Soon these young demons told Gu Yan what it meant to be beaten by the demons.

"Idiot, huh? Who are you calling an idiot?"

"Yell! Keep yelling!"

"Do you really think that if the princess doesn't bother with you, the monster won't care?"

"Brother Tie Niu, please get out of the way. I'm going to kill him!"


Shouts of scolding and humiliation were heard one after another.

Then came the crackling sound of fists and kicks.

Not of our kind.

A human coming to the demon tribe is already hostile.

Not to mention, he can enjoy the treasure of their demon tribe, the Kuiniu Ding!

The most unforgivable thing!

He flirted with Her Royal Highness the Princess!

Don’t you know that the princess is our dream lover?

They didn’t find the opportunity before, but now they finally found the opportunity. Of course, these demon youths must teach Gu Yan a lesson.

They were very measured in their attacks, not beating him to death, but every punch and kick was as painful as possible.

After the show.

Gu Yan was breathing out more than breathing in, and he was no longer in human form!

"I, I'm going to kill you"

"Don't leave if you dare."

After seeing those young demons all dispersed, Gu Yan roared in his heart, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Without using the mysterious door, his body recovered too slowly.

Although he was thick-skinned and used to being injured, this inexplicable humiliation really made him feel aggrieved!

He knew why these young demons were targeting him!

Wasn't it just jealousy?

What's the use of jealousy?

He and sister Xin'er are childhood sweethearts!

They have their own way of communicating, and these demons don't understand anything!

If sister Xin'er knew what she had encountered, I don't know how sad she would be!

Gu Yan lay on the ground wailing for a long time, and when his body was almost recovered, he heard the cold voice of the Great Sage Qingniu:"Why are you still lying on the ground?"

"When will you be able to hone your physical body like this?"

"Don't be lazy, keep carrying the tripod!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yan saw another huge shadow appear in the sky.

"Qingsheng, just now……"

Gu Yan was about to say something, but suddenly swallowed it.

The bull-horned young man who led the beating was the father and son of the Great Saint Qingniu. If he complained at this time, would the Great Saint Qingniu help him or the Iron Ox?

No need to think about it.

If the Great Saint Qingniu was unhappy and did not allow him to use the Kuiniu Ding to temper his body, the loss would be great.

The Great Saint Qingniu raised his eyebrows and glanced at Gu Yan:"What just now? Don't dawdle."

Gu Yan waved his hands and said:"No, nothing."

The Great Saint Qingniu waved his hand and pressed the two Kuiniu Dings towards Gu Yan:"If nothing happens, then hurry up and practice, don't think about messy things. Get to the Xiantai realm as soon as possible, and go to the Xuanjie to help me with things."

Hearing his words, Gu Yan didn't have time to think more, and the infinite force pressed on his head again.

Gu Yan started a new round of body tempering.

A few hours later, the sun set.


Just as Gu Yan threw the Kuiniu Ding out again, it hit the martial arts field, making a heavy sound.

He greedily absorbed the spiritual energy around him, enjoying the nourishment from the Kuiniu Ding.

"Hey! How can you be so disrespectful of public morality? What if you just throw things around and damage the flowers and plants?"

"Brother Tieniu, why are you talking so much nonsense to him? Just beat him up!"

"Yes! Beat him! He is so ugly, yet he dares to come out to meet people. I hate ugly people the most. Beat him to death!"


Suddenly, a familiar voice came to Gu Yan's ears.

He opened his eyes wide, and before he could react, a hard iron rod was stuffed into his open mouth again.

The familiar figures came again while he was recovering.

Me! Him! Mom!

"This is too much!"

Gu Yan was about to vomit blood in his heart.

He didn't even need to think about it, and he knew what these grinning monsters were going to do to him next.

He was really scared, and subconsciously mobilized the power of the mysterious door in his body.

A familiar warm force, like a stream of water, soaked his skin and sea of consciousness.

Suddenly, his body recovered by more than half.

Gu Yan swung out with a palm, knocking the iron rod in his mouth away.

The leading Tie Niu was surprised and said:"You still dare to resist?!"

Then... he saw Gu Yan running away!

Even if he mobilized the power of the mysterious door, he was still no match for this group of monster youths. Reason told Gu Yan that running away was the best way at this time.

Tie Niu looked at Gu Yan's figure disappearing at the end in surprise:"Run away?"

"This guy is not simple. He has been carrying the Kuiniu Ding for so long, his body should have collapsed long ago, but he still has the energy to run away."

A tiger-striped man behind him said in amazement:"He runs quite fast!"

