Chapter 439

Li Qiao: "Well, grandma also rested. Has the tomb been repaired?"

"No, the Feng Shui master I found, he said that it is not suitable to break the ground today, and it will take three days. And the previous location has been destroyed. If it is not good, let me show you another one. I have already ordered the coffin and tombstone, and I will wait until the ground can be broken. Then move the old ancestors out." Qin Jin said.

Li Qiao pulled him to look at the genealogy: "Your family counts twenty-six generations from you. The ancestor's name is Qin Yunye, and he married the Shangguan family. Do you think it's unusual? I had a dream when I was pregnant with my son. ’” She told him what the dream was about. "Isn't it amazing?"

Qin Jin looked carefully at the content of the genealogy: "Past life and present life? It's a bit magical." But her daughter-in-law is magical in nature, and her son is a little boy, and he has the same name as his ancestor, which is a coincidence for him.

Li Qiao: "I feel a bit unlucky. This ancestor died before he was twenty years old. His wife died, and he only had one daughter. After getting married, he was alone for decades. How pitiful, why don't you choose a new name."

Speaking of renaming.

The child seemed to have grown ears, sat up in surprise, and began to whimper.

Qin Jin: "Baby son is awake. Did you hear your mother say that you changed your name, and you're upset?"

The child nodded heavily: "Yeah!"

Li Qiao explained: "You have the same name as your ancestor. His fate is bad. Mom will give you a better name." He is the best in this book.

It's just that she can't accept being alone for decades.

The child pointed at Qin Jin.

Li Qiao was taken aback: "Do you mean to change your name to Qin Jin?"


Qin Jin gritted his teeth: "You son of a bitch, you still want to have the same name as me, and take advantage of me."

Li Qiao: "Baby has the same name as your ancestor, so it will take advantage of you even more."

Qin Jin: "It's different in nature. At most, it's a duplicate name, and when we picked it, we didn't know there was such a person in our family."

At this time, the child was held in Qin Jin's arms. He held Qin Jin's face with both hands and stroked it gently.

Qin Jin lowered his head and touched his forehead.

Seeing this, Li Qiao gently held his forehead, and acted like a loving father and filial son in front of her.

All right! If you don't change your name, don't name it.

I only pray that her son will have a smooth relationship when he grows up, and being a mother will not see her child being lonely.

She kept the family tree.

The old lady Qin appeared at the door: "Qiao Qiao, Ah Jin, let's do some shopping and take the children to visit your grandma Qian."

Li Qiao: "OK."

The family of four went out together, bought some gifts and came to Mrs. Qian's house.

Mrs. Qian was old and dim-sighted. After looking at it for a long time, she recognized Mrs. Qin, and said kindly: "I haven't seen you for almost two years. You look better than two years ago. You must have a good life. Why didn't you come back last year? Come as soon as you come." , What are you doing with your stuff? You’re too polite. Where do you live now? A guest house? Hey, I don’t have a place for you to live in my house.”

Mrs. Qin told Mrs. Qian where she lived, and said, "At that time, my daughter-in-law was pregnant, and it was inconvenient to travel far with her to raise a baby."

Only then did Mrs. Qian notice that there was a child in Qin Jin's arms. She reached out to touch it, but the child avoided her hand. She touched it vaguely, then withdrew her hand: "It's really fair, is it a girl?"

"It's a kid."

Mrs. Qian smiled and said, "Hello boy, your Qin family has a queen. By the way, I heard that your house has returned. I don't know why my family didn't give it to us. My children were going to go, but they were thrown back .”

Mrs. Qin: "Really? I thought you were used to living here, so you didn't go back to your home. I'll ask Ah Jin to ask later."

The old lady Qian said gratefully, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Why are you being polite to me?" Mrs. Qin took the initiative to ask about the work of Mrs. Qian's children.

"I don't have a serious job. I heard that there are private factories where you can work. Our children will go there, and they think they are uneducated." The old lady Qian sighed helplessly.

The old lady Qin couldn't bear to watch her younger sisters lead a down-and-out life, so she took the initiative to say, "My family, Ah Jin, is a bit promising now, and he manages two factories, so he has to go to Beijing. I don't know if you are willing?"


Mrs. Qian's son was not very happy: "It's too far away. We've lived here for half our lives, and when we leave our hometown in middle age, how many more years can we work?" He had heard rumors about the Qin family from the neighbors.

Qin Jin's father is kind, otherwise, the old lady Qin and Qin Jin would not have been able to escape.

But Qin Jin's grandfather is notoriously vicious, and Qin Jin is only in his early twenties, manages two factories under his command, and can still get such a big house back, can ordinary people do it? I'm afraid he is even more ruthless than Mr. Qin, so he couldn't be skinned and boned in the past?

Qin Jin: "Uncle is a shoe repairer. He must know where shoe polish is wholesaled. There are many people buying leather shoes now. If you wholesale some shoe polish and sell it door-to-door, you can make a lot of money in a day."

"I'm not going."

"I'm not going either. It's too embarrassing to ask the neighbors to see it someday."

Mrs. Qin: "You have to be thick-skinned to do business. After I left here, I often took my children to collect antiques, and I did it boldly. My granddaughter-in-law and my grandson secretly set up a street stall earlier."

It was also at that time that the business started, and it was really busy at that time. But seeing the fabrics at home decrease a little bit, I feel that all the hard work is worth it.

Unlike now, every day is uncomfortable.

And she is too old to walk around.

The granddaughter-in-law lives a simple life, either staying at school or coaxing the children.

I don't know how to spend my money.

She looked really anxious, as long as she was twenty years younger, she would definitely go out to make money for her grandson every day.

Women don't spend money, what's the point of men earning?

In case a man has another woman in the future, won't the money he saves be cheaper for her?

Old Mrs. Qian: "My children are all thin-skinned. If Ah Jin had a thick skin, they wouldn't be like this. I've lived to this age and know that face is really useless."

Old Mrs. Qin: "That's right, so I have to learn from my grandson to be shameless."

Qin Jin: "."


In the end, Mrs. Qin did not do the ideological work of the old lady's son and grandson. She said: "Why don't you help my house clean, and I will pay you every month."

Mrs. Qian's daughter-in-law's eyes lit up: "Okay, how much will you open?"

The old lady Qian cleared her throat: "Cleaning the house is not a tiring job, how much more do you want?"

Old lady Qin: "Ah Jin, what do you think?"

After thinking about it, Qin Jin said: "My house is empty, so I don't need too many people. How about 20 yuan for each uncle and aunt? If the house leaks, let me know in time. I'll send you money to find someone to fix it."

The couple thought it was a good job.

The Qin family's house is the easiest to clean when it's empty. Two people earn more than forty dollars?

"Okay, how do you pay your salary?"

"Naturally, I will send it to you every month." Qin Jin said.

"Eh, good. Good."

Except for Mrs. Qian, the rest of the Qian family were very happy, and their attitude towards Qin Jin was somewhat more enthusiastic than when they entered the door.

It's time to refill tea, and it's time to pour water.

Mrs. Qian was a little ashamed. Her son used to be very kind, but in the past two years he has become mercenary.

Ask for tickets~

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