Inside the bamboo house.

A man in a black robe suddenly appeared out of nowhere, which startled Bai Xiner.

Seeing Gu Yan's head fall to the ground like a ball, she was terrified:"Brother Gu Yan!!"

Chu Feng looked at Bai Xiner, who was like a frightened kitten, curled up and retreated, with the big fluffy tail behind him shaking wildly.

He couldn't help but laugh and said,"Don't worry, he's fine, he just fainted."


Bai Xin'er stared at Chu Feng at this time, her heart tightened.

You call this dizzy?

Her peach blossom eyes flashed with panic. She glanced at the scene of Gu Yan's head and body being separated, and inadvertently met his dull eyes. She nervously took several steps back.

"Who are you? Why are you here?

She quietly put her hands behind her back and shouted.

This girl is not stupid.

Chu Feng looked at Bai Xiner, and her little movements could not be hidden from his eyes.

The fox-tailed girl pretended to be scared on the surface, but in fact, a crystal jade appeared in her palm and she was crushing it hard.

Chu Feng looked at Bai Xiner's sneaky movements and didn't care.

In front of the emperor, asking a great sage for help was a bit like an ant trying to shake a tree.

"I am Chu Feng"

"You should have heard of my name."

He walked towards Bai Xin'er with a smile on his face. Bai Xin'er retreated to the corner. She looked strong, but her tail's trembling movements betrayed him.

His tall stature made Bai Xin'er look even more fragile and pitiful.

"Chu Feng?"

"Brother Gu Yan, the mortal enemy of Qingyun Sword Sect?"

A genius from a small bamboo world, no matter how strong he is, he is only at the Dragon Transformation Realm. How could he come here without a leader? Bai Xiner was stunned for a moment. She didn't know that Chu Feng was a saint, but she also keenly felt that Chu Feng seemed to have bad intentions. She warned with trembling lips:"Don't come near me, I'm telling you, if you come any closer, I will...……"

A big hand pressed down on Bai Xiner's head:"So what? Shorty."


Bai Xiner glared and threatened:"You! Get out of the way! My Uncle Qing will be here soon! Then you'll be dead!""

"Stop shouting, no one will come even if you shout your throat out."

Chu Feng looked down at her calmly:"The jade in your hand has been broken a long time ago, what's the use?"

"No, it's useless."

Chu Feng's words reminded her, and Bai Xin'er found that the calling jade in her hand had been broken long ago.

Under normal circumstances, Uncle Qing should have come a long time ago, but now there is no response, she was so scared that tears welled up in her eyes.

Chu Feng looked at her like this and his smile became brighter.

This little woman has a strong desire to be bullied.

The system is numb!

Host, he wouldn't want to use force, right?!

Forcing is not calling strategy, and it may also lead to mission failure.

Chu Feng ignored the stupid system, but suddenly said to Bai Xin'er:"What? Aren't you coming out yet? If you don't come out, don't regret it."

He patted Bai Xin'er's head gently with his big hand, just like patting a winter melon


"Come out, where should I go out?"

Bai Xin'er trembled, holding her hands tightly to protect herself, and asked cautiously.

Chu Feng did not answer, but stared at Bai Xin'er's peach blossom eyes indifferently.

Bai Xin'er lowered her head in fear, not daring to speak.

When she raised her head again, those watery peach blossom eyes suddenly became sharp, and her eyes changed from fear to indifference.

Her petite body suddenly stood up straight, and with a wave of her jade hand, she directly slapped Chu Feng's big hand away. Her temperament was completely different from before.

Bai Xin'er said lightly:"Saint of the human race? No, I should call you the Great Sage. This small wasteland world is so hidden, how did you find it here."

Small wasteland world?

The name of this paradise world.

Chu Feng saw that the real owner finally came out, and the corner of his mouth raised:"I found it just by taking a casual look."

"It's not important, let's get down to business."

"Serious business? We don't seem to be familiar with each other."

Bai Xin'er felt that this matter was very important. The old nest had been found, and the next step was to consider moving away.

