94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 255: Festival

"Are you going to save the old bat?" Ron asked an incredible question in the tunnel. "He's a total bad guy. He kills..."

"He didn't kill Dumbledore." Gwen retorted subconsciously, pouring the white essence in his pocket into the deep hole with his only useful hand. He didn't even notice that the magic that bound his tongue had failed.

All three were a little shocked, but since Dumbledore may indeed be alive, what else is impossible? They crawled out of the tunnel, no one said a word, Harry wondered if Ron and Hermione were like him, still echoing Voldemort's voice in his head.

You let your friends die for you instead of standing up to me. I'll be waiting in the Forbidden Forest for an hour...an hour...

There are small parcels scattered on the grass in front of the castle. It was only about an hour before dawn, and it was still pitch black. The three of them hurried to the stone steps. A long log the size of a boat lay across in front of them, and Grapp and the giant who had attacked him were gone.

The castle was eerily silent, no flickering of lights, no clattering, screaming, and shouting. In the empty hallway, the stone slabs were stained with blood, and emeralds were still scattered on the floor, along with shattered marble and splintered wood; part of the parapet was blown away.

"Where are all the people?" Hermione said softly.

"The Great Hall, Aberforth said just now that the wounded are there." Ron took the lead and walked towards the Great Hall. Harry stopped at the door.

The college tables are gone, and the auditorium is full. Survivors stood in groups of three and five, hugging each other. The wounded were concentrated on the high platform, and Madam Pomfrey and a group of assistants were treating them. Firenze was also injured. One side of his body was bleeding profusely. He could no longer stand, and lay there shivering.

Severely injured patients lie in a row in the center of the auditorium. Harry couldn't see Fred because his family surrounded him. George knelt beside Fred's head, Mrs. Weasley lay on Fred's chest, and Mr. Weasley stroked her hair.

"Freddy, what do you think?" George asked softly, lest his twin brother shatter like glass.

Fred grunted twice.

"I should have stayed by your side." George continued, "I should have covered you—"

"...the same." Fred continued to hum.

"What did you say? Dude."

“…I said, George, we’re all the same now…Mom,” Fred said weakly.

George Weasley laughed twice, then he put his head on Fred's head, and he burst into tears.

"This is broken..." Fred smiled and said to his tearful mother, "Mom, you're going to... can't tell us apart."

Ron and Hermione walked away without saying a word to Harry. Harry saw Hermione approach Ginny and hug her, her face swollen and grime. Ron walked over to Bill, Fleur and Percy, who put his arm around Ron's shoulders. Just as Ginny and Hermione approached the rest of the house, Harry saw the two makeshift beds lying beside Fred: Remus and Tonks, both pale and motionless, with their hands still. hold tightly together.

Harry staggered back and left the door. The auditorium seemed to be flying away, shrinking and shrinking. He couldn't breathe. He didn't have the courage to look at other people, to find out who else was hurt for him, or even died for him. He didn't dare to see the Weasleys, he didn't dare to look them in the eyes, if he had surrendered in the first place, maybe everyone would be fine...

He turned and ran up the marble stairs. Lupin, Tonks...how he wished he didn't feel...how he wished he could rip out his heart, his insides, all screaming inside him...

The castle was deserted, and even ghosts seemed to join the mourning crowd in the auditorium. Harry kept running forward, holding the crystal bottle full of Snape's last thoughts tightly in his hand, until he slowed down until he reached the stone beast outside the headmaster's office.


"Dumbledore!" Harry shouted without hesitation, because the person he wanted to see the most was Dumbledore. To his surprise, the stone beast slipped to one side, revealing the spiral staircase behind it.

Harry rushed into the circular office to find that it had changed. The portraits on the walls are empty. None of those headmistresses remained here. They all seemed to have fled, rushing to the front following the pictures lined up on the castle walls to see what was going on.

