After getting Tiandao's answer, the girl in red blinked and looked at Su Futu.

The contempt in her eyes was visible to the naked eye.

Those red eyes could speak, and the meaning was very clear.

Xingnu, it's your lie.

What you said to Tiandao doesn't match at all.

Others are a loving couple, and you spread rumors that it's Xingnu?

Do you still have a conscience?


Su Futu's eyes were somewhat out of focus, as if he was still in shock.

How could this be?

He felt that his intelligence was insulted, because Heaven had clearly said otherwise.

After the red-dressed girl asked this, he looked like a clown!

"Do you have anything else to say?"

"Or... Little Spirit, do you have anything to explain to your master?"

Seeing Su Futu remain silent, the girl in red raised her eyebrows and spoke softly.

"This fairy world is not right."

"That's absolutely wrong!"

The little gourd spirit suddenly spoke, his tone a little excited!

"This is not what the heaven and earth in the fairy world said before!"

"Its performance is not right either. There is a problem here. There is a big problem with the way of the fairy world!"

"It definitely lied!"

The little gourd was Su Futu's mouthpiece and spoke out his real thoughts directly.

The scene where the red-clothed girl asked just now was so explosive!

The style was completely different from what they had asked before!

Damn it!

Is this Heavenly Dao poisonous?!

The red-clothed girl frowned as high as a mountain:"What's the problem?"

"The facts are in front of you, do you still want to quibble?"

"I don’t believe in the way of heaven, but I believe in you?"

"Everyone knows what the Way of Heaven is. This time, it is asked again. Under the rules, it cannot lie."

"Su Futu, you really disappoint me."

Hearing the cold voice of the girl in red, Su Futu frowned.

He said coldly:"I have a grudge against the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm, and he deliberately harmed me."

The girl in red sneered:"Have a grudge? You are from the Immortal Realm. When you were able to rise to prominence, the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm invested a lot in you. Now you are actually enemies? Or is it because the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm is subject to rules, and you want to turn against the Heavenly Dao if you tell the truth?"

"What a promising person! Someone who has the chance to become an immortal emperor actually fights with a heavenly being."

"No wonder you even want to slander your sister, you really don't care about your face."

The red-clothed girl's venomous tongue made Su Futu's chest heave.

Little Gourd said quickly:"My Lord, this is true! When we went to ask the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm, this Heavenly Dao was so arrogant that it was not us who slandered it, but it said it was the enemy!"

"We used the Heavenly Questioning Talisman, and before we could say two words, it was goodbye."

"After much difficulty, he asked again, and he wanted both the top-grade immortal king spiritual treasure and merit! I have never seen such an insatiable heaven."

"He is a complete liar."

【This Heavenly Dao will not lie, please do not spit on me. 】

At this time, golden characters appeared in the void.

They were brief, powerful, simple and honest.

The girl in red looked at the line of golden characters, as if she could feel its grievance, and quickly comforted it:"Okay, Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm, you can go back."

"They even slandered the way of heaven. They have no bottom line at all. No need to explain. I believe you."


Tian Dao was very cold, completed his mission, and left decisively.

Seeing the communication between the girl in red and Tian Dao, Su Futu and Xiao Hulu were completely speechless.

They were very aggrieved!

But it was useless to be aggrieved.

They knew that this Tian Dao was definitely not normal, but unless they killed the Tian Dao of the Immortal Realm now, it would be of no use.

All this was because the reputation of the Tian Dao clan was too strong.

In the infinite and vast world, there is a Tian Dao in charge of each world.

But every Tian Dao is exactly the same, ruthless and indifferent, rigidly neutral, and extremely rational.

At their level, they all have a basic understanding of Tian Dao, and they even deal with the Tian Dao of some low-level worlds frequently.

With the entire Tian Dao clan as a credit endorsement, no matter how they accuse Tian Dao, no one will believe them.

Because... Tian Dao is the will of rules!

Who the hell has ever seen the will of rules have emotions?

This is not in line with common sense at all!


"That's it"

"Su Futu, you really can't do this anymore"

"I hope that after you have seen how good the true destiny protagonist is, you can retreat and temper your state of mind."

"If you can have an epiphany, with your talent, you still have a chance to compete for the opportunity to become the protagonist of destiny and get the qualification to join the alliance. We have known each other for a while, and I really don’t want you to become a demon."

The red-clothed girl saw that Su Futu was speechless and taught him a lesson.

Su Futu still said nothing, his knuckles creaked, and he obviously didn't listen.

The red-clothed girl's face became more and more indifferent, and she took a deep look at the small gourd on Su Futu's waist.

This man has come to this day, and his success is due to this Taoist weapon, and his failure is also due to this Taoist weapon.