The young man with wings on his back immediately sneered:"Fuck, chase him! Beat him!"

Suddenly, this group of demon youths chased Gu Yan in a mighty manner, and had no intention of letting him go.

Gu Yan ran wildly and ran towards the small bamboo house.

Soon, he ran into the bamboo house and saw a familiar slender figure. The shaking tail made his eyes light up:"Sister Xin'er! Save me!" The petite figure on the bamboo house heard the voice, turned her head and saw Gu Yan with a bruised face and frowned slightly:"Aren't you carrying the tripod? What are you shouting here?"


Gu Yan was stunned for a moment, and he immediately pointed behind him and said:"Sister Xin'er, it's not that I don't carry the tripod, it's those guys who always interfere with me and attack me!"


"There is no one behind you."

Bai Xin'er frowned, her peach blossom eyes staring at Gu Yan's back.

No one?

How is that possible?

Gu Yan was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw that the demon youths who were chasing him were gone.

He���His face darkened and he immediately said angrily:"They hid on purpose."

Bai Xin'er said unhappily:"Gu Yan, I worked so hard to get you this opportunity to practice, is this how you waste your time?"

"The people of the demon tribe are simple and honest, and they are all very nice. They are usually busy practicing, so they don’t have time to bother you."

Gu Yan was stunned when he heard this. He pointed to his face and other parts of his body and said,"How could there be no trouble! Look at my face! And here, here."

Bai Xin'er looked in the direction he pointed curiously and said,"Is there any problem?"

He pointed to various parts of his body, his skin was radiant and shiny, and under the nourishment of the power of the mysterious door, it had fully recovered.

Gu Yan was also stunned for a moment when he saw it. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately said,"It doesn't matter. Those guys targeted me because of you. How about you accompany me to practice?"

Hearing Gu Yan's proposal, Bai Xin'er refused without thinking,"I don't have time, I also want to practice."

Gu Yan was stunned. He actually refused me.

When he asked Bai Xin'er for help before, she always agreed unconditionally.

Now that she has become a demon princess, has she become temperamental?

He subconsciously blurted out,"You are just in the Taoist palace realm, what is there to practice?

Bai Xiner stared at him and said,"Don't you need to practice in the Dao Palace Realm? I shouldn't practice, but I should accompany you." Gu

Yan immediately said,"That's not what I meant."

"what does that mean?"

"Just now you said Tie Niu and the others were blaming me too?"

Facing Bai Xin'er's calm question.

Gu Yan was already very unhappy in his heart. Seeing Bai Xin'er like this, he turned his face away and said,"Okay, okay, if you think so, then I can't do anything about it."

"I'm leaving."

After saying that, Gu Yan turned around and walked away, heading back to the martial arts arena.

Seeing Gu Yan leave, Bai Xiner glanced at him indifferently, ignoring Gu Yan's willfulness.

"Brother Gu Yan, why is he like this?……"

"Tieniu and his people are very nice. Not only do they say bad things about them, but they are also mean to me.……"

At this time, the pure white light in Bai Xiner's mind was very sad.

He was frightened by Gu Yan's attitude and behavior just now. This was completely different from the sunny, enthusiastic and kind Gu Yan.

Bai Xiner smiled indifferently:"Hehe"

"Little sister, do you think he is a good person?"


In the Sea of Gods, the white light did not make any more sound.

【A rift has arisen between Bai Xin'er and the protagonist of destiny, Gu Yan. His destiny value is reduced by 5,000 points. You get a destiny treasure chest*1. 】

Chongxuan Pavilion, Chongming Palace.

Chu Feng, who was playing poker with Nangong Qin, suddenly raised his eyebrows.


What happened?

Why did Gu Yan's destiny value get deducted again?

Did he quarrel with Bai Xin'er?

No, didn't he already have his destiny value deducted once before?

System, are you lazy even in copywriting?


Half an hour later, Chu Feng slowly walked out of Qianxuan Holy Spring.

Nangong Qin tidied his clothes behind him, and he glanced at the small world in the wasteland.

"So that's it."

It didn't take long before he knew the whole story.

Chu Feng smiled faintly. This is how the protagonist of youthful spirit is.

As long as things are not going smoothly, it is easy to go to extremes when encountering setbacks, and naturally blame his own mistakes on other people around him.

"I'm leaving for a while"


After telling Nangong Qin, Chu Feng disappeared.

"We meet again."

The next moment, Chu Feng appeared in the bamboo house.

Bai Xin'er's face changed slightly when she heard Chu Feng's voice. She immediately took a step back and quickly retracted her tail:"What are you doing here again?"

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