94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 265: Festival

The battle is in full swing.

At this moment, more and more people crowded up the front door steps, and Harry saw Charlie Weasley catching up with Horace Slughorn, still in bright green pajamas . Behind them seemed to follow all the heavy Hogwarts relatives and friends who had stayed to fight, as well as the shopkeepers and homeowners of Hogsmeade Village. The centaurs Bane, Ronan and Margaery burst into the Great Hall with a loud clatter of hoofs, while Harry saw Gwen blow the hinges on the kitchen door.

Hogwarts house-elves swarmed into the foyer, screaming and brandishing knives and cleavers, with Regulus at the front Kreacher of Black's Locket, whose bullfrog voice was audible even in the din: "Fight! Fight! Fight for my lord, defender of house-elves! With valiant In the name of Regulus, resist the Dark Lord! Fight!"

Dobby was on the other side of it, knocking up a masked Death Eater with elf magic, shouting, "For house elf friend Harry Potter! Defeat Voldemort!"

They slashed and stabbed at the ankles and calves of the Death Eaters, their faces burning with hatred. Wherever Harry looked, all he saw were Death Eaters crushed to their backs by a swarm of elves, held to be obedient by spells, those with stabbed legs pulling arrows out of their wounds, and He was desperately trying to escape, but was overwhelmed by the swarming elves.

But the battle is not over. Harry ran past the fighters, past those struggling under the spell, into the Great Hall.

Voldemort was at the center of the battle, and he attacked those around him with a bow from left to right. Harry couldn't aim, and could only move forward a little under the cover of the invisibility cloak. There were more and more people in the auditorium, and as long as they could move, they were desperately trying to squeeze in.

Harry saw Yaxley being knocked to the ground by George and Gwen, and saw the fierce and unusual Dolohov actually collapsed in Flitwick's hands with a scream, and saw Walton McNeil was thrown across the auditorium by Hagrid, slammed into the stone wall, and slid unconsciously to the ground. He also saw Ron and Neville defeat Fenrir Greyback, Aberforth knocked out Rookwood, and Arthur and Percy knocked Sinkness down. Mad-Eye held down Old Goyle and Old Crabbe all by himself. Cedric disarmed Nott and threw him on Rolle. And Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were running around in the crowd, not fighting at all, just calling out loud for their son.

In the middle of the crowd hides Peter, who is greedy for life and fear of death, this time he is not so lucky. Perhaps he had planned to join the Death Eaters to share the fruits of the Dark Lord's victory, but seeing Dumbledore alive, such a fluke was gone. Sirius, who came out of the kitchen, found him at a glance, and stopped him in time to escape again using the Animagus method.

"I've been wanting to do this for seventeen years—" He gritted his teeth and grabbed the Wormtail tightly controlled by the Binding Charm, wanting to pull out his informative tongue. "You dirty traitor."

"Forgive me, Sirius, we are friends." The wretched wizard begged for mercy humbly.

"Friend? You betrayed your friend's life to live in the sewers? Your stinky skin and rotting soul have lived for more than ten years! I should have cut your neck with my own hands !" Sirius roared with hatred written in his eyes. But he thought about how Harry had prevented himself from killing Wormtail a few years earlier in the Screaming Shack.

"…Please, Sirius, yes, you can't kill me, James won't—" Peter said, then jerked his hand away, raising his wand at Sirius' face. "Awada—"

"Stunned—" Sirius hurriedly cast a stun spell.

"Shenfeng Wuying—" Another direction of the battlefield, a faster attack hit Wormtail directly.

Peter Pettim fell to the ground with wide eyes, his throat and chest were covered with deep wounds, and blood was gurgling on the ground. Snape gave him a cold glance in the distance, and he lifted his robes and flew near the Carrows - the two of whom were dealing with Tonks together.

Sirius kicked Wormtail in the face, and the filthy traitor's face was full of wonder.

"I want to let you die," he suppressed his surging emotions, "How did you repay me, Wormtail? In turn, want to kill me?"

His former friend stretched out a **** hand, begging for his kindness and forgiveness, and counting on him to save him. However, the Death Eaters who were attacking or fleeing on the battlefield had already trampled his body under his feet.

Sirius turned and left, and he had more comrades in need, members of the Order of the Phoenix, pupils of Hogwarts, his godson—as for Peter, he got his fair share.

Voldemort was fighting Dumbledore, his face was cruel hatred, while McGonagall, Slughorn and Kingsley dealt with the other Death Eaters, all three also Run around Voldemort, dodge, try to help Dumbledore. But it can't result in the life of the Dark Lord—

Fifty meters away from Voldemort, Bellatrix was also in full swing, fighting several people at once like her master: Hermione, Ginny, and Luna. They all tried their best, but Bellatrix was evenly matched. Suddenly, a Killing Curse almost hit Ginny, and it was really hanging, and Ginny was dead an inch away. Harry's attention was drawn to the past—

He changed direction, let go of Voldemort for a moment, and charged straight for Bellatrix, but was bumped to the side before taking a few steps.

"Don't touch my daughter, you bitch!"

Mrs. Weasley threw off her cloak as she ran, freeing both arms, Bellatrix turned around and saw the new challenger, laughing rudely.

"Get out of the way!" Mrs. Weasley shouted at the three girls, then waved her wand and began to fight. Harry watched with horror and joy as Molly Weasley's wand swirled and slashed. The smile on Bellatrix Lestrange's face began to tremble and turn into a growl. The two wands whizzed brightly, and the floor at the witch's feet was hot and cracked. Two women are fighting to the death.

"No!" Mrs. Weasley saw several students rush to help and shouted, "Go back! Go back! She's mine!"

Hundreds of people stood by the wall watching the two duels: Voldemort and Dumbledore, Bellatrix and Molly. Harry stood there in a dilemma, thinking about attacking and trying to protect his own people, not sure whether he would harm innocent people.

"I killed you, what about your children?" taunted Bellatrix, who was as mad as her master, hopping to avoid Molly's swishes The curse that comes. "The Weasleys can't be hurt anymore, tut. Tell me, is Fred dead?"

"Never-never-you-touch-my-child!" screamed Mrs. Weasley.

Bellatrix laughed, and it was full of laughter, exactly the same as when her cousin Sirius fell back through the veil. Harry suddenly knew what was coming next.

Molly's spell flew under Bellatrix's outstretched arm, hitting her chest, exactly where her heart was.

Bellatrix's smug smile froze, and her eyes seemed to stick out. In that instant, she knew what was going on, and fell to the ground. There was a commotion around the crowd, and Voldemort screamed.

Harry felt that his turn was in slow motion, he saw Dumbledore being cursed and thrown against the wall, McGonagall, Kingsley and Slughorn were all blown away, Slap and toss in the air. Voldemort exploded with rage like a bomb when he saw his last and most faithful assistant being brought down. Voldemort raised his wand at Molly Weasley.

Dumbledore was so weak that he could only sit on the ground, breathing hard against the wall. It was as if he no longer had the ability to fight.

"Armor!" Harry roared, the Iron Armor Curse immediately ran across the center of the Great Hall, and Voldemort looked around to find who cast it. Harry finally took off his invisibility cloak.

shouting, cheering. "Harry!" "He's alive!" shouts from all sides, followed by silence. Voldemort and Harry looked at each other and began to circle face to face at the same time, hearts twitched, and the hall suddenly became deadly silent.

"I don't want anyone to help," Harry exclaimed, his voice like a trumpet in absolute silence, "It has to be this, it has to be me. "

Voldemort hissed.

"Potter isn't telling the truth," he said, his red eyes widening, "that's not his fault, is it? Potter, who are you trying to take for today? Where's the shield? Dumbledore is old, he's less than a quarter of my strength. I half-wound him with just a wave of my hand, too easy, too easy."

"Don't think about Dumbledore without anyone." Harry said neatly, "There are no Horcruxes now. It's just you and me. You can't both live, only one Survive, one of us will be gone forever..."

"One of us?" Voldemort sneered, his whole body tensed and his red eyes staring like a snake ready to attack, "You think it's you, don't you, the one with The boy who accidentally survived with Dumbledore pulling the strings?"

“My mother

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