Xuan Wei's scream was high-pitched and sharp, not even lower than her teacher's voice just now.

She finally reacted!

She was not stupid!

In fact, when Fei Yang was suppressed by the hand and knelt on the ground like an ant, Xuan Wei had already had a bad guess in her mind.

It's just that her psychological quality is very strong, and she can still barely deceive herself.

"What are you yelling about?"

The harsh voice made Fei Yang the Immortal King frown and look over.

The woman had disheveled hair, a pale face, and half of her face was swollen.

Her fingers clenched the chain and shook it constantly, looking like she was about to collapse.

"It's all your fault! Why did you say it out loud!"

Xuan Wei was really upset, pointing at Fei Yang and cursing.

Fei Yang:???

He raised his arm.


The palm wind whistled, and slapped the other half of Xuan Wei's face.

Xuan Wei stumbled, tripped by the chain, and fell to the ground.

The other half of her face was also swollen, symmetrical with the other half, and her appearance had recovered a lot.

"No, how can he be the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Why is he the Emperor of Heaven?"

The burning feeling did not bring Xuan Wei back to her senses.

Her eyes were scattered, and she held her head with her hands, muttering to herself.

Chicken soup says that life has ups and downs, and as long as you persist, everything will get better and better.

But in her case, it seems that none of this is true.

Her life has been down and out since the man Chu Feng appeared, and she can't see any hope.

Liu Shen is her Taoist partner, her teacher was conquered by her, and she was also imprisoned.

Now Chu Feng also appeared in front of her as the Emperor of Heaven.

All this seemed to really make her look like a clown.

Who would offend the Immortal King to death for no reason?

If you had said that you were the Emperor of Heaven earlier, would I have contradicted you?

Xuan Wei rarely felt regretful!

Hearing Xuan Wei's outrageous remarks, Chu Feng, who didn't want to pay attention to her at this time, became unhappy:"I'm not the Emperor of Heaven, can I still be your grandfather?"

Fei Yang coughed and reminded:"Emperor of Heaven, she can't take advantage of this."

Chu Feng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and finally found out why Fei Yang had the potential to be a lackey. You and Si Budao must have something in common.

When Xuan Wei heard the word"grandfather", she was inexplicably stimulated and said angrily:"I took advantage of your grandma. If you have the guts, kill me. I've had enough of this kind of life."

Fei Yang frowned, murderous intent surged in his heart.

If Xuan Wei was in his hands, she would have died.

Chu Feng said lightly:"What kind of life are you living? I've kept you well here, and you're still not satisfied?"

"Do you want me to suppress you in the manure pit for a hundred thousand years or turn you into a sow and throw you into the breeding pig herd?"

"Or turn you into a sow and feed you to the Nigo tribe?"

"You, you dare!"

"You are such a great emperor, why do you always care about a small person like me?"

Xuan Wei's face turned pale, and she felt her lower body was wet. In a few words, just thinking about it, she was scared to pee.

At this time, Su Ji's voice came faintly:"Xiao Wei, it's time now, face the reality."

Xuan Wei heard the teacher's voice, tears burst out:"Teacher, why didn't you stop me at that time?"

Su Ji:"……"

"I tried to stop him, but he failed.

Xuan Wei looked miserable."……Can't you stop it a few more times?"

Su Ji sighed:"It's not a question of whether to stop it or not."

"Xiaowei, the teacher told you a long time ago that you should not make arbitrary judgments without knowing the whole picture."

"You go to Dilu, I stopped you."

"Chu Feng is presiding over the Emperor Road Judgment, why are you joining in the fun?"

"Does he want your magic weapon?"

"Your projection was cut off, I advised"

"You said you wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, did you eat it? That's not a tiger, it's a real dragon"

"Later you mentioned that the Xuanjie Xianyuan was taken away, and I asked you to sit down and have a good talk."

"After all, you also know the origin of Xianyuan. Does it really belong to you? This is a matter of fate. You stubbornly believe that it is yours."

"is that useful?"

"Ask yourself, between you and Chu Feng, who is causing trouble for whom? If you had restrained yourself, why would it have come to this?"

"You... admit your mistakes and try to get a chance to commit suicide."

At this point, Su Ji knew very well that Xuan Wei had no chance.

She had no chance either, as she was being held tightly by this man.

From a God's perspective, an objective analysis would reveal that the grudge between Xuan Wei and Chu Feng could only be said to be Xuan Wei's own fault.

She had always been very stubborn, but she had always been lucky, so nothing went wrong.

This time, she hit a harder iron plate than her.

Not only would her head be broken and bleeding, but she might even be turned into a sow.

In comparison, being able to commit suicide might really be the best outcome.

Xuan Wei looked ugly. Being lectured by Su Ji, she wanted to open her mouth and quibble several times.

But she didn't dare.

She was not afraid of death, but she was afraid of being suppressed into a cesspool, and she was even more afraid of being turned into a sow and stuffed into the Nigo tribe.


As she was speaking, a light sound came out.


"Why call me Chu Feng? Can't your husband call me that?"


Hearing the teacher's voice as soft as a mosquito, Xuan Wei's face was complicated. For some reason, she was inexplicably jealous and envious of Su Ji.

Fei Yang's face was even more complicated than hers.

Playing chess... It was playing chess.

That sound was the Emperor of Heaven placing chess pieces, he silently muttered in his heart.

Inside the Immortal Temple, Chu Feng looked at Su Ji's naked, flawless and hot body, squinted his eyes, and looked playful.

"I was wrong."

Su Ji bowed her head and apologized to Chu Feng.

She knew that her little thoughts just now could not be hidden from this terrible man.

But she was kind by nature and could not be ruthless.


"Do you think she will be grateful to you?"

Chu Feng sneered.

This woman is still the protagonist's grandfather after all.

She has turned into my shape, and still wants to save Xuan Wei.

Although Su Ji was scolding Xuan Wei just now.

But he saw at a glance that this woman was still giving Xuan Wei a chance, guiding her to admit her mistakes, and even wanted to win a chance for her to commit suicide.

Seeing that Su Ji's head was about to bow to the abyss, Chu Feng patted her shoulders as smooth as warm jade:"Since you call me husband, I'll let you see a good show."

He looked at Xuan Wei, who was stunned outside the temple, and smiled lightly:"Do you know what the farmer and the snake are?"

Farmer and Snake?

Su Ji was stunned and shook her head gently.

Chu Feng waved his hand.

A transparent gas mass condensed in the temple, forming wisps of runes.


This gas mass was thrown outside the temple.

The gas mass soon exploded on Xuan Wei's face, blowing her face with water.

Then, scenes rang in Xuan Wei's ears.

"Does Xuan Wei care? She is very face-conscious, likes to show off, and likes to publicize her good deeds."

"Very good, you are worthy of being Xuan Wei's teacher"

"If you succeed in backstabbing Xuan Wei, you will be the first to do so."

Xuan Wei suddenly looked up and watched the scenes of Chu Feng questioning Su Ji.

A flash of anger flashed in her eyes! ps: Three updates are finished, please use your love to generate electricity! ps2: I'm starting the Chinese New Year mode these days, so I may have to start updating at random, but there will be no less than three updates, I'll write them when I have time.

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