94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 267: Festival

Harry shook his hawthorn wand, feeling all eyes in the Great Hall on it. "I've gotten help from Malfoy many times, many times, more than you can imagine."

"So, that's the end result, right?" Harry whispered, "Does your wand know that his last master was disarmed? If it knew...now I The real master of the Elder Wand."

Suddenly, a golden-red light burst from the magical sky overhead, and a small half-round dazzling sun appeared on the windowsill closest to them. The sun shone on both of their faces at the same time, and Voldemort's cheeks were flushed. Harry heard Voldemort's high-pitched voice screaming, and at the same time he raised Draco's wand and shouted his most ardent hope into the sky:

"Avada Suo!"

"Except your weapons!"

With a bang, like a cannonball explosion, a golden flame shot out from the center of the circle they repeatedly stepped on, and that was where the spells collided. Harry saw Voldemort's green light meet his own spell, saw the old spell fly into the air, black in the rising sun, spinning like Nagini's head under the enchanted ceiling, whirling. It flies to the master it doesn't want to kill - the master who is finally going to own it completely. With the skill of a Seeker, Harry grabbed the flying wand with his free hand, only to see Voldemort stagger back, arms outstretched, the slender pupils of his red eyes rolled up. Tom Riddle fell to the ground, dead like a mortal, his corpse limp and convulsing, his pale hands empty, his snake face hollow and dazed. Voldemort was dead, bounced back and killed by his own spell. Harry stood there, two wands in his hands, looking down at his opponent's husk.

There was a moment of terrifying silence, and people froze in horror. Immediately, there was an overwhelming uproar around Harry, shouting, cheering, and roaring. The strong rays of the rising sun shone on the windows, and people shouted at him, Ron and Hermione first, their arms clasping him tightly, and their inexplicable shouting almost stunned him. His ears were deafened. Then came Ginny, Neville, and Luna, along with the Weasleys and Gwen, Hagrid, Kingsley, McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout. Finally, Sirius, who was screaming in excitement, slapped him on the back. Everyone was yelling, and Harry couldn't hear a word, couldn't tell whose hand was tugging at him, pulling him, desperately trying to hug a part of his body. Hundreds of people were crowding forward, and everyone wanted to touch the boy who survived the disaster. It was because of him that the nightmare finally ended—

The sun is rising over Hogwarts, and the Great Hall is filled with the light of life. Mourning and rejoicing, sadness and joy were expressed to their heart's content, and Harry was an integral part of it...everyone wanted Harry to be with them, their leader and symbol, their savior and guide, it seemed No one thought that he hadn't slept all night, that he longed to be alone with a few of them. He had to speak to the families of the dead, grab their hands, see their tears, accept their thanks, and listen to the morning news from all over the country that the Imperius all over the country were gradually returning to normal, eating death While the gangsters run away or get caught, innocent prisoners in Azkaban are freed, and Kingsley Shacklebolt is named interim Minister of Magic...

They moved Voldemort's body to a room outside the auditorium, away from the others who had died resisting him. McGonagall put the academy table back in its place, but no one was seated in the academy: everyone was huddled together in a mess, teachers and students, ghosts and parents, centaurs and house-elves. Firenze lay in a corner recovering, Grapp peering through a smashed window, food being thrown into his laughing mouth. Mad-Eye took the less seriously injured members of the Order of the Phoenix to heal the others. Cedric and Cho hurried back to the Ministry of Magic with Kingsley after a brief farewell. Sirius gave Harry a long, big hug, and then stalked the tables as if avoiding Burns on purpose. Kreacher wasn't as enthusiastic about him as he used to be, and he was looking for Dumbledore all over the room.

After a while, an exhausted Harry found himself sitting on a bench next to Luna.

“If it were me, I would want some peace,” she said.

"I can't," Harry replied.

"I'll distract them," she said, "with your invisibility cloak."

