“Director Yun, what is this?”

Yun Ruolin, who was in a daze, was called back to her senses. When she turned around and saw it was Zhou Kai, she was visibly relieved.

Zhou Kai took a breath of cold air when he saw the things on the ground. He hurriedly picked up the brocade box and pearl hairpins, moving quickly and carefully.

As if the hairpin and brocade box were fragile glass products, but also precious and important items. They were so precious that when he held them in front of the table with both hands, he quickly took out a tissue and wiped them.

 Wash it carefully and carefully.

 His face was panicked and nervous, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and even his shoulders were shaking as he wiped them quickly.

This was the first time that Yun Ruolin was ignored by Secretary Zhou, and it was also the first time that Secretary Zhou was so flustered.

She explained in her usual tone: "Mr. Xiao's clothes fell off just now. They fell out when I picked them up and hung them back in place. Is this thing important to Mr. Xiao?"

 “More than important!”

 Secretary Zhou turned around and paid attention to the direction of the door while wiping. He turned back dozens of times in less than a minute.

"If Mr. Xiao finds out and the pearl hairpin is knocked off, we will be doomed!"

 When Secretary Zhou wiped the pearl hairpin, he did not dare to hold the hairpin directly with his hands. Instead, he took out a tissue with one hand and held the hairpin through the tissue.

 I wiped it with my other hand, my fingers trembling.

Before Yun Ruolin could ask, the horrified Secretary Zhou reminded: "Director Yun should stay as far away from this hairpin as possible when he sees it in the future, and never touch it!"

Yun Ruolin clenched her fingers: "Why?"

“If Mr. Xiao sees you touching this card, you will no longer be able to stay in the Xiao Group.”

 When Zhou Kai came in, he had obviously seen what Yun Ruolin had done.

 Just based on liking, selectively ignoring, and euphemistically reminding: "Annie resigned last month because she touched this hairpin, and was fired after Mr. Xiao saw it."

Yun Ruolin pinched it into the palm of her hand with her fingertips: "Why doesn't Mr. Xiao put such an important thing away?"

Zhou Kai thought Yun Ruolin was defending Annie, so he shook his head and explained: "Mr. Xiao carries the card with him, and occasionally takes it out to look at it after arriving at the company.

“When I have a meeting, I just put it in the drawer, but Mr. Xiao will close the drawer before every meeting.

"Maybe I was leaving in a hurry that day. There was still a slight gap after the drawer was closed. Mr. Xiao went to the meeting without noticing it. Annie came in with the weekly newspaper and saw the hairpin. She couldn't help but open the drawer and wanted to take it out to take a look, but was opened by Mr. Xiao, who came back from the meeting, saw it and fired him on the spot. "

“Mr. Xiao doesn’t like others touching his things, especially this pearl hairpin.” Zhou Kai reminded emphatically.

I finally wiped the brocade box inside and out, and wiped all the pearl hairpins clean.

Carefully put it back into the brocade box, hold the brocade box in both hands, and quickly return it to Xiao Cheng's coat pocket.

As soon as he took back his hand, Xiao Cheng came back.

Zhou Kai reacted quickly and took off the coat and gave it to Xiao Cheng: "The important work that requires your attendance in the near future has been completed. The remaining work can be done remotely at home. I have sorted out the work content that needs to be sorted out and can send it to you now." You go home and rest before working.”

 Working at home is the most favorite thing for home owners to do.

Maybe Xiao Cheng didn't have this idea when he first came in. After hearing Zhou Kai's words, his expressionless face changed, he put on his coat and put it in his pockets and went home.

Yun Ruolin was completely ignored.

 Looking not very good.

 From shock, to nervousness, and finally to the usual unwillingness to say goodbye.

 Xiao Cheng left without hesitation and showed no nostalgia for the company. He must have gone back to accompany the holographic projection woman!

I really don’t understand what’s so good about a virtual character that can make the dignified CEO of Xiao Group so fascinated that he can’t help but return home.

Maybe it was the sixth sense that was at work. Bai Lu could feel it without guessing. Yun Ruolin had the same idea as her.