The other party was unwilling to disclose it, but in fact, she could guess it. Her eyes fell on Gu Yan's"corpse" with his head and body separated. He seemed dead, but in fact, his life was firmly locked. He really fainted. The small world in the wasteland was discovered by him. There is no doubt that the problem must be with him. I was careless.

I shouldn't have listened to my little sister and let Qingniu save him.

"I'm looking for you just to ask you to help me do something."

"Let me do something?"

Bai Xin'er raised the corner of her mouth slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm, and asked back:"You are a great sage of the human race, why do you go to Uncle Qing for cooperation, and find a little demon like me in the Dao Palace realm?"

Chu Feng curled the corner of his mouth and said sarcastically:"Are you still going to act? I'm afraid that green bull will listen to you, a little demon in the Dao Palace realm."

Bai Xin'er frowned and shook her head and said:"I don't know what you are talking about, but please leave quickly, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

Hearing Bai Xin'er's warning, Chu Feng approached her unhurriedly, and looked into her peach blossom eyes that were cold but still watery:"Two souls in one body, it should be the reincarnation or rebirth of a powerful demon."

"Just woke up and saw me, not panicked at all"

"It seems that you were at least a great sage or a saint king before?"

Bai Xin'er raised her eyebrows slightly after Chu Feng uncovered her underwear, and said vigilantly:"You are not simple either. When did Xuanjie have such a great sage?""

Great sage?

Haha, I can only say that my imagination is still too scarce.

Or is it testing me in reverse?

Chu Feng didn't care about Bai Xin'er's thoughts. When his great emperor's divine consciousness fell on Bai Xin'er for the first time, he had already discovered that the situation in her body was very special. There were actually two souls at the same time.

The soul that usually dominated was the innocent and somewhat silly Bai Xin'er who had been childhood sweethearts with Gu Yan.��

The other soul in a sleeping state was the calm woman who was testing him in front of him.

He didn't want to engage in intrigue with this woman. She was too low-level and meaningless.

He waved his hand and said to Bai Xin'er,"Okay, stop this boring test. I am not interested in your demon clan's affairs, and I don't want to get involved."

"This matter is only related to him."

Chu Feng pointed at the unconscious Gu Yan.

Gu Yan?!

Bai Xin'er narrowed her eyes. In her opinion, this matter was very absurd.

The man in front of her was very mysterious, giving her a rare sense of oppression.

If he wanted to deal with Gu Yan, it would be very easy for Gu Yan to die a hundred times or a thousand times.

What's more, Gu Yan was now in front of the two of them.

If he wanted to do something to him, she couldn't stop him.

Did he need to find her for something else?

What's the difference between taking off pants and farting?

Even if this human sage lied, he was too lazy to even perfunctorily?

Bai Xin'er was alert and repulsive from the bottom of her heart, and didn't believe Chu Feng's words at all.

Chu Feng certainly couldn't tell Bai Xin'er about beating the protagonist and exploding gold coins.

He went straight to the point and said to the woman:"According to your plan, Gu Yan will go to Xuanjie to destroy the Fu Magic Array next. When the time comes, let him come to Chongxuan Pavilion, and you just listen to my arrangements and do something."

Okay, okay, even our plan is clear.

The water in the Xuanjie is deeper than I thought.

Bai Xiner felt a chill in her heart, and her sense of crisis increased greatly.

She flatly refused and said,"I refuse, and please leave���"

However, Chu Feng seemed to have anticipated her attitude, and the smile on his face became more intense:"Don't worry, I don't like freeloaders. Don't you want to see the conditions I offer? Come and see my sincerity."

What is freeloaders?

Bai Xin'er frowned, and saw this mysterious man waved his hand.

Suddenly, a ball of golden light appeared between the two of them.

"Promise me, these are all yours."

When Bai Xin'er heard Chu Feng's words, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her eyes were fixed on the golden light ball.

Her heart was pounding wildly.

The seemingly small light ball actually contained the breath of space.

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