The breath of the Heavenly Dao in the Immortal Realm is not coming, but he is about to die!


It is running for its life!

It is running for its life like crazy!

As a top world that is about to be promoted to the Supreme Realm.

Originally, in its state, no one in the Immortal Realm could kill into its Heavenly Dao space!

If you want to communicate with it directly, it requires a special price!

But this time is different! The one chasing it is the Immortal Emperor!

It is impossible for the Supreme Emperor to be born in the top world!

What is the most terrifying thing?

It knows this Immortal Emperor!

It was obviously just an Immortal King before, but suddenly, it became an Immortal Emperor!

It would be fine if it killed its Son of Heaven, but before it had time to get angry, the other party was even angrier than it and directly killed into the Heavenly Dao space! What's more outrageous is that no matter how it escapes, this Immortal Emperor seems to have a way to catch up with it, as if someone is helping to show the way!


It is the Heavenly Dao, not a living being, and no one can predict the trajectory of the Heavenly Dao's actions!

How could the ruthless Heavenly Dao be chased by living beings?

It couldn't figure it out!

So it chose to call for help!


"Come and save Tiandao."

Tiandao of the Immortal Realm sent a distress signal.

Faced with the terrifying existence that could hunt down Tiandao, the one it called for help must naturally be the strongest existence born in the Immortal Realm!

Futu Sword Master!

Although he is not in the Immortal Realm, he is incredibly strong and his luck is even better!

If he is willing to help, it can still be saved!

But it's a pity.

Being hunted all the way, Tiandao of the Immortal Realm did not wait for the response of Futu Sword Master.

Futu Sword Master, I have read it but I can't reply!

The ruthless Tiandao of the Immortal Realm now wants to curse!

At this time, in a world infinitely far away from the Immortal Realm.

Su Futu, who seemed to have realized something, suddenly opened his eyes, and countless lines evolved in his eyes, which were extremely complex.

"The immortal world and heaven are looking for me?"

"How ridiculous! I looked for you before, but you didn't respond to me. Now you still want me to help you?"

Su Futu closed his eyes and continued to comprehend the truth.

You ignored me before, but now you are too high for me.

He doesn't want to make a move now!

He can't make a move!

After learning the news that Su Ji reappeared in the world, his Tao heart became extremely unstable.

Su Ji is his inner demon!

Compared with his swordsmanship, he has reached the unprecedented level of Sword Master.

His cultivation has been stagnant.

He has been unable to step into the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and can only stay in the Invincible Immortal King realm.

He can't comprehend the immortal law.

Everything is because of Su Ji!

Su Ji is his biological sister.

When he was a child, he had not yet risen and was regarded as a waste by his family. Everyone bullied him, but Su Ji Gave him warmth.

The girl who had always followed him and called him brother was a bright light in his heart!

Until later.

He obtained the small gourd, invested his luck in all living beings, practiced the ruthless way, and walked out a road to heaven.

Su Ji became the last warmth of his ruthless way.

But also an obstacle!

So although he asked Tai'a Sword God to kill Su Ji, he also took action secretly at the same time!

He intercepted a ray of life, left it to Su Ji, and sent her to the distant underworld.

Such a contradictory mentality made Su Ji always his inner demon, lingering!

But after learning that Su Ji had returned, especially hearing the voice he had never heard before, he was greatly stimulated!

"Why? Why did you come back? I already let you go."

"You...stupid sister!"

In the past few days, the Dao heart has experienced great fluctuations!

Instead, an opportunity for enlightenment has appeared!

Now that he has received the message of the Heavenly Dao asking for help, thinking of the indifference of the Heavenly Dao in the Immortal Realm before, Su Futu chose to stand by and watch without hesitation.


The Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm fell.

Before falling, the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm was very unwilling!

As the Heavenly Dao of the top world, it will not tolerate itself dying so hastily!

Even if it falls, it must be vigorous!

Even if it falls, it will never let the person who killed it have an easy life!

At the last moment of being cut, the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm made a shocking counterattack!

The entire Immortal Realm, the situation suddenly changed!

Before dying, the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm left what he thought was the strongest back-up!

【As a two-star villain, you killed the immortal world's heavenly way who disobeyed you, and your villain fate and luck have greatly improved. 】

Chu Feng's Nine Nether Galaxy Dao Sword, under the guidance of the Xuanjie Heavenly Way, killed the immortal world's heavenly way.

His eyes flashed with a hint of doubt


"Why didn't Su Futu show up?"

With his current strength, he could kill Tiandao of the Immortal Realm with one sword, but he kept it for a while longer.

It was not to play tricks on Tiandao of the Immortal Realm, but to wait for Su Futu to show up.

Unexpectedly, Su Futu never showed up.

Chu Feng's patience disappeared, and he killed it directly.

He pinched his chin, thinking:"It seems that because I am too steady, the future has changed."

"As expected of the protagonist of destiny, he knows how to seek good fortune and avoid danger. This Su Futu is harder to kill than imagined."

He thought.

Tiandao died, and the protagonist of destiny avoided the battle. This is not good.

I have to find a way to find him and kill him.

"Great Lord, can I make progress now?"

Looking at the corpse of the Immortal Realm Heavenly Dao, the Mysterious Realm Heavenly Dao asked cautiously.

"Oh? How long will it take for you to replace the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm?"

Chu Feng looked at the Heavenly Dao of the Mysterious Realm.

The Heavenly Dao of the Mysterious Realm assured him,"I will do it as soon as possible, within a month."

Chu Feng nodded,"Keep your best efforts, you will be of great use after becoming the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm."

The Heavenly Dao of the Mysterious Realm assured him again,"Of course, great Lord of the Realm, you can play with me however you want!"

Chu Feng:"……"

This Xuanjie Tiandao has a lot of dirty talk, and he is a little bit depressed.

"You continue." He left a message to the future Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm.

He flashed and returned to the Willow God Realm.

At this time, he saw the Sword God of Taia, led by Chu Ling, being beaten by a group of Immortal Kings.

This Sword God of Taia was amazing.

He was beaten back step by step, miserable, but still stubbornly alive.

"Chu Daoyou"

"What on earth is going on here?"

At this time, Chu Feng suddenly appeared next to the Eternal Immortal King. He was startled.

He had just sensed the terrifying breath of the Heavenly Dao coming.

A figure appeared silently beside him. Seeing that it was Chu Feng, he subconsciously asked


""What are you doing here?" Chu Feng pointed casually as soon as he finished speaking.

A terrifying force suddenly descended.

It landed directly on the head of Tai'a Sword God.

Tai'a Sword God instinctively looked up, his pupils dilated, and he subconsciously shouted:"No!!!

"" He felt an endless regret in his heart.

If he had known that the outside world was so dangerous, he would never have taken a single step out of Cangshan!

However, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Tai'a Sword God died.

He died extremely hastily, being killed by a finger.

Before he died, he didn't even see who was attacking him!

When the Eternal Immortal King saw this scene, his legs were shaking.

The most terrifying battle in a million years? What a horror!

He was killed by a finger!

What made the Eternal Immortal King even more confused was that at this time, the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm finally arrived!

That was its brutal backhand before death, and it came late!

The Immortal Realm trembled, and the terrifying aura raged in all directions!

In the vast and boundless Immortal Realm, on all the heavens.

At this time, six golden characters appeared in unison:


"God, kill me!" ps: Three consecutive updates, please use your love to generate electricity.

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