 Xiao Cheng was stunned.

Who is that woman?

Yun Ruolin and Bai Lu both want to know, but Xiao Cheng has a super Transformer at home that can trample people into meat pies with one kick and blast people into **** with one shot.

Yun Ruolin can't get in.

Bai Lu can't get in either. The seven-star-accompanied-moon hairpin and the woman with the holographic projection, which one is more important, and whether they are related or not, remain an unsolved mystery. We can only wait for the next opportunity.

Yun Ruolin wanted to ask Secretary Zhou about the matter, but she could only put it aside for the time being.

 When I got home, I started looking through the drawers.

Not long after, Bai Lu finally knew why Yun Ruolin had sneaked into Xiao Cheng's coat pocket, took out the brocade box and opened it, with a shocked expression.

The reason is that Yun Ruolin confirmed that the hairpin was Bai Lu through the photo she was holding tightly in her hand.

 The group photo is a junior high school graduation photo including Bai Lu.

The other two, one is a primary school graduation photo and the other is a high school graduation photo.

Only the one in the junior high school graduation photo is Bai Lu, with the Seven Stars and Moon Pearl hairpin on her head, and the other two photos are missing.

 45.8 billion fines were imposed, 6 detective agencies closed down, and 7 paparazzi reporting companies were closed down, in exchange for these three meaningless photos.

Yun Ruolin was so angry that she threw the drawer away.

 Now it seems that it is worth it.

Bai Lu looked at Yun Ruolin's face that was gradually turning jealous, and she knew what Yun Ruolin wanted to do without even thinking about it.

 Take out your mobile phone.



 Feng’s number was not answered.

Yun Ruolin called several times but no one answered.

 Perhaps Feng has spent five million for fun, or he has devoted himself to his job and done bad things.

I don’t know whether it was the issue of the pearl card or the holographic projection of the woman in Xiao Cheng’s home that made Yun Ruolin feel a sense of crisis and began to take the initiative to attack.

 But the situation does not seem to be optimistic.

 I made an appointment to have dinner, but the boss was busy with work and declined.

 I made an appointment to go to the movies, but the boss was busy with work and declined.

I asked to play golf, but the manager was busy with work and declined.

 Every appointment was coldly and ruthlessly rejected by the house manager because he was busy with work.

 You are so busy with work, you are obviously spending time with your beauty at home!

While Yun Ruolin was making an appointment with Xiao Cheng, she was also always paying attention to whether Xiao Cheng went out during this period.

Facts have proved that the boss is the boss.

 If you can’t go out, you won’t go out.

Yun Ruolin was glad that Xiao Cheng did not go to see Bai Lu, and was also jealous of the holographic projection woman in Xiao Cheng's family.

 The only company I can get is Xiao Cheng.

If it weren't for Megatron and Optimus Prime, Yun Ruolin would have tried every possible means to go in and kill the holographic projection woman when she came to Xiao Cheng's house several times.

 You can see it from the unwillingness and resentment in her eyes every time she returns.

At the same time, Bai Lu would have been killed by Yun Ruolin if she wasn't protected by her family.

The unexpected turn of events happened when Yun Ruolin couldn't wait any longer and asked Zhou Kai to have dinner at a romantic restaurant and get drunk with a glass of red wine to inquire about the news.

Zhou Kai, half drunk and half awake, told Yun Ruolin: "Mr. Xiao had an accident while driving. Part of his memory was damaged and he went to see a psychological hypnotist for treatment."

Yun Ruolin's face changed slightly, worried and anxious: "Isn't Xiao Cheng always at home? Why didn't I know when he went out?"

Zhou Kai shook his head: "I don't know either. Mr. Xiao told me when he asked me to make an appointment with a psychological hypnotist a week ago... But the psychiatrist that Mr. Xiao wanted to make an appointment with was too difficult to make an appointment with. I made an appointment for a whole week and couldn't get one. No. In the end, it was Mr. Xiao who took action in person to make the appointment successful. "

Yun Ruolin's expression changed and she asked urgently: "Which psychiatrist has Xiao Cheng made an appointment with?"

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