Chapter 195 Very Happy

Li Qiao went home alone, hurried to the door of the house, and met Qin Jinying who was looking for her, he said: "I knew your afternoon was evening, I will wait until it gets dark to cook."

Li Qiao: "You and grandma will eat first."

The old lady Qin saw Li Qiao and Qin Jin through the kitchen window, and took out the warm food from the pot: "Qiao Qiao, come here, there are chicken legs."

"Okay!" Li Qiao washed his hands and sat down to eat.

There is a circle of pot stickers around the side of the plate of the enlarged chicken. The bottom of the pot stickers is stained with chicken soup. It is browned and blackened. Amazing speed."

"When harvesting wheat, I made a special trip to learn from a chef from a big restaurant for two days." Qin Jin said.

Li Qiao couldn't believe it: "The chef of the big restaurant is willing to teach you." Cooking is a unique skill, and you work in a big restaurant. Are you not afraid of teaching apprentices and starving the master to death?

Qin Jin: "I swear to learn to cook only for my family. Not only did I give gifts, but I also paid 20 yuan for tuition, and I learned a total of 11 dishes." He stretched out his fingers: "Chopped pepper fish head, braised lion head, oily Caixin, sweet and sour carp."

Li Qiao: "." Twenty yuan? He is really willing to spend money.

But it's delicious.

The whole family is full of greasy food.

Li Qiao put down his chopsticks, licked his lips with his tongue and said, "I still want to eat tomorrow."

The old lady Qin smiled: "I want to eat it and make it tomorrow."

Qin Jin looked at her ruddy tongue, swallowed unconsciously: "Okay, but at least give me something sweet."

The old lady Qin raised her eyebrows: "Give you a sweet treat? Do you want a dog's head? It's your blessing that Qiao Qiao has taken a fancy to your craftsmanship! We can also negotiate terms."

Qin Jin: "."

Li Qiao laughed out loud. She knew Qin Jin's intentions. She hadn't seen him for a while. He was very excited when it got dark yesterday. She refused to approach him on the grounds that he took a ride in a car and took care of grandma in the hospital all night. He muttered for a long time before falling asleep. .

She lowered her hand and stroked his thigh behind Mrs. Qin's back, implying that it was okay tonight.

Qin Jin understood in seconds, his eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth raised, and he held her hand with his backhand. Li Qiao turned his wrist and scratched his palm.

He just felt numb all over his body like an electric shock.

Suddenly, the palm was empty, as if something was missing in my heart.

He waited for Mrs. Qin to also put down her chopsticks, and immediately cleared the dining table, humming a song while washing the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, washed up, and washed the clothes that Li Qiao had changed.


Xue Lingqing came home and found that the house had been ransacked.

But things were not missing, he thought it was his parents who fought and messed up his house.

Reluctantly tidying up, when she was about to leave, she unconsciously walked towards the window, through the cracks in the curtains, Qin Jin was the only one in the yard.

Clothes in your hands?

Shake your body like you're dancing.

Are you happy?

If his student is so good, he assigns math problems for him to do all day long.

Do depression and hair loss.

Xue Lingqing did not show up in math class the next day, and the English teacher took his place. Li Qiao reckoned that the injury on his face was too obvious and he didn't want his classmates to see it.

If it wasn't for her, the teacher wouldn't be hurt.

She bought some fruit during her lunch break, and asked Xue Sufen cheekily: "Where is Professor Xue's dormitory? He helped me revise my thesis a few days ago, and I want to send some food as a thank you."

Xue Sufen turned her head, glanced at Li Qiao, and then at the fruit.

Pomegranate, kumquat, pear.

Quite generous.

She said coldly: "Let's put it down, I'll take it there for you when school is over."

Li Qiao was surprised, why don't you deliver it for her? She sincerely thanks.

"You're welcome." Xue Sufen said.


Cheng Shuqin was puzzled by Xue Sufen's behavior, and waited for Li Qiao to leave and said, "Sufen, when did you and Li Qiao get along so well?"

Xue Sufen was very afraid of Cheng Shuqin at this time.

My uncle came here specially last night to tell her that Cheng Shuqin asked gangsters to stop Li Qiao. He saw it with his own eyes. Fortunately, Li Qiao has the skills to subdue them easily.

There are hooligans near Cheng Shuqin's house. She knew it early on, because she was molested at the beginning, and Cheng Shuqin showed up in time to drive her away. Cheng Shuqin shared.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Shuqin and the gangster were in the same group.

Played her like a monkey these years.

She said: "My grandparents and Li Qiao's mother-in-law and grandma are fellow villagers, and my family wants me to get along well with her."

Cheng Shuqin: "Mother-in-law? Why haven't you mentioned that the two families are fellow villagers before? And Li Qiao, who didn't tell us when he got married, is he thinking of hooking up with another man?"

Ma Hongxiang interrupted: "Could it be that once your relatives get married, they go around telling people that they are married?"

Cheng Shuqin choked, and became angry from embarrassment: "None of your business? Country bumpkin!"


"Me what?"

Ma Hongxiang is timid, facing the confident Cheng Shuqin who grew up in the upper city, her inferiority complex occupies her heart, she is angry but dare not reply, and walks away silently with her book in her arms.

Cheng Shuqin picked up the pear on Xue Sufen's table and put it to her mouth.

Xue Sufen snatched it away: "What are you doing? I didn't hear from Li Qiao. Is this for my uncle?"

Cheng Shuqin's face was hot, her eyes were dark, and she thought to herself, didn't you hate Li Qiao so I followed?

It's good now, you and Li Qiao are getting along, what should I do in the future?

Did he deliberately play tricks on her?

Is there a background in the family?

Let's wait and see!

Xue Lingqing rested for a day, applied medicine and warm compresses again, and the marks on his face finally subsided. At this time, Xue Sufen came to the door with fruit: "Li Qiao said that in order to thank you for revising her thesis, he asked me to send some fruits. What are you doing?" Teach me to write one too."

Xue Lingqing was expressionless: "She wrote it herself. If you want to write it, ask her. When it's finished, let me read it."

Xue Sufen pursed her lips, not willing to teach her directly, why bother to promote Li Qiao? "If Li Qiao wasn't your student, I would think you like her."

Xue Lingqing immediately reprimanded: "Stop talking nonsense here!"

"Let me just say it casually, and see how excited you are."

Xue Lingqing: "."

Xue Sufen didn't dare to stay for a long time, the soles of her feet were slippery.

When she met Qin Jin on the way back to the dormitory, she couldn't avoid it and lowered her head.

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, with a lunch box in her hand, delivering food to Li Qiao?

Qin Jin came to the door of the dormitory building and asked a classmate who entered the dormitory to call Li Qiao.

Not long after, Li Qiao walked out.

"Are you hungry?"

"It's okay." Li Qiao said, she took the lunch box, it was a little hot, opened it, and found that the chicken legs, chicken wings, and chicken feet were all her favorite places to eat. "Have you eaten with grandma?"

"have eaten."

Li Qiao planned to go to the cafeteria to get some rice, but turned around and found Xue Sufen hiding by a tree. The other party delivered fruit for her, and she was willing to take the initiative to say hello: "Xue Sufen, why don't you go back to the dormitory?"

Qin Jin turned his gaze, Xue Sufen simply ran away.

Li Qiao was puzzled: "It's strange."

Qin Jin recognized the other party, squinted his eyes, and pointed out: "80% do something wrong to you and dare not face you."

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