94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 103: Festival

Going back to her pompous table, turning her back to Gwen, pouring a cup of tea, and asking in a sweet guttural voice, "Have a cup of tea, Miss Ollivander. You want to add a few spoonfuls of sugar."

"I don't think I need tea, Professor. If nothing else..."

"I insist, you need to." Umbridge's voice began to sound both scary and sweet, and she held a delicate teacup heavily in front of her. "Drink."

Gwen frowned and stared at the cup of black tea with an unknown amount of sugar, and did not move.

Umbridge returned to his seat and waited. After a long silence, she said briskly, "You haven't had a drink yet!"

Gwen could only hold the teacup to his lips, only sticking his lips, not even taking a sip. She licked the remaining tea on her lips—sweet enough to make the tip of her tongue bitter.

Umbridge laughed even more. "Very good," she whispered, "very good. So..." She leaned forward a little, "Did you take Dumbledore's orders to tell you to spread these rumours?"

"No." Before Gwen's mind could react, she found herself speaking.

"Drink up, drink up," she said, still smiling, "You and the Weasleys are very close, they are Potter's friends. Now, let's not play Children's play. I know what you're planning. Tell me, Ollivander, what are you doing for Harry Potter?"

"I gave him a Christmas present." No more, Gwen! Her heart was screaming. "I joined the Quidditch team as a substitute." Gwen's breathing began to quicken, as if she was about to roll her eyes and faint on the carpet in the next second.

Umbridge snorted, dissatisfied with her answer. "Then, please tell me if it was a ruse by Fred Weasley and George Weasley that the students got sick in class."

Gwen's temples suddenly began to tingle with electricity, which brought her clarity back and realized that no matter what Umbridge's tricks, the cup of tea that was too sweet could no longer be drink.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Professor." After she said that, she seemed to stumble and fell off the stool, and a whole cup of tea was buckled on her robe.

Umbridge lost all patience, she no longer pretended to be false, and directly asked Gwen to copy ten times on the parchment: "I am full of lies." Because Gwen spread suspicious, Documents that threaten the security of the Ministry of Magic.

Copied for the eighth time, Gwen already had a pale wound on the back of his hand, faintly bleeding.

"I don't understand, Professor. I didn't tell a lie." Gwen bit his lip.

"I'm afraid you'll have to copy five more times." Umbridge marked the students' work with her pink gold-trimmed quill.

"I'm a little strange, Professor, is this black magic?" On the twelfth time, Gwen couldn't help the anger and humiliation in his heart, and threatened, "If parents know that I'm at school received such humiliation."

"You should be thankful, Ollivander." Umbridge's delicate voice came, and she was not afraid at all, "If you let me catch and carry "The Quibbler", follow the second Education Order No. 17, I can expel you immediately."

"But you have no proof, and I'm being wounded by magic. If this scar doesn't go away..." Gwen's voice rose. She felt that the Gryffindor qualities in herself were catalyzing her, they were brave and they were rebellious. When unjust oppression was imposed on them, Gryffindor would only fight back stronger.

"Then you should take it as a lesson for a lifetime—because you're a liar—"

Boom! The floor in the office shook. Umbridge tilted to the side, clutching the table to support herself with a shocked expression on her face.

"How-?" She stared at the door. Gwen heard people screaming outside the office.

"You go back, Ollivander!" Umbridge shouted, raising his stubby wand and rushing out of the office. "Ah!" Then she let out a scream and a drowning grunt.

It's easy to see. There was chaos outside the door. Someone (Gwen immediately thought who it was) turned an entire corridor into a swamp. Poor Umbridge fell into the mud as soon as she opened the door, and Filch threw a painting on the wall all the way over, and she managed to climb up, covered in stinky mud. The portrait in the painting was cursing loudly. He had lived at Hogwarts for hundreds of years and had never been treated so rudely. Umbridge and Filch tried every means to clear the swamp, but to no avail.