The stone pensieve is also kept in the cabinet as usual. Harry moved the large stone basin with the runes on it to the table and poured Snape's memory into it. It was a relief to escape into someone else's mind...even what Snape left him couldn't have been worse than his own. The memory was spinning, silver-white, and strange in shape. Harry no longer hesitated, and with a mentality of disregarding and giving up completely, he plunged into it, as if this would ease the pain in his heart.

Gwen's mind is now a mess.

Because one hand is too inconvenient, she had to cast a spell on herself just now to try to repair the broken bone. But her level of healing spells was on par with Lockhart's, and her arm was crooked. But this is also a little stronger than a hand.

Gwen mechanically poured bottle after bottle of Bai Xian, reddish new skin and tender flesh grew on the wound, and white smoke was sprouting. She pried Snape's clenched teeth with her wand again and poured in a small vial of the "expensive" Shell Hut tonic. His body was freezing cold, and his heartbeat was so weak that he could almost ignore it.

The Elder Wand... No wonder Dumbledore had to design Snape to kill him. Perhaps he had long thought of Voldemort's pursuit of power, and the terrifying Dark Lord would definitely try his best to get the most legendary Powerful wand. No wonder Dumbledore sent her, because he also anticipated the legend that Voldemort was afraid of the Elder Wand - he didn't even think he could kill its real owner, Snape, with the Elder Wand. But he was wrong because Snape didn't kill Dumbledore at all.

The Elder Wand will never belong to Voldemort.

He is doomed to lose the battle.

It wasn't until this moment that Gwen had a premonition of victory for the first time in his heart.

Damn, this snake is poisonous. She recovered from the terrifying blackness that spread over Snape's throat wound, stretched out two fingers, and snapped to summon her helper.

He fell headfirst into the sun, his feet on the warm ground. He straightened up and found himself in an almost deserted playground. A large chimney stood in the sky in the distance.

He knows where he is now, a place he loves and hates. In fact, there is nothing he really likes, even Hogwarts, he has a deep disgust.

Snape looked down at himself, his hands were clean and bloodless. He was also wearing a black cloak that had lasted for ten years.

That's barely acceptable, he thought. At least he wasn't wearing a maternity-like shirt and jeans that were too short.

A girl is on a swing.

Snape stopped, his heart was full of anticipation, but he was a little timid in his actions.

The girl swung higher and higher on the swing, and when the swing reached the top, she released her hand and flew into the air. She didn't fall **** the asphalt of the playground, but gliding through the air like an acrobat, staying for a long time, and finally landing very lightly on the ground.

I must be dead. Snape said to himself, so I'm back here.

Lily walked towards the bushes where Snape was hiding and picked up a dead flower. She didn't seem to see Snape at first, which made him feel comfortable and give up the thought of lifting his foot away.

But then Lily spread her hand out in front of him, the petals opening and closing in her palm like some kind of weird, multi-layered oyster.

"Hello, Severus."

Snape's throat got stuck, and he didn't know how to react. After a while, he lifted his lips and said in a barely audible voice, "Hello, Lily."

"To be honest, I didn't expect to meet you so soon." She put the flowers in her hands back in the bushes and looked up at the old friend in front of her. "You don't look well, Severus."

Yeah, he just got his throat bitten by a venomous python. Snape thought.

"You're still not very good at chatting." Lily giggled, "It was like this when you were in school."

Snape felt that he had not had this kind of emotion for many years. In front of this girl who was younger than all his students, Snape was at a loss, as if he had changed back to the shy and unpleasant one Favorite weird boy.

Lily turned around, bounced back to the swing position, and waved at him.

Snape felt that he must have been fascinated by ghosts, or that he was so sure he was dead that he took the first step without hesitation. Sitting on the empty swing next to Lily, he thought he was very funny. But none of that can match his joy in seeing his best friend again.

"Is Harry okay?" Lily asked innocently. "I saw him once three years ago."

Snape pursed his lips.

"You seem to have swallowed a slug, Severus." Lily sighed, "Is it so difficult for you to praise him?"

"He has your eyes." Snape opened his mouth with difficulty, "The rest is the same as Potter."

Lily giggled again, "He

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