Xuan Wei was stunned, and looked down at the gift she was going to give.

She had something to ask of Willow God, so she naturally thought about what gift to give.

She held in her palm a red gem two fingers wide, with a mysterious fire burning inside the bead, which was endless and had an ethereal aura. It was obvious that it was not an ordinary thing.

This was a Xuanling Pearl, the top-level material of the Immortal Lord level, extremely rare, and could be used to refine tools, practice some special immortal arts, and even be used as medicine, with extremely high versatility.

Of course, it was of no use to an invincible immortal king like Willow God.

But even if she gave Willow God a quasi-immortal king treasure like Tianji Immortal King and the others, would it be useful to Willow God?

In Xuan Wei's opinion.

Giving gifts should not only focus on the value, but also start from the needs.

If Willow God has some excellent immortal king juniors like her in the future, this Xuanling Pearl would be a very appropriate reward.

With her status, giving such a Xuanling Pearl is more precious than the gifts given by Qinglong Immortal Lord and Xiaosheng Lord, and it is definitely not shabby.

Xie Yuan, what is he barking like a dog?

Xuan Wei was a little unhappy and asked,"Is there any problem?"

Xie Yuan said helplessly,"Of course there is a problem. How can you give such a cheap thing?"

He looked at the Xuan Lingzhu in Xuan Wei's hand and got a little angry.

Can Xuan Wei's identity be the same as other immortals?

Although Liu Shen is not your real grandmother, she is still your grandmother!

You gave this when you met for the first time?

Isn't this a slap in your grandfather's face?

If he didn't know anything before, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

But now that he knows Xuan Wei's details, he feels a little bit disgusted!

Xuan Wei's wealth is definitely not low. She can definitely take out a treasure of the quasi-immortal king level!

But now she has a broken spirit bead, and Liu Shen may not even know who she is.

How embarrassing for your grandfather! ?

To be honest.

After deciding to draw a clear line with Xuan Wei in his heart, Xie Yuan didn't plan to lick Xuan Wei.

But if he doesn't lick Xuan Wei, he will lick his grandfather!

Brother Chu is much easier to get along with than Xuan Wei, so of course he has to consider Chu Feng from his perspective.

Just think about it, if I were Chu Feng.

I was happily preparing to give my grandson a surprise, and even pulled the reluctant God Liu to cooperate.

Afterwards, when your identity as Xuan Wei was exposed, the whole audience was shocked.

You are just pretending to be a saint in front of people, and your reputation in the fairy world is full!

But the key is.

I know you are not the granddaughter of God Liu, but others don’t know!

They must subconsciously think that God Liu is your grandmother!

This is your grandmother and grandfather supporting you!

If someone checks and finds out that you gave your grandmother a broken spirit bead before the ceremony, what will others think?

You are so unfilial!

Okay, okay, even if you are Xuan Wei, you are noble!

But God Liu is such a fierce grandmother, you have to make friends with her, right?

God Liu had noticed you when he opened the domain gate before, and he must have been watching you all the time!

You gave such a broken bead?

What if God Liu doesn't like you and goes to trouble my brother Chu?

This granddaughter is so ignorant.

Xie Yuan is so disappointed! He wants to help her send it!

But he can't. If he sends it, what will happen?

At this time.

Xuan Wei, whose face gradually turned cold, said unhappily:"Leader Xie, I don't understand what you are talking about, and you are a little too lenient, aren't you?"

Too lenient?

Xie Yuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly reacted.


This willful woman doesn't know that God Liu is his grandmother, and it seems nothing wrong to send Xuan Lingzhu.

He can only remind her tactfully:"Miss Xuan, I really shouldn't care, but you are different, you have to show some sincerity."

Xuan Wei looked annoyed:"Xuan Lingzhu, isn't it sincere enough? And I also sent a fairy clothes of the Immortal Lord when God Liu was on the list. Xie Yuan, you are so weird today."

