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Chapter 177 Yin & Yang Feng Shui! Divide the gold and fix the hole!

In front of me is a grotto area surrounded by jungle.

Said it is a grotto, but it should be more appropriately described as a temple.

The reliefs and stone statues have a strong Hindu color, and the tower-like spires of the stone buildings can see some shadows of Buddhism.

The target light and shadow cave where Chen Feng and Laura are going is the underground part of this ruin.

As for the ancient and magnificent cave temple on the surface, it should be an "illegal expansion" built on the Guangying Cave by local residents in Cambodia centuries ago without their knowledge.

"Among all the ancient tombs I've been to, in terms of beautiful scenery, here is definitely the top three." Laura said swearingly.

"There are indeed several flavors." Chen Feng smiled suddenly.

After speaking, he stepped on the ground lightly with his feet, leaped upward, and easily jumped onto a stone wall that was seven or eight meters high and half occupied by vines, and looked around half-down.

It can be said that the beauty of this cave temple is that it is extremely integrated with the natural environment, and the original building has a trace of incomplete beauty.

The once indestructible stone wall and stone platform were devastated by the executioner of the years, and it took only a few hundred years to be mutilated by weak plant seeds.

The most obvious is the cotton tree. The trunk is thick and light brown and has many boiled roots, which directly break through the stone bricks and rise from the ground.

The smaller one is strangling the banyan, the roots are gray and thin, but they are tangled around.

Time is incomprehensible. Once the mighty Angkor dynasty collapses, the jungle will be like a huge octopus with its tentacles dancing, eating away at the altar where the gods and Buddhas are entrenched.

The giant tree spreads its teeth and dances its claws, and under the help of the tropical climate, it pierces the beams, pillars, stone cracks, eaves, doors and windows, and wipes out the temple step by step.

The magical power of the rhizome of the big tree is really amazing. The huge roots are embedded in the cracks between the stone walls and bricks, giving people the illusion that the temple is growing from the tree.

There is a mysterious atmosphere here, as if once you break in alone, you can hear the dialogue between the gods and the Buddha, which makes people feel inexplicably awe-inspiring!

"Looking for the dragon to divide the gold to look at the mountain, the first stage is the first stage. If the door is closed, there is an Eighth Stage risk, and there is no Yin & Yang Eight Trigrams shape." Seeing this scene, Chen Feng couldn't help but read.

Prop "Sixteen-character Yin & Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique": passed from the master Zhang Sanye, the master of Mojin, and includes the entire version of Feng Shui Yin & Yang's technique. ——From the world of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", Zhang Sanye.

With this "Sixteen-character Yin & Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique" in hand, coupled with the effect of the memory palace, Chen Feng has already mastered all the Feng Shui studies accumulated by China's ancestors for thousands of years.

Although this precious ancient book from the world of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is complete, the second volume involving Yin & Yang's studies is written in a mysterious script that Chen Feng has never seen before. Although the font is similar to the Eight Trigrams hexagram. , Will be conscious of it, but not at all.

Chen Feng estimated that one day he would have to go to the ancient China or Fantasy world before he had the chance to penetrate.

But just to master the contents of the ancient books, the points of gold and gold are already at hand in Chen Feng's place.

"Although Hindu tombs do not believe in China's Yin & Yang Eight Trigrams, they also have a set of Feng Shui learnings summarized by their people themselves, which accidentally coincides with Yin & Yang Feng Shui's learning."

Standing in front of the grotto temple, Chen Fengxiang Laura explained: "You see this grotto has an excellent geographical location. It is in a dense forest and surrounded by mountains. This is called Dragon Guard in China. It is the emperor. Feng Shui’s treasure land that is chosen by the first-level tombs."

"The purpose is to ensure that the so-called'Dragon's Cave', that is, the main tomb, will not be blown by the wind, and the Blood Essence will not leak out, so that the cave will form a vigorous reunion, and the wind will gather the air."

Chen Feng said in a loud voice: "There is a way. Qi moves in the earth, and its movement is also due to the situation of the earth; its gathering is also due to the situation, and the ancients gather to make it not to disperse. The movement makes it stop. Nothing more than What a great place!"

After this classical Chinese text was translated into English, the original flavor was lost. In addition, the original text was very awkward, which made Chen Feng speak it in a standard aristocratic London accent. It sounded like a heavenly book in Laura's ears.

"Alex, what are you talking about? You are saying something I understand. Although I have been exposed to some of the oriental tomb culture, I still know very little. You have to translate for me. Row."

Laura had no choice but to subdue her boyfriend whose knowledge level was far above her, and smiled embarrassedly.

"That is to say, the tomb must be selected in a place with vitality. Only when there is vitality, everything can be found." Chen Feng explained patiently. Feng Shui is several times better than the famous Angkor Wat."

Hearing this, Laura groaned thoughtfully for a while before raising her head.

Now, Chen Feng and Laura are standing in the center of the ruins.

The grotto building in front of him is 20 to 30 meters high. The huge temple gate is carved with a relief of a human face. Looking straight into the distance, it looks like a smile but a strange expression.

In the original plot, Powell dispatched dozens of local Cambodian residents to do coolie, only to forcefully use ropes to pull down this heavy stone gate and destroy it.

Of course, it won't be so troublesome to come to Chen Feng. With his super soldier serum and Edman alloy bone-level strength, it is not difficult to open this stone gate.

However, for the purpose of protection, Chen Feng still did not intend to attack.

There is still a long distance from the surface of the grotto building to the real underground palace where the light and shadow caves are densely covered and the magic triangle is hidden.

The above part is not the main body of the tomb, and there are many exquisite stone carvings, which are of great historical reference value and cultural relic collection value.

If it were the original Alex, maybe he would forcibly break in and pick up a wave of treasures on the ground by the way, but that is not what Chen Feng can do now.

More importantly, this is not the only way to the Light and Shadow Cave. Chen Feng, who is familiar with the original plot, also knows a shortcut!

"Seeing the cultural relics delivered to the door everywhere, I am unmoved, my thief, this is not like your style of behavior." Laura laughed and teased when Chen Feng behaved abnormally.

"Men are fickle, too." Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, and replied: "Miss, my earl."

"Okay, stop making trouble, come with me."

"Where?" Laura asked.

Chen Feng smiled: "Did you forget what your father said in the letter? Regarding the location of the entrance."

Laura thought for a while, and recalled: "The only jasmine that grows in a temple on the ancient Cambodian road...When you find them, you find the entrance to Guangwu Cave."

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded, "Go here, we're going to find Jasmine."

The two abandoned the largest and most conspicuous main temple in the middle, and went to the more secluded southeast corner of the entire ruins.

"and many more!"

Halfway through, Laura was shocked without warning, and stared at the same place.

"Did you see it?"

She tugged at the corner of Chen Feng's clothes as if she saw something extraordinary.

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