I have said everything I should say, and I hope he can understand my painstaking efforts.

Next, it's time to get down to business.

Inexplicably, I am looking forward to communicating with this protagonist of destiny.

The red-clothed girl turned her wrist and took out the volume of Hongmeng Book. A smile suddenly broke out on her cold melon-seed face, and all things returned to Spring, the spring is bright and beautiful.

She stepped out her snow-white jade feet and fell to the position below where Chu Feng was.

The girl's steps were not fast, and the small bells on her ankles swayed gently.

Ding Ding Dong~~

Ding Ding Dong~~

As her jade feet jumped, it was very rhythmic and the beat was brisk, which inexplicably made the girl's proud temperament reveal a bit of cuteness. The girl in red looked at the handsome man in black robe below with her fiery eyes.

The man was hugging Su Ji and thinking in his heart.


It sounds exciting.

On the surface, he was calm, and his right hand gently stroked Su Ji's snow-white long hair, his fingers passed through her hair, and soothed back and forth:"No need to be sad"

"Why bother about what a dying person says?"

Su Ji, this stunning beauty, gently shrugged her exposed shoulders, her watery eyes flashing with tears, and I felt pity for her, but her fists were clenched tightly, and she was extremely angry.

Hearing Chu Feng's words, she responded in a hoarse voice:"Husband, I'm fine"

"I just didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. You have to be careful of him."

Chu Feng smiled calmly and said casually,"Be careful? He should be careful of me."


His palm flashed.

An emerald green flute appeared in the palm of his left hand, and he stuffed it into Su Ji's palm:"I'll give you a little toy, practice your flute skills well."

Su Ji was startled when she heard it.

The sadness suddenly dissipated, leaving only a bright red.

This person is always so frivolous.

Su Futu has returned from his birth, why is he still joking.

She lowered her head and inadvertently glanced at the emerald green flute in her palm, her eyes stunned.

Top-grade fairy king magic treasure?

Isn't this the one that her husband played with before?……

""Husband, no. It's too expensive."

Su Ji hurriedly refused.

Even when she was the patriarch of the Tianjian clan, she only had one or two of these top-grade immortal king spiritual treasures.

She didn't expect her husband to just give her one. Even though she knew he was rich, Su Ji had her own principles and bottom line.

These were top-grade immortal king spiritual treasures, each of which was extremely precious. Even if it was an invincible immortal king, it needed to be carefully protected.

My husband gave it to me, and I just wanted it?

This was not allowed.


At this time, the girl in red landed.

Seeing the two people so loving, she smiled and felt a little excited.

These two people are a perfect match, a little cute.

Sure enough, the lovely Tiandao was right.

Their relationship is really good.

The top-grade fairy king spiritual treasure was given away as soon as it was said. Isn't this the ironclad evidence of a love stronger than gold?

This Su Futu is really a bad guy.

I hate this kind of guy who spreads rumors and makes malicious rumors the most.

If it is really that Star Wrath, would he give such a thing?

The girl in red inexplicably felt disgusted with Su Futu again.

【The protagonist of Destiny, Su Futu, was disliked by the heroine of Destiny, Zhu Sha, and he lost a great opportunity. With the blessing of fate, his destiny value was reduced by 300,000 points. You have obtained 3 top-grade destiny treasure chests.

Chu Feng was a little surprised when he heard the system prompt.

The destiny value was cut too suddenly, and the critical strike talisman was not used in time.

Chu Feng looked over and met the flaming red glass eyes of the girl in red.

It turned out to be the heroine of Destiny.

I didn't even make a move, and Su Futu was disliked?

Interesting, is it the effect of Bai Yueguang or the reason of the husky?

"Fellow Daoist, are you also proficient in the way of music?"

The girl in red did not look at him, but set her eyes on the green flute in Su Ji's hand. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she spoke abruptly.

Proficient in the way of music?

Is this something that can be said in public?

Chu Feng blinked and looked at the girl in red.

The girl's pink lips were slightly raised, and her eyes were fiery but bright. She slightly straightened her waist, and her red dress like the sunset was slightly set off. Accustomed to Su Ji's size, she could only say that she was poor and generous.

Although the girl was generous, her communication with Su Futu just now was still elegant and decent.

Why did you drive as soon as you came up?

He did not explain, and said lightly:"I know a little."

The girl in red smiled:"I am a master of the way of music. If we are free someday, we can discuss it in depth."

Chu Feng:"……"

He asked knowingly,"Who are you?"

"Call me Hong'er"

"From an insignificant supreme world"

"I came to the fairyland to invite fellow Taoists to join the Hongmeng Divine Alliance."

The red-clothed girl got straight to the point, took out the Hongmeng Book, and handed it to Chu Feng.

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