Gwen had seen enough, she smiled and bent deeply, threw Umbridge's beloved footstool unceremoniously on the edge of the swamp, then stepped on it lightly, and stepped over . She watched as the pink, fluffy footstool sank into the swamp and ran cheerfully along the edge of the corridor to a door not far away that she knew was hidden behind a tapestry. Sneak in and find George and Fred hiding behind the door, both of them shaking as they listen to Umbridge and Filch yelling, holding back their laughter.

"Amazing," Gwen said softly, grinning. "Amazing. Toads should stay in the quagmire."

George turned over Gwen's left hand, and the skin was ripped open and blood was flowing. His body was shaking more and more, but now it was shaking with anger.

"How dare she do this to you?" George growled, pulling Gwen out.

"Don't confront her, George." Gwen stood still, "she's just waiting for you to come, especially after receiving a gift from Swamp."

George stopped and looked back at Gwen. "I'm going to take you back to get Mortra rat juice, which is the most urgent thing at the moment."

Gwen showed a moved expression, if it wasn't for Fred, she would really want to take a few bites from her boyfriend, he cared so much about himself, like a heroic knight, from the hands of an old witch saved myself.

At this point the other knight exclaimed with a fuss: "Hey! Did you fall into the water? Your robes are soaking wet, Gwen!"

Gwen then remembered something more important, "Sorry, George, there is something more important at hand. Can you get me a crystal bottle?"

The twins were always carrying strange things, and in a blink of an eye George turned out a small empty bottle.

Gwen picked up the corner of his robe, aimed it at the mouth of the bottle, twisted his hands, and the dripping black tea poured into the bottle. Then she took off her robe in disgust, put it on her hand, made sure George was plugged, and slumped into George's arms with a pretentious tilt.

"I'm injured, you have to help me back."

Fred endured and endured, watching 93 Diagon Alley swallow a string of sarcastic words. Tolerating the discomfort, listening to Gwen twitter praising the brothers' swamp.

"Genius, portable swamp—what a creative idea." Gwen closed his eyes, "I'll never forget the way Umbridge climbed up, let me reminisce. "

"After you were punished inhumanly by her?" George was a little angry, "Even after what potion she might have used for you according to your description?"

"For the best," Fred passed the two of them with his pockets in, "now Umbridge can't just invite students to her office for tea at will—"

"—unless she learns how to swim in the swamp first." Gwen snickered, taking Fred's words before George.

The prelude to the whistleblower and the show

Gwen may have some guesses about the ingredients added to the Umbridge black tea last time, but she can't make a conclusion for the time being. On the one hand, according to her inference, it is difficult to prove the existence of Veritaserum at her current level. After all, this potion is colorless and tasteless. Also, she had a hard time believing that a professor—and the Deputy Minister of Magic—would use this torture potion on underage students.

If there was a personality who could ask for help, it would be Professor Snape who was teaching her advanced potions. But Gwen felt his conscience for a long time and thought that the possibility of getting help from him was as big as the eye of a needle, so he reluctantly hid the crystal bottle in the depths of the cabinet, and did not forget to add a freezing spell, lest the evidence be destroyed.

It's just that everyone thought Gwen was very upright that night. When Ginny was discussing Harry's emotional story with her late at night, Gwen was uncharacteristically, instead of comforting Ginny, he said directly: "I think he's a fool and doesn't understand love at all. I suggest you consider developing with him next year, Ginny. Now his heart is as dry as elf overbaked bread."

Ginny stared at Gwen in surprise: "You said the day before yesterday that he treats me differently from others."

"Tell me the truth, Ginny. You're his best friend's sister, and he probably never thought of dating you." Gwen shook his head, trying to imply that she Now I can't control my urge to vomit. "Instead, I think Michael Corner is on you..."

Katie rushed to Gwen's bed and covered her mouth.

"She has a fever and is talking nonsense," Katie assured Ginny.

The red-haired witch looked at Gwen suspiciously. The latter is tacitly allowing Katie to bury herself in the quilt to prevent her from telling more unpleasant truths.

"Okay," Ginny didn't feel too sad, as if she thought it better than anyone else. "I was going to tell you that Hagrid brought Crookshanks and the dog back..."

The cats were gone weeks before Christmas.

"...and brought back four kittens," Ginny said, "but they're all at Hermione now."


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