The desolate and desolate Cangshan Mountain has withered branches and withered weeds.

In the Sword Domain, Cangshan Mountain is very inconspicuous, like a dead place.

But Cangshan Mountain is recognized as a holy place for swordsmanship in the Sword Domain!

Because there is a hut on the mountain, and in the hut there is an old man named Tai'a.

He was once the top of the list of fairy kings in the fairy world. He was also the number one in the Sword Domain after the Sword Master left the Sword Domain.

So Cangshan Mountain is very famous. It is the top fairy mountain in the Sword Domain and a pilgrimage site for countless swordsmen in the Sword Domain. Under Cangshan Mountain, there are more than tens of thousands of Sword Domain geniuses practicing at the foot of the mountain at any time.

As everyone knows, Tai'a Sword God has been sitting in the Cangshan Sword Hut for more than a million years and has never walked out. [ps: The previous chapter wrote tens of millions, which has been revised.]

Countless sword practitioners have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and come from afar just to take a handful of soil from Cangshan Mountain and feel the breath of Tai'a, the number one sword god.

Tai'a Sword God has a pair of wise eyes. He does not care about wealth, poverty, background, and those who have a predestined relationship with swords can become his disciples.

In fact, there are indeed many geniuses with extraordinary talents in swordsmanship who have been favored by Tai'a and accepted as disciples.

Anyone who has the opportunity to be accepted as a closed disciple by Tai'a Sword God will achieve great success in the future, and at the very least, he can become an immortal king!

This is Tai'a Sword God.

A highly respected being with supreme sword heart.

And today, in the sky, the sword path turned into the Milky Way, spanning the sky, blooming with endless sword intent.

On Cangshan Mountain.

An old man in a shabby gray robe, with the collar and cuffs of the robe worn out to reveal cotton wool, and a hemp rope tied casually around his waist, slowly walked down from the dilapidated hut on Cangshan Mountain.

He was wearing a pair of shiny straw sandals, with the toes of the shoes a little crooked. His fingers with thick joints grasped a shabby wooden sword, the blade of the sword was mottled, uneven, and stained with a lot of grass debris, and it looked like it had not been used for a long time.

The old man's fingernails were also full of dirt, giving people the illusion that he was sloppy and like picking up rags.

It was just such an inconspicuous and sloppy old man who slowly walked down Cangshan Mountain.

At the foot of Cangshan Mountain, the Sword Domain geniuses who were originally excited by the sword path that was shining in the world suddenly saw the figure of the old man walking slowly on the Cangshan trail.

The whole place suddenly fell silent.

All the noise between heaven and earth disappeared in an instant.

Countless eyes were cast at the Cangshan trail.

Stunned, surprised, shocked... one by one, the Sword Domain geniuses opened their mouths wide at this moment, looking at the old man, their heartbeats accelerated to the extreme.

Oh my God!

What did they see?

Tai'a Sword God went down the mountain!

A million years, a full million years!

No one knows how Tai'a Sword God has survived all these years.

How could Tai'a Sword God go down the mountain?

When the sword domain of the Tianyuan battlefield collapsed and the great demon invaded, Tai'a Sword God never stepped out of Cangshan!

Even when the Sword Master came out of nowhere, Tai'a Sword God only sat and discussed the Dao with the Sword Master in Cangshan.

But today, the sword path roared and appeared in the world.

A peerless sword god who had been sitting in the Cangshan Sword House for a million years, at this moment, walked down the Cangshan Mountain! He was just stunned for a moment.

"Welcome the Sword God down the mountain!"

"Welcome the Sword God down the mountain!"


All the sword cultivators under the entire Cangshan Mountain knelt down on the ground in unison without any hesitation!

A loud and high voice resounded between heaven and earth at the same time!

At this moment when the sword is revealed.

The Taia Sword God is coming down the mountain, and something big must be happening!

This conjecture made countless sword cultivators excited!

The old man with shabby clothes and a broken sword in his hand couldn't help but raise a faint smile at the corner of his mouth when he heard the thunderous welcome.

He raised the broken wooden sword in his palm and slashed it at the void.

The mighty sword intent soared into the sky! All the sword cultivators in the Sword Domain felt it and looked up at the sky together.

Under the Sword Galaxy.

A terrifying sword force swept across the vast sky of the Sword Domain!

The world was silent, and the rules of the sword evolved.

