Half an hour ago.

Xuanjie, Chongxuan Pavilion.

In a grand hall, there were many figures.

In the hall, a woman stood at the top, wearing a black Luoyi, with long hair and a beautiful face.

This is an extremely beautiful woman, nearly forty years old, but still graceful. The years have carefully carved her inner qualities, and her mature and dignified charm is far beyond that of a young girl.

She lightly knocked her phoenix eyes and looked down:"Elders, I believe you all know that a saint appeared in Xiaozhujie."

The front row below was a group of white-haired old men and old women. When they heard the words, they looked solemnly and solemnly.

Behind them, there were some young men and women, listening attentively without saying a word.

The first one, an old man in a white robe, came out and said in a deep voice:"Pavilion Master, the Fu Mo Fa formation guarded by our Chongxuan Pavilion is out of control. The traces of the saints may be a ray of hope. We need to explore the saints' ruins as soon as possible, and it would be best if we could find a way to contact the saints."

Saints, even for the Xuan Realm, are the top supreme beings.

It may not be possible to have one in a thousand years!

An old woman next to him said worriedly:"I received news that the Ji family has gone to explore the saints' ruins. It is said that the power of the ruins has not dissipated yet. Strong people above the Dragon Transformation Realm will be killed by the power of the saints, and the Ji family has suffered heavy casualties."

The black-clothed woman called the Pavilion Master nodded lightly and said:"It's okay. It's just right for the Dragon Transformation Realm to explore. I want to send Gu Yan to lead the team to explore the Xiaozhu Realm."

After these words came out, the elders present looked at each other and nodded.

The white-robed elder agreed,"Although Gu Yan is only a rising star, his performance in Chongxuan Pavilion this year is obvious to all. He is also a native of Xiaozhu Realm, so he is suitable."

His words were recognized by others.

Because Gu Yan is really excellent!

He is also the direct disciple of Pavilion Master Nangong Qin, so he is the most suitable person to lead the team to Xiaozhu Realm.

Nangong Qin's eyes fell on an ordinary-looking boy in the back. The boy is now in the early stage of dragon transformation.

"Gu Yan, be careful when you go to Xiaozhu Realm. If you can find the traces of the saint, you can go to Taixuan Pavilion to comprehend the"Ten Thousand Lightning Body" after you return.》"

As soon as the words fell, there was a low murmur.

Ten thousand thunder-suppressing bodies!

The three great secret arts of Chongxuan Pavilion!

It was a heavenly-level body-refining technique! It was extremely precious!

To study in Chongxuan Pavilion, one would need to spend an astronomical amount of contribution points!

There was no doubt that this was a great opportunity for Gu Yan!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the young man in a black suit at the end strode out and said loudly:"Thank you, Master, I will live up to my mission!"

Gu Yan stared at Nangong Qin above with a sharp gaze, and a trace of undetectable heat and admiration flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't hold back his excitement at this time, and finally had the opportunity to return to Xiaozhu Realm!

Clan leader Gu, Xin'er...

Scenes of past events and old friends flashed through his mind, and finally a figure of a man in white emerged, and murderous intent rose in his heart!

And - Chu Feng!

This time when he returned to Xiaozhu Realm, in addition to meeting some old friends, it was time to send Chu Feng off.

He was a narrow-minded person, and he was the most vindictive.

Even in the Xuan Realm, Gu Yan would always think back to the various grudges he had with Chu Feng!

When he returns, in order to avoid more trouble, the most urgent task is to kill Chu Feng and destroy the Qingyun Sword Sect!

In addition, we must also cut the grass and root out the roots. I have to go to the Chu family and kill all the Chu family members.

Only in this way can we rest assured.

Gu Yan secretly made a plan.

He didn't think there was anything excessive.

Being able to get to this point today is not just relying on luck, but a decisive character is the key.

Be cruel to yourself and even more cruel to others! Only then can you step into the nine heavens step by step and become a generation of genius!




While the Chongxuan Pavilion was discussing matters, suddenly, the sound of bells rang out from inside the pavilion!

""The Taichu bell rings!"

Nangong Qin's eyes flashed with surprise, and an astonishing aura suddenly burst out of her body, and she disappeared in a flash.

The faces of other elders also changed drastically, and their figures turned into phantoms and disappeared on the spot.

Gu Yan looked outside the hall in shock, and countless figures soared into the sky!

He said in shock:"What's going on?"

"The ringing of the Taichu Bell indicates that a crisis that could destroy the sect has occurred. Junior brother, hide in the magic circle and don’t come out at will."

A senior brother reminded Gu Yan with a serious face, stamped his feet, and flew out of the hall.

A crisis that could destroy the sect?

Are you kidding?

Chongxuan Pavilion is a transcendent force in the Xuan Realm!

Gu Yan was shocked and did not listen to the advice of this senior brother, but followed him.

Outside the hall, there are countless floating fairy mountains.

A huge azure magic circle on the sky, like an upside-down egg shell, firmly enveloped the entire Chongxuan Pavilion.

Near the azure magic circle, a group of figures, led by Nangong Qin, stood.

Not only that, in the deep fairy mountains of Chongxuan Pavilion, There were many terrifying beings coming out from the sky!

Along with the ringing of the Taichu Bell, the foundation of Chongxuan Pavilion was also revealed!

Thirty thousand miles away from the sky.

Across the Chongxuan Pavilion's holy land, many powerful people with terrifying auras also appeared. Powerful people were everywhere, and kings emerged.

Countless eyes were staring at the edge of the sky in horror.

Just now, all the top masters in the Xuan Realm felt a mighty force that made their scalps numb, sweeping across every corner of the Xuan Realm!

This was a breath that made them tremble all over! It was far beyond their imagination!

"Is a saint born?"

A king felt his throat dry and asked tremblingly.

"The power of a saint! This is definitely a saint!"

A withered living dead walked out of the cemetery. He was once a great king in the Xuan Realm. He had seen countless storms and now was about to die of old age.

""Saint?! Oh my God!"

When this news came out, the whole world was shocked!

A saint appeared in Xiaozhu Realm, and now a saint has appeared in Xuan Realm??

Everyone felt their heartbeats speed up and they were extremely panicked. Some people with weak minds were already trembling and kneeling down, extremely humble.

They all had the same idea at the same time.

Where did this saint come from?

Is he an enemy or a friend of Xuan Realm?

Among the powerful and kings, Gu Yan, who existed like an ant, was also shocked at this time and looked up at the sky.

A small sapling in his sea of consciousness kept emitting green light at this time, soothing his panicked heart.

At the same time, it allowed him to see scenes that many people could not see.

He saw that there was a big sun above the nine heavens, and a figure was looming in the halo. He secretly expected:"Is this the saint? I don’t know if I can get to know him a little bit?"

At this moment when everyone was paying attention, a calm voice came from the sun in the sky that was emitting brilliant divine light:"Chongxuan Pavilion, is it here?"

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