94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 257: Festival

A stupid headmaster is as great. "

"Harry was a great wizard," said Dumbledore. "Before that, he was first and foremost a great and merciful man."

"I don't recommend you wandering around the castle, Professor." Gwen was apparated back to Hogwarts by Dobby, "Rough calculation, at least half of the people in it now think For your life. The remaining half might want your Half-Life."

Snape didn't want to listen to her nonsense, and only wanted to prevent Potter from reading the memory he had generously gifted.

"...like I wanted an ear, and you cut off one of my boyfriend's ear!" Gwen said, getting a little annoyed, "Dobby, I beg you to put Sri Lanka first Professor Napp is hiding in a safe place—you said someone was in the kitchen? Who would—"

"Kreacher tied Sirius Black to the kitchen chair," said Dobby sharply.

"It's amazing that there is such a good thing." Gwen said, "Dobby, tie Professor Snape to the chair next to Sirius, and put him back in half an hour. Come out - I don't have time to explain his plans with Dumbledore right now. Just one last confirmation, Professor, if Voldemort were to fight us to the death, would you be on our side?"

Snape looked at her indifferently, "You've been asking too many questions, Ollivander."

"Well, the venom didn't eat into his brain. I don't expect you to thank me for saving me, but why are you acting like you're going to swallow me alive?" Gwen looked at her With the expression on the potions professor's face, he turned his eyes away and confessed to Dobby: "Don't be too rough, Dobby, he's still injured. Yes, Voldemort will untie him as soon as he enters Hogwarts, Snape The professor will fight for the school."

Being too late to say goodbye to them, Gwen hurried into the Great Hall.

A large hole in the once candle-filled, dimly lit silver ceiling; the dining table with its gleaming gold plates and goblets has become a temporary hospital bed for the wounded ; the great hall of marvelous beauty and grandeur is now desolate and dilapidated.

Katie was too busy to touch the floor, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Gwen at the door.

"The ashes and blood on your face are all together," Katie said. "Let me see where you're hurt."

"The arm is broken," Gwen sucked in a breath of air from her pinching, "I may be wrong."

"It's not a good connection, it doesn't matter, we can ask Madam Pomfrey to help you see." Katie said.

"Let others treat it first, I'm not in a hurry..." Gwen flicked, and Wood was carrying a Hufflepuff student who was obviously seriously injured. "Who's that lying over there?" Gwen's voice suddenly panicked, and he saw the Weasleys surrounded by a makeshift hospital bed.

"...We saw Ernie and we'll show you the arm—Gwen? Gwen?" Katie's voice came from the back of her head, but Gwen couldn't hear it at all, she His heart was beating faster and faster, and his vision was a little blurry.

The closer she gets to the crowd, the less she dares to look into the center.

Then she saw Fred lying with his eyes closed and George kneeling beside him.

It was one of the two worst endings she could think of. Losing George, and losing Fred's George, was the same pain for her.

There is nothing Gwen can do, she slumps down beside her fiancé, holding his hand and weeping.

"You cry so ugly, Gwen." A weak and familiar voice came from the hospital bed, "I will cross you off my funeral invitation list in the future, you will affect the mood of the other guests."

"Oh!" Gwen cried, crying and laughing, wanting to punch him, but afraid of hitting his wound, so she could only slap the floor in anger. "I almost thought...Fred, don't say that word!"

"You hear me, don't make such a joke," said Mrs. Weasley angrily. "Because you're always so rude—don't play with death—"

"—Have a reverence for death." George continued, and whispered to Gwen, "The third time in half an hour."

"Your mother was right." Gwen wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. "I nearly passed out, George."

"He broke three ribs, crashed his head, bled a lot, and almost couldn't be saved." Katie finally caught up with Gwen, "but Madam Pomfrey Best of all, she blew up Snape's former private storage room and found a ton of boiled potions in it - thanks to her, Fred was all right - of course, we still didn't find his ears."

Gwen quickly got up and looked inside the hospital bed, which, like her fiancé, turned into an empty hole.

