and cool."

“Oh, well, sit down and I’ll get you some cups to drink water from, for those of you who haven’t drank yet.”

 It was rare for Mei Xue to say a few more words, all because of money.

 “Xiaoxue is still sensible.” Uncle Shi said with a sensible expression on his face.

I don’t know how old this sweet-scented osmanthus tree is. It has grown very luxuriantly. After the light snow came, I gave it plenty of water to drink. Now it has grown even more luxuriantly, and two tables can be placed under the tree.

There are also flowers hanging on the trees, so eating under the trees has a unique flavor.

Entering the kitchen, Mei Xue took out a few plastic cups, which she bought after she came here, because she was afraid that others would use her cups to drink water, which would make her disgusted.

"The water in the well is drinkable, so just press it yourself." After saying that, he turned around and entered the kitchen.

 After a while, the aroma of the food spread to everyone's nostrils. Everyone came here early in the morning and were hungry for a long time. Now that they smell the aroma of the food, even if it is vegetables, everyone is very greedy.

 The rice was cooked in the pot first, not much, but enough for them to eat. While cooking, Grandma He had some calculations in mind.

 I just didn’t expect so many people to come.

 Including Boss Zhao and Uncle Shi, there are seven people. They really want to make their family poor.

There are eggplants, beans, and a big bowl of fried chili on the table, which goes very well with rice.

 I scrambled some leek and eggs and made a loofah soup.

Apart from the fact that there is no meat, it is not ambiguous at all. The dish is very oily, which makes people appetite at the first sight.

 “Uncle Shi, do you want something to drink?” Mei Xue is not a stingy person.

 She had taken some out for grandma to keep, but now it was just right for them to drink.

 “Yes, of course.”

 After letting them sit down, Mei Xue took out the plum wine and gave it directly to Uncle Shi.

 Then she went into the kitchen.

 What are you doing in the kitchen?

 Of course it’s meat.

 The good things should be kept for the family to eat. It would not be enough to entertain them. Mei Xue would not be able to part with them if they had more, so she might as well hide them and eat them herself.

  Don’t forget to vote



 (End of this chapter)

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