94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 262: Festival

Some things reflect the relationship between the two masters. "

"I believe that your wand that night absorbed some of the power and qualities of Voldemort's wand, that is, it contained a little of Voldemort himself. So, when he chased you, you His wand recognized him, recognized this fellow and mortal enemy, and it spewed back upon him some of Voldemort's own magic, much more powerful than the Lucius' wand. Now, you The power of that wand combines your extraordinary courage with the deadly mana of Voldemort himself, compared to Lucius Malfoy's poor little stick?" Sirius moved slightly. Using his smart head, he guessed it.

"If my wand is so powerful, how could Hermione break it?" Harry asked.

"Harry, Harry, its astonishing effect is only against Voldemort, because he has so rashly tampered with the most esoteric rules of magic. Only against him did the wand behave strangely Strong. Other times, it's just like any other wand...but it's a good wand, I believe." Sirius said with some relief.

Harry sat thinking for a long time, or just a few seconds. It's hard to be sure about things like time here.

"He killed me with the Elder Wand."

"He couldn't kill you with the Elder Wand," Sirius corrected Harry, "I assure you, Harry, you're not dead - but of course," he added quickly Dao, put his arms around his godson's shoulder, "I didn't underestimate your pain, I know it must be serious."

"But I feel great now," Harry said, looking down at his immaculate white hands, "where the **** are we?"

"Hey, I was going to ask you," Sirius said, standing up and looking around, "Where did you say we were?"

Until Sirius asked this question, Harry didn't know it, but now, he found that he had the answer.

"It looks," said Harry slowly, "like King's Cross, but much cleaner and more empty, and I can't see the train."

"King's Cross!" Sirius laughed, "Oh my God, really?"

"Then where do you think we are?" Harry said, a little unconvinced.

"I don't know. As people say, you are the client." Sirius looked around curiously and muttered, "I didn't expect it to be Grimmauld Place, but the King Cross Station—please—”

Harry didn't understand what that meant. Sirius became annoying. Harry glared at him, then remembered a much more pressing question than where they were.

"Deathly Hallows." After speaking, he was pleased to see the playful smile on Sirius' face as if he knew everything disappeared.

"Ah, you asked about something I don't understand," he said, even looking a little distressed.

"What's wrong?"

"Dumbledore never revealed the Deathly Hallows to me." Sirius said unhappily, "I don't think he trusted everyone completely, he still kept some secrets. Maybe there is a chance we can ask him for an answer and an apology." After speaking, Sirius showed a look of excitement with a bad idea.

"Finally there's something I can tell you, Sirius." Harry said, "guess what, all of this, the Peverell brothers are the three brothers in the story - Deathly Hallows. The device's story is true."

"To be honest, my mother is not the kind of mother who will tell me bedtime stories." Sirius was a little embarrassed, and he scratched his long beautifully shaped hair. "But I know the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak."

"I think my father's invisibility cloak is from the last descendant of Ignotus, born in the village of Godric's Hollow."

Sirius seemed to be recalling something, "Yeah, that's a great invisibility cloak, nothing like any other invisibility cloak."

"Grindelwald got the Elder Wand, but Dumbledore finally defeated him, so he had the wand."

Sirius nodded, "It seems that Dumbledore has already made arrangements for the ownership of the Elder Wand."

"The Resurrection Stone was made into a Horcrux." Harry continued, "Dumbledore left it to me as a legacy."

"Accurately, he gave it to you as a gift." Sirius pointed out the loophole, "Otherwise the person sitting here now answering your doubts is Dumbledore - God, he Must be better than me."

They sat in silence for a long time, the whimper of the life behind him barely distracting Harry.

"Why does he make things so complicated?"

Sirius' smile was trembling, as if he wanted to ask this question himself.

"I'd like to speculate on Dumbledore with the highest respect and some humble malice. I'm afraid he's trying to use Hermione to keep you at bay, Harry. Dumbledore may be worried that you're hot Your good mind will rule your good heart. Who can escape the temptation of the Deathly Hallows? Dumbledore wants you to have them safely, not controlled. Then you are the true conqueror of death , because the true conqueror never tries to escape death. He accepts mortal fate and knows that there are far worse things in the world of the living. I must say it again, Harry, you have such a noble soul."

"Did Voldemort never know the Hallows?"

"I think so, otherwise how could he just turn the Resurrection Stone into a Horcrux—stupid noseless guy. But even if he knew them, Harry, except for the first one, he I'm afraid he's not interested in anything else. He'll think he doesn't need the Invisibility Cloak, and as for the Resurrection Stone, which dead person does he want to bring back? He's afraid of the dead. He doesn't know how to love." Sirius showed that look of disgust again , like mentioning a dirty rag.

"Do you guess Dumbledore expected him to look for that wand?"

"I don't need to guess, Harry, because I know for sure. Dumbledore has had this hunch since your wand defeated Voldemort in Little Hangleton's graveyard. He knows his former students well, doesn't he? Like he knows you and me. I can tell you more because I see a lot while wandering around here." Sirius pointed to himself The head said, "Like Dumbledore arranging for Snotling - well, it's Snape - to kill him, on the one hand to guarantee that guy's absolute trust among the Death Eaters. And to save the nasty Malfoy, they It still works a little bit." He snorted, "On the other hand, Dumbledore intended to give Snape the Elder Wand."

Harry said, "It didn't materialize at this point."

"He's not omnipotent, is he?" said Sirius gloatingly. "There's always some element of surprise."

The life behind them was twitching and moaning, and Harry and Sirius sat silent for a long time, longer than the previous silences. Finally, like snowflakes drifting gently, Harry slowly realized what was going to happen next.

"I have to go back, don't I?"

"It's up to you."

"I can choose?"

"Yes," Sirius smiled at him, "you said we were at King's Cross, didn't you? I thought, if you decided not to go back, you could...say... The last train."

"Where will it take me?"

"Onward," he said simply.

Silence again.

"Voldemort got the Elder Wand."

"Yes. Voldemort with the Elder Wand."

"But you want me back?"

"I think," said Sirius, "if you choose to go back, there's a chance he'll be gone forever. I can't promise. But I know, Harry, you're not as afraid of coming back here as he is. ."

Harry took another look at the trembling, sobbing red thing in the shadow under the far chair.

"I'll always be there for you," said Sirius. "Did you see James and Lily? I'm like them, Harry. If you want to move on, I'll Carrying your shoulders and walking with you. If you're going to face Voldemort, of course I'll hitch a ride with you—I promise I won't hurt you a little."

Harry nodded and sighed. Leaving this place won't be as hard as stepping into the Forbidden Forest, but it's warm, peaceful, bright, and he knows he's going back to face the pain, the fear of losing more loved ones. But Sirius' promise gave him a boost of confidence. He stood up, and so did Sirius, and they stared at each other for a long time.

"If I go back, will you be the same?" Harry asked.

"I'm not sure," Sirius looked at his blue robe, "I kinda like it. But things can't get any worse, Harry. I'm pretty cute when I'm wrong."

Harry shrugged, "Kreacher likes that you. But I still want to live with my godfather, if we can make it through this time."

Sirius laughed, patted Harry on the shoulder and wiped the corner of his eyes.

"Tell me one last point," Harry said. "Is it real? Or is it in my head?"

Sirius' voice reached Harry's ears so loudly and powerfully.

"Of course it's what's in your head, Harry, but why does that mean it's not true? See you later."

He was lying face down on the ground again, the smell of the forbidden forest wafting in his nostrils. He felt the cold under his cheeks

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