The reason why Gu Yan practiced"Jue Tian Shu" was that he wanted to return to Xuanjie as soon as possible!

At the wedding of that couple, give them a generous gift!

Now hearing what Qingniu Dasheng said, Gu Yan didn't care that he was buried in the soil, and quickly stretched his neck and asked:"Qingsheng, when can I set off?"

Qingsheng glared and said,"What a hurry!"

Gu Yan stirred up the spiritual power in his body, shattered the surrounding soil, climbed out of the pit, and hurriedly said:"Zhongxuan Pavilion will hold a grand ceremony in the next few days. This is a godsend. I am sure I can directly destroy a Fu Mo Fa array." Hearing Gu Yan's words, Qingsheng sneered and said,"Destroying the Fu Mo Fa array is secondary. You want revenge, right?"

Niu Dasheng spoke to the heart of the matter, and Gu Yan did not shy away. He immediately snorted and said,"Yes, I just want revenge. I want Chongxuan Pavilion and that couple to pay the price."

Seeing the hatred in Gu Yan's eyes, Qingniu Dasheng was not surprised:"Okay, I will meet your request. Since you are so anxious, it is better to do it now than to wait for a day. Let's prepare to set off now."

Gu Yan smiled and said urgently,"Thank you Qingsheng, how can we go to Xuanjie now?"

Xuanjie is in the upper realm. It is easy to go down from Xuanjie, but it is not easy to go up to Xuanjie.

When he went to Xuanjie, he experienced a lot of twists and turns.

Qingniu Dasheng glanced at him lightly and said,"I have my own way. Come with me."

Where to go?

Gu Yan's heart moved, and he followed Qingniu Dasheng's steps, heading towards a cave west of the martial arts field.

Gaga... an unpleasant creaking sound was heard.

Suddenly, a crack with golden light appeared in the cave.

The Great Sage Qing Niu said calmly,"Wait here."

Seeing the Great Sage Qing Niu walk into the crack, Gu Yan's eyes flickered, and he moved his nose slightly, sniffing like a dog.

There are good things in here.

Gu Yan's rich experience made a judgment immediately.

But he didn't have any covetous thoughts, this is the treasure house of the Great Sage!

Not knowing what the Great Sage was going to do, he had a little expectation.

Not long after, the Great Sage Qing Niu came out.

He raised his hand, and suddenly several balls of light suddenly appeared and jumped towards Gu Yan.

"This is?"

"With your ability, even if you reach the immortal platform, it is wishful thinking to break the magic array. Take these things, and it will be possible to accomplish it with my help."

Gu Yan immediately looked at the light balls floating in front of him. What came into view were five treasures.

An ancient sword with a purple glow, an icy inner armor that exuded coldness, a tattered rag doll, a vermilion nail, and a green seed.

"These, these are four quasi-saint-level treasures."

Gu Yan's heart was shocked. He was a connoisseur and recognized the origins of these things at a glance.

Except for the last green seed, the other four treasures have reached the quasi-saint level!

"Taixu Purple Sword, Hantian Armor, Tianxin Doll"

"These three items are to save your life. If you go to the Xuan Realm unarmed, any powerful person can easily suppress you."

"You can experience the sword armor yourself. Tianxin doll is a special treasure. It can be used as a puppet and can also help you die."

"The last quasi-holy treasure is called the Godless Breaking Array Chisel. After you sneak into the magic array, you can use the Godless Breaking Array Chisel to destroy the magic array."The

Great Sage Qingniu briefly explained the use of the treasure.

Although he looked calm on the surface, he was actually sighing in his heart!

The old cow had never fought such a rich battle in his life.

It was because the monarch woke up and gave many holy weapons, otherwise he would have nothing to give Gu Yan except the Godless Breaking Array Chisel.

"Thank you, Great Sage."

Gu Yan collected the four treasures with a gleaming look in his eyes and bowed his head to express his gratitude.

