There are many magic arrays in Wanzhang Mountain.

Even though today is the wedding day of Chu Sheng, there are still two elders in the King Realm who stay here and keep an eye on the magic array.

In the picture, the gray shadow is sneaky but nimble like a mouse.

He is too familiar with the terrain!

Neither the many magic arrays near Wanzhang Mountain nor the two elders who stayed behind found anyone sneaking in.

This gray figure, holding a long spike, is getting closer and closer to Wanzhang Mountain!

He did not rush forward, but hid in an extremely hidden corner, as if waiting for the right time!

The picture kept zooming in, and all the strong men present could easily see the face of this gray figure.

Gu Yan!

The face of this gray figure is exactly the same as Gu Yan.

The elders of Chongxuan Pavilion were sweating!

In this instant, they understood what happened!

"Today is the wedding day"

"Elder Zhang and Elder Li were obviously relaxed.

Many people's eyes were fixed on the gray figure's hand.���On the long red nail.

This thing is obviously used to break the formation!

If Chu Sheng hadn't discovered it today, and if this Gu Yan made trouble again, there would definitely be an opportunity on the other side of Wanzhang Mountain!

The faces of the elders of Chongxuan Pavilion were extremely ugly!

If Gu Yan broke the Fu Mo Fa formation... the world would be in chaos, and all the lives would be destroyed!

Chongxuan Pavilion is to blame!

Even if they knew that Chu Sheng was watching at this time, there would be no major problems with the Fu Mo Fa formation.

The elders of Chongxuan Pavilion almost collapsed!

Elder Jiang pointed at Gu Yan with trembling fingers, and his voice was shaking:"Beast, you, how dare you!! Do you want the entire Xuanjie to be buried with you?"

Elder Xu's face was full of murderous intent:"Catch him, kill him, and never let him run away!!"

He was furious, and a light blue paintbrush appeared in his hand, and the tip of the brush burst out with a terrifying light.

Before he could make a move.

A touch of red had passed through, like a startled wild goose, and a terrifying murderous intent burst out from the white jade fairy platform below!

Nangong Qin!

The leader of Chongxuan Pavilion, one of the protagonists today, had a cold green sword in his fair jade hand, which emitted an extremely terrifying sword light and slashed towards Gu Yan!

She was going to kill this traitor with her own hands today!

Gu Yan was horrified. He looked at the various changes in the picture, his mind was in chaos, and he was completely dumbfounded!


Why was my plan exposed!

Absolutely impossible!

Although the plan to sneak into Chongxuan Pavilion and destroy the Fu Mo Magic Array this time was not perfect, with the treasure in hand and the support of the Great Sage behind him, Gu Yan was fearless and did not think that any accidents would happen!

He even thought about how to humiliate Chu Feng and capture Nangong Qin the moment he entered Chongxuan Pavilion!

Let the entire Chongxuan Pavilion pay a heavy price!

But now, the scene he expected has become a bubble.

He died before he even started the action!

All the details of the action were exposed by Chu Feng.

"How is it possible? How did he do it?"

Gu Yan's face was pale as he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

He stared at the flawless and charming facial features in front of him, his eyes full of murderous intent. His chest had been pierced by a long sword!

The thunder from the Great King was not something a small fairy could react to!

The master he once respected and admired the most wanted to kill him without mercy!

If it weren't for the mysterious door in his body that emitted a large amount of warm mysterious power to repair his body in the first place, Gu Yan would have died at this time.

Gu Yan's face was ferocious, staring at Nangong Qin:"You, you are so cruel."

Nangong Qin ignored it, and the Qingfeng in his hand burst out with sword energy!


It was torn apart in an instant!

Gu Yan was shattered in front of everyone!

"Good! Well done! Such a traitor should be killed with thunder!"

An angry shout rang out.

A powerful man from a transcendent force nearby was heartbroken to see Gu Yan's death.

However, Ji Kong's face sank and he said,"It's too easy to die! He should be sunk into the Void Abyss, suppressed for a thousand years, and tortured to death, only then can we relieve our heartache and hatred."

His statement was recognized by other powerful men around him:"A scum like Gu Yan, who dares to commit treason, is there anything he can't do?"

"Don't rush"

"He is very lucky and is not dead yet."

Not dead yet?

Can Gu Yan withstand the attack of a great king?

The masters present were stunned for a moment, and found that the voice was from Chu Feng, and no one doubted it.

Chu Feng looked indifferently at a certain direction in the void.

There, a golden light flashed, and Gu Yan's figure reappeared again.

"This Eternal Gate is really amazing!"

"But it was just a dying struggle."

He smiled faintly, and as Gu Yan's treacherous behavior was exposed in front of all the powerful people in the Xuan Realm, the system's voice continued to come to his ears, ringing endlessly!

【The behavior of the protagonist Gu Yan caused public outrage, his luck plummeted, and his destiny value decreased by 3,000 points. You get a destiny treasure chest*1】

【The