""When I return, I will perform swordplay in Cangshan Mountain."

Eight gilded and dazzling ancient characters, like dragons and phoenixes dancing, evolved in the sky, blooming with supreme sword intent, flowing endlessly.

The sword domain was boiling!

Everyone looked at the eight characters under the Milky Way in disbelief, and could hardly believe their eyes.

"Oh my god! Tai'a Sword God is going to perform swordplay! Since the birth of the Sword Master, Tai'a Sword God will no longer perform swordplay! What does this mean?"

"I remember Tai'a Sword God once said that when he performed swordplay again, he would become a Sword Master! Could it be that Tai'a Sword God...……"

"Hiss! If this is the case, then the Emperor of Heaven, who is ranked first on the Immortal King Ranking, will probably be suppressed again!"

"Are we going to witness the end of the shortest-lived Immortal King list?"

"Compared to this, what I care more about is that Taia Sword God has come down the mountain. Where is he going?"

"Where else can I go? The sword is surging, which means my sword is flourishing. I must kill the Emperor of Heaven and prove the great way of the sword master!"


In the Sword Domain, countless people looked up at the sky, and endless speculations emerged about the eight big characters.

When the Immortal King Ranking was updated before, a Heavenly Emperor who appeared out of nowhere squeezed Tai'a Sword God to the second place. Many supporters of the Sword Domain felt deeply indignant!

They thought that the Heavenly Emperor was unworthy!

For nearly ten million years.

Tai'a Sword God was the first before the Sword Master was born!

After the Sword Master left, he was still the first!

What does this mean?

The first place in the Immortal King Ranking can only appear in the Sword Domain!

This Heavenly Emperor has not even been to the Sword Domain, how could he be the first?!

There is a mainstream argument in the Sword Domain recently.

This Heavenly Emperor may be the Son of Heavenly Dao favored by the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm. In order to lift him up and promote him to the Supreme Realm.

He deliberately let the Heavenly Emperor ascend to the first place in the Immortal King Ranking in order to give him a generous reward for the first place!

The Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm is really a piece of shit!

These days, many Sword Domain masters often curse!

Now, the Sword God of Tai'a has come down the mountain!

All the sword practitioners in the Sword Domain are extremely excited!

They know very well that something big is about to happen!

Among countless sword masters in the sword domain���Under everyone's gaze, the sloppy old man walked down the Cangshan trail.

He raised his hand, and the broken wooden sword that chiseled the eight-character mantra in the sky turned into a stream of light and returned quickly.

At the same time,

Tai'a Sword God had a calm expression, and under his tattered straw sandals, there were traces of ethereal fairy air.

In the ethereal fairy air, there were terrifying sword rules.

When the broken wooden sword returned, he would be like a sharp sword out of its sheath, shuttle through the endless and distant space, step out of the sword domain and step into the fairyland.


At this moment, a roaring sound came from the magnificent Milky Way in the sky.

Billions of supreme sword intentions in the Milky Way flowed at high speed, like a rushing river.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone, the sword path suddenly shifted from the flowing state of the river and stood up horizontally.

The Milky Way turned into a waterfall!

As if it was picked up by someone!


A muffled sound.

In the instant when the Milky Way waterfall stood upright!

Billions of sword intentions whizzed past, sweeping away the eight brilliant sword characters that had just evolved from the Tai'a Sword God and were still flashing in the sword domain!

The Broken Wood Sword was stiff in the void!

The eight characters were shattered, and the Tai'a Sword God's withered yellow face suddenly turned pale!

My sword heart hurts so much!

Under the gaze of countless admirers


A mouthful of golden blood suddenly spurted out from his cracked lips!

It was like a fountain, in a state of disgrace!

The old man's turbid eyes were full of astonishment and shock.

I am the guardian of the sword domain, the supreme sword god. I have been faithfully guarding the way for millions of years, why am I backfired by the sword?

Before he could figure it out, a dizzy feeling came over him.

He staggered like an old man in his twilight years, and couldn't stand firmly. His straw sandals flew away and he fell heavily backwards.


The back of the Tai'a Sword God's head fell heavily to the ground, making a muffled sound.

Then there was a cry of surprise.

"Taia Sword God fell down!"

"Quick! Quickly support the Sword God Tai'a!"

"Oh my god! The sword god’s pretense was backfired by his swordsmanship!!!"

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