He felt happy and thought to himself,"The background of this demon clan is indeed unfathomable. Just by casually taking them, they can get four quasi-saint-level treasures. It seems that following the demon clan is not a bad thing."

In the past, he had risked his life and explored dangerous ruins, just for a quasi-saint-level treasure.

Now this Great Sage casually took out four!

The Great Sage is the Great Sage, and his moves are extremely domineering!

Although he didn't know why, he always felt that the Frost Sky Armor was familiar, and it was very similar to the one he had before.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Gu Yan's eyes fell on the last green seed. He grabbed it and squeezed it gently:"What about this?"

The Great Sage Qingniu puffed out his chest and said proudly,"This thing is the most important thing to save your life"

"Because you are here to break the formation, I gave you a"

"At the critical moment, you only need to eat this seed and recite the spell I taught you, then you can obtain the fighting power of a great saint of one incense stick." When

Gu Yan heard this, the fingers holding the green seed trembled.

This green seed can actually obtain the fighting power of a great saint of one incense stick, doesn't that mean... there is a chance to kill Chu Feng with your own hands?

Gu Yan's breathing suddenly became heavy, and he had an idea in his mind. He never expected that happiness would come so suddenly.

Seeing this, the Great Sage Qingniu warned:"Don't be too happy, this is my power after all. You are just a small immortal platform. Once you use this holy seed, your immortal platform will explode. The consequences are very serious. Don't use it if you can."


Gu Yan nodded repeatedly and said,"Understand, I will use it with caution."

He now understood why the Great Sage Qingniu had to temper his body before. Without reaching the Immortal Platform, he would not even be qualified to use this holy seed.

"Well, since you already know it, then remember the spell."

The Great Sage Qingniu opened his mouth, transmitted the sound into Gu Yan's ears, and taught a mysterious and obscure spell to Gu Yan.

After hearing the spell, Gu Yan's face froze. He touched his nose and said,"Qingniu, this spell... can it be changed?"

The Great Sage Qingniu glared and said,"What? Are you not satisfied?"

Gu Yan quickly shrank his neck and waved his hand and said,"No, no, just this one."

The Great Sage Qingniu nodded with satisfaction. He glanced at the sky and said,"It's getting late, I'll send you to the Xuanjie now."

Gu Yan still had a little hesitation at this time. He said to the Great Sage Qingniu,"Qingniu, this time when we go to the Xuanjie, the saint named Chu Feng is very strong. Are you... sure you can suppress him?"

He was still a little worried.

The Great Sage Qingniu laughed,"What? Do you look down on me?"

"Do you think the Great Sage is too simple?"

As soon as the words fell, the Great Sage Qingniu grabbed Gu Yan's neck and disappeared from the spot.

Gu Yan felt a flash before his eyes. When he came to his senses again, an infinite chill climbed up his skin. It was pitch black all around. He could only see floating meteorites. In the distance, he could vaguely see some dim stars.

This, where is this?

The universe?

Gu Yan's heart moved. He had come to the universe once by chance.

The universe is a dead place for cultivators below the immortal platform. Not only is there no spiritual energy, but it also has extremely terrifying gravity.

What did the Great Sage Qingniu bring me to the universe for?

"Watch out for me."

The Great Sage Qingniu said lightly, and then he punched out!


A huge muffled sound came.

His punch seemed ordinary, but it made the whole universe boil.

In the distance, one, two...

Gu Yan's eyes widened and widened, staring at this horrifying scene.

Ten giant stars were blown up by the Great Sage Qingniu!

What's more terrifying is that such a terrifying bombardment did not bring any movement!

Such difficulty is even more terrifying!

So strong...

Gu Yan was stunned and shocked.

Is this the Great Sage?

He was shocked for a long time.

Until the horror in his heart gradually faded, he came back to his senses.

He shouted:"Qingsheng Shenwu!"

Thinking of having such a terrifying Great Sage as a backer.

Chu Feng, what do you have to fight me?!?

At this time, Gu Yan's confidence soared!

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