
Mental breakdown? ?


So that's how it is, no wonder he didn't react much when he saw me.

There were several times when he held back his anger, and thought he was in an illusion?

As expected of the protagonist, he has a rich imagination.

After hearing Gu Yan's righteous rebuttal, Chu Feng's expression became intriguing.

Gu Yan's self-explosion finally made Chu Feng understand his train of thought.

He was just imagining for a long time, thinking that he was experiencing the so-called test.

If that's the case, don't blame me for making you socially dead.

He curled the corner of his mouth and deliberately misled Gu Yan,"So that's how it is, you just said that I deprived you of everything"

"So, according to you, Nangong Qin is your woman? I am being abrupt."

When he said this, it was like a huge rock smashing into a calm lake!

Everyone was shocked!

Gu Yan was talking about illusions, and there was no time to think about it seriously.

What does it mean?

Gu Yan... he... he... he doesn't have any ideas about his master?

The elders of Chongxuan Pavilion and others turned pale, and hurriedly glanced at Chu Feng's face, and found that it was still as calm as water, and they were anxious and annoyed.

How dare Gu Yan?

If this is misunderstood by the saint, it will be a big trouble.

Could the Pavilion Master really have something with Gu Yan?

"Pavilion Master, please speak carefully, but be sure not to let the seniors misunderstand you."

He quickly sent a voice message to Nangong Qin.

Nangong Qin's flawless face changed slightly, and her phoenix eyes looked at Gu Yan in disbelief.

Gu Yan couldn't be like this.

She was very optimistic about Gu Yan. This was a genius with excellent talent. In order to make him stronger, she spent a lot of time and effort to teach him.

Gu Yan has always been well-behaved and respectful to her.

According to the senior, he stood up to make trouble just now. Was it because he had feelings for her?

I am his master!

Nangong Qin felt a little cold in her heart!

In the Xuan Realm, if such a thing happened between a master and an apprentice, it would be a shocking scandal!

Once it spread, her reputation in the entire Xuan Realm would be ruined.

Although she didn't care much about her reputation, but if Gu Yan stood up at this time, if it was really because of this, then he had never considered her at all.

Even so, Nangong Qin did not speak, suppressed her emotions, and looked directly at Gu Yan.

Maybe, the senior misunderstood.

Gu Yan is not such a person.

Don't you want to end this farce?

Seeing that everyone's eyes were staring at him, Gu Yan straightened his chest and shouted:"That's right. I just love my master, and my master also likes me. Since you, senior, can already see through this kind of thing, why do you have to test me with this kind of thing?"

His answer was sonorous, powerful, straightforward and decisive.

This voice immediately caused an uproar!

Is this Gu Yan tired of living?

Does he think that he can talk nonsense at will by saying that it is an illusion?

If the senior takes this seriously and ruins this happy event, it will not be enough to grind Gu Yan to ashes a hundred times!

Elder Jiang jumped anxiously and said,"Senior, he is crazy, don't listen to his nonsense! Pavilion Master, please explain it quickly!"

Nangong Qin's beautiful face also showed a cold meaning.

She didn't expect Gu Yan to say such a thing!

She was very disappointed!

Nangong Qin did not respond to Gu Yan, pay attention to Gu Yan, but said to Chu Feng:"We are just a simple master-disciple relationship."

Chu Feng nodded and said,"I know."

""You can handle it yourself. I won't interfere."

Nangong Qin heard this, her chest heaving.

She knew that this was a chance given to her by her senior. If the matter of Gu Yan was not resolved perfectly, it would not be as simple as a simple marriage being ruined. The consequences would be disastrous!

She turned and walked towards Gu Yan.

Facing the endless scolding and attacks.

Gu Yan ignored it and looked straight at Chu Feng, waiting for this illusion that couldn't be more fake to end completely.

But he saw Nangong Qin coming, moving lightly with lotus steps, and in the blink of an eye, she was in front of him.


A slap!

Gu Yan felt dizzy and was whipped away like a spinning top!

"Gu Yan, from today on, you and I are no longer master and disciple."

Nangong Qinfeng's eyes were cold, and every word was like a sword, piercing Gu Yan's heart.

After she finished speaking, she ignored Gu Yan.

Instead, she turned to look at the other people in Chongxuan Pavilion and announced in public:"Gu Yan is a traitor, offending the saints and seniors, and disobeying the rules of Chongxuan Pavilion. Today, he will be expelled from Chongxuan Pavilion and imprisoned in Nether Cliff for three hundred years - and then executed!"

"Elder Jiang, you escort him in person."

The gyroscope Gu Yan was still spinning in the air, blood raining.

Elder Jiang quickly responded,"Here we are, Pavilion Master."

The elders of Chongxuan Pavilion all breathed a sigh of relief.

As expected of the Pavilion Master, he was clear-headed at the critical moment.

Such decisiveness should be enough to make the seniors forgive him.

After Nangong Qin finished his announcement, he walked towards Chu Feng and explained to him,"Senior, the Netherworld Cliff is the most terrifying place for punishment in our Chongxuan Pavilion."

"Considering the offense Gu Yan has committed against you, it would be too easy for him to be killed simply. Besides, there are some weird things about him, so he may not be killed completely. He needs to go through the suffering of the Nether Cliff to be completely killed."

Seeing Nangong Qin's determination, Chu Feng smiled and said,"Okay."

Seeing Chu Feng say this, Nangong Qin breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to take it lightly.

She stared at Chu Feng and found that the senior's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something, and her heart was uneasy.

She didn't know if her approach would satisfy the other party.

Chu Feng was looking at the system panel at this time.

【The protagonist of Destiny breaks off the relationship with his teacher Nangong Qin, and the Destiny value decreases by 5,000 points. You get a Destiny treasure chest*1】

【The protagonist of destiny is expelled from Chongxuan Pavilion, and the destiny value is reduced by 5,000 points. You get a destiny treasure chest*1】

【Because the destiny protagonist severed his relationship with Nangong Qin, the completion of the hidden task"Nangong Qin" increased by 50%, and the current completion is 150%. Do you want to settle the reward? 】

After Nangong Qin did this. Gu Yan's destiny value plummeted by another 10,000! Only

45,000 points are left!

Two more destiny treasure chests were received!

To be honest, he was very satisfied with Nangong Qin's handling.

But he also knew that Gu Yan still had more destiny value.

Nangong Qin's imprisonment of Gu Yan in the so-called Nether Cliff is likely to give him another chance, and maybe he will have a chance to escape.

Of course, Chu Feng didn't care.

His purpose was clear.

He had to get the Eternal Gate first, and then kill Gu Yan.

If the destiny value is not reset to zero, even if Nangong Qin chooses to execute Gu Yan on the spot, it will be useless.

If he is forced into a corner, the Eternal Gate in his body may open directly, and it is possible to suck Gu Yan in.

What he cares about now is the hidden task of"Nangong Qin".

Just now, he was busy watching Gu Yan's jokes and didn't settle the rewards after the hidden task was completed in time.

Never expected!

100% completion is not the highest!

It can be increased to 150


"System, what is the highest completion rate of hidden tasks?"

【Dear host, 300%】

The system responded quickly.


It seems that this is the true value of the hidden task.

He decisively chose not to settle it.

Looking up, Gu Yan had just landed and fell into a pool of flesh.

Before he could react.

A shrill blood-red wind swept over!

"I will give you an illusion! I will give you an illusion!"

The old elder Jiang held up a huge black stone tablet, like holding a brick, and slammed it towards the position where Gu Yan was!




"I gave you face before, but you really think you are a piece of cake, don’t you? What a disgrace!"

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