She didn't give Xie Yuan a good face.

Blindly showing goodwill will make the other party look down on you.

A little temper loss can help to seize the right to speak between the two of them.

What's more, Xie Yuan was indeed being unreasonable this time!

She made a decision in her heart that if Xie Yuan couldn't produce three or five top-level immortal-level treasures this time, she would not be able to give him a good face.

Xie Yuan had a bitter face.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with Xuan Wei's reaction.

His mistake was that he knew too much.

But Brother Chu didn't let him say more, and he seemed to be in a difficult position to be caught in the middle.

""Thank you, leader. I'll go first."

Xuan Wei said coldly.

The divine sword under her feet flew into the air, emitting blazing light and splashing clouds.

If it weren't for Xie Yuan's identity, she would have been angry and cursed.


Suddenly, Xuan Wei's sword body paused and slowed down.

She seemed to realize something.

This Kaizi is the organizer of this Immortal King Ceremony. He must know a lot of inside information.

He had a constipated expression just now, as if he wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it. It was obvious that he was hinting at something.……

"The gift was too light."

"I'm different. I have to be sincere.……"

Xuan Wei muttered to herself, memories flashing through her mind.

She was not used to not having a teacher by her side to help her, and needed to sort out the information carefully.

Suddenly, her heart was shaken, and a bold idea emerged.


"Could it be that... Goddess Liu thinks highly of me? She even wants to choose me as the successor?"

Xuan Wei's pupils contracted, and her brain was working at high speed, instantly deducing the possibility.

Not long after, her eyes burst into brilliance!

Combined with Goddess Liu's previous attention, Xie Yuan's indirect reminders, and many past experiences.

She was 99% sure that Goddess Liu would choose her, the possibility was too great!

This was not something difficult to understand, nor was she narcissistic!

It was that Xuan Wei had become accustomed to the experience of being favored by the big guys!

Because she was an innate chaotic sword body!

This super physique had not been seen in the fairy world for millions of years!

Not to mention Goddess Liu, even the Sword Domain had paid attention to her and invited her to participate in the Sword Domain Trial!

A few days ago, she fell into the mysterious ruins of chaotic time and space, and the mysterious old ghost who was sealed inside also wanted to accept her as the successor!

In the fairy world, there are too few outstanding female fairies!

She is so enchanting, and she is the only one in the world!

It is too reasonable for Goddess Liu to choose her.

"If this is the case, then Xie Yuan is right."

"It would be too shabby for me to give this Xuanling Pearl as a gift."

Xuan Wei's eyes flickered. Even though she knew Xie Yuan was doing this for her own good, she was not in a hurry to thank him. She would wait for a while before saying anything.

She was thinking.

If she couldn't give the Xuanling Pearl as a gift, then what should she give?

The quasi-immortal king's treasure?

She did have several of them in her hands.

"Not enough, even if Willow God has chosen me, my every move is also very important."

"I want her to see my feelings."

She made a decision in her heart at this moment.

Others want to take her in, and she is also choosing. This is a two-way choice!

Liu Shen is the invincible fairy king, and she is a woman!

Compared with the sealed old ghost, she has a great affection for Liu Shen!

Fortune is sought in danger!

Since it is clear that Liu Shen cares about her, she will not pretend!

She wants to be the most beautiful girl at the fairy king ceremony today!

Spotlights, all hit her!

She flew to the edge of the abyss with a pious look, shook her fingers in front of her chest, and shot out a treasure!

The middle-aged fairy king's pupils dilated, watching a bright purple light fall into the abyss!

"Immortal Lord Xuanwei presented the Immortal King with a most precious treasure - the Tongtian Ziji Gourd!"

"Please come in!" ps: Sorry for the late update. There was a zombie banging on my door tonight. I took my keyboard and smashed it for a long time before I killed it. The keyboard was missing a 6, which affected my typing speed. I think you can understand, right?

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