"Merlin," Gwen exclaimed, "you two are destined to look alike."

"Not really," Fred grunted, "my ass..."

"Mrs. Pomfrey said you can't talk too much or move, or your rib will burst your lungs." George held down his twin brother, "Be honest, Fred, Don't make me cry for you any more."

Gwen then noticed her best Defence Against the Dark Arts professor lying next to Fred.

"Is Professor Lupin okay?" she asked worriedly.

"Not great, he's worse than Fred." Ginny's voice sounded muffled. "Two curses from Dolokhov and Rookwood hit him on the back. According to Professor McGonagall's last experience, he may be in a coma for several weeks."

"Tonks was also shot to save him. Fortunately, Mad-Eye was behind the playground with a small group of men, and Hagrid dragged them back," George said.

"I was scolded by Mad-Eye." Tonks came back from the vicinity with gray hair, and she was clutching her right flank. "Because my wand was held so high, the curse hit my side waist - I did forget the hole in the vest."

"Have you seen Lavender Brown, Tonks?" Ginny asked.

"Look, Fenrir Greyback bit her neck, but it's okay, he didn't transform today." Tonks said, "but her neck will stay Ugly scars."

Mrs. Pomfrey, Head Nurse of the Medical Wing, has always hated seeing children hurt herself, and today may be the saddest day of her life.

"Every drop of blood of the little wizard is precious." She muttered, "Good boy, lie down, I can't put you to sleep, it's too dangerous. But I can make you Don't feel better, yes, drink it up, this is the west... this is the best potion."

After a while, Madam Pomfrey came over with a silver tray and insisted on giving Gwen a simple treatment.

The spell is so lame. It hurts a little, darling."

"Wow!" With a click, Gwen groaned, "It doesn't hurt a little, Madam Pomfrey."

"At least it wasn't a curse," she muttered. "Look how many students we've got knocked down, including underage..."

"It's better than expected," Mr. Weasley smiled wryly, "I mean, we're barely prepared for battle after all. But that magical magic protected those on our side. , the Death Eater spell doesn't seem to be as effective anymore."

"I think I saw Dumbledore," Percy said, and Gwen noticed that he had been standing quietly beside Fred. "But it can't be him, can it?"

"I think it's him," said Gwen, looking at George and then at Fred, showing off her tongue that was no longer bound - Dumbledore said it was time , she was allowed to tell the truth. "He's still alive. He must have used some powerful spell just now."

Tonks let go of Lupin's hand, touched his prematurely graying hair, turned to the Weasleys and said, "We've got to find him. There's half an hour left. Voldemort is about to attack the school again. If Dumbledore comes back, we must listen to his plans - this time against Voldemort himself."

The news left Mrs Weasley breathless with excitement.

"I'll take you there." Cedric came running from the other end of the Great Hall and winked at several members of the Order of the Phoenix. "I know where he is."

"We will meet Charlie at the secret passage." Percy said to George, "He will bring the wizards of Hogsmeade."

"I'm going to the kitchen to find the Hogwarts elves." Gwen grinned and touched his left arm. "Their magic might be able to deal with the Death Eaters."

"What should the giants do?" George had a headache. "There are werewolves in the Death Eater team."

"Why don't you call the horseman?" Luna's ethereal voice came from outside the Weasleys' crowd. She was also injured and was bandaging herself in a trance. "They were always heroic."

"The centaurs never made a clear statement." Tonks said worriedly, "The negotiations with them did not go well."

"Oh." Luna wiped the blood from her head, "Then my friend Thestral can help."

After she finished speaking, she jumped up and down holding the blood-stained gauze, ignoring the obstacles, and ran out of the castle. Seeing this, the others also left, preparing for the final decisive battle.

Harry saw the memory of Dumbledore and Snape returning to the headmaster's office, it was pitch black outside the window, Fox stayed quietly, Snape sat there motionless, Dumbledore Lido walked around him as he talked.

"Until the last minute, until absolutely necessary, never let Harry know

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