Before Harry had time to speak, she pointed out the window and shouted: "Yo, look, a bubble nose monster!" Everyone who heard it turned their heads to look, and Harry quickly put the The invisibility cloak draped over his body and stood up.

Well, he can walk around the auditorium undisturbed. He saw Ginny sitting two tables away from him, her head resting on her mother's shoulder. There will be time to talk to her later, for many hours, many days, even many years. He saw Neville eating, Gryffindor's sword beside his plate, surrounded by a crowd of rabid admirers. Harry walked in the aisle between the tables and saw the three Malfoys hugging each other, and people passing by would give them polite nods with complicated expressions, but they didn't care. Fred yelled for George to describe the situation to him word by word, patting his brother's thigh and resenting his failure to see Snape's predicament. What about Snape? Harry saw him go down to the ground alone, presumably heading back to his dark office. Tonks embraces Lupin, who is still in a coma, and Madam Pomfrey assures him that he will be fine, and strongly advises the pink-haired witch to go back and see their baby. Several older girls are dressing the Hogwarts elves - Dobby follows with a tray, telling everyone how Harry Potter was saved from Bellatrix's blade own story. There are family reunions everywhere. Finally, Harry saw the two people he longed to be together.

"It's me," he whispered, leaning down between them, "would you come with me?"

They stood up immediately, so he, Ron, and Hermione left the Great Hall together. The marble staircase was missing many pieces, part of the balustrade was missing, and every few steps there were rubble and blood.

Somewhere in the distance, they heard Peeves flying suddenly across the corridor, singing a triumphant song of his own making:

We won, Potter is the hero, Voldemort is gone, let's party!

"This scene feels grand and tragic, doesn't it?" said Ron, pushing open a door to let Harry and Hermione pass.

Joy will come, Harry knows, but at the moment exhaustion suppresses happiness, and every few steps, the pain of thinking of those sacrificed companions is as sharp as a wound. He just felt relieved and just longed for a good night's sleep. But first he needed to explain to Ron and Hermione, who had been faithfully by his side for so long, and should now know the truth. He recounted what he saw in the Pensieve and what happened in the Forbidden Forest, and before the two companions could express their shock and surprise, they arrived. I walked all the way here just now, but no one mentioned this destination.

Since Harry's last visit, the stone beast guarding the entrance to the principal's office has been knocked aside. It was lying there, looking a little stunned, and Harry wondered if it could still understand the password.

"Can we go up?" he asked the stone beast.

"Please." The stone beast hummed.

They climbed over it, up a spiral stone staircase that rose slowly like an escalator. At the top, Harry pushed the door open.

He had just caught a glimpse of the Pensieve still on the table like the last time he left, when a deafening sound made him scream, thinking he had been cursed, or that the Death Eaters had made a comeback , or Voldemort came back to life—

It was cheers. On the surrounding walls, all Hogwarts headmasters and headmistresses stood up and applauded Harry, waving hats and wigs, dashing from frame to frame, shaking hands tightly. They were jumping and jumping on the chairs in the painting, Daris Dewent crying unabashedly, Dexter Fusco waving his earpiece vigorously, Phineas Nigellus using He shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Please note that Slytherin House is also working! Don't forget our contribution!"

However, Harry's eyes were only on the familiar face on the headmaster's seat: tears streaming down the long silver beard from behind the half-moon lenses, the pride on that face And gratitude like a phoenix song filled Harry's heart with comfort.

Finally, Harry raised both hands and all the portraits fell silent respectfully, wiping their eyes and smiling eagerly for him to speak. But his words were addressed to Dumbledore, and his words were carefully chosen. He was exhausted and his eyes blurred, but he had to work harder for one last piece of advice.

"The thing hidden in the Golden Snitch," he said, "I fell in the Forbidden Forest. I don't know exactly where, but I don't want to find it anymore. Do you agree? ?"

"My dear child, I agree." Dumbledore said, and the other portraits looked puzzled and curious, "It was a wise and courageous decision, but you will I'm not surprised to do this. Does anyone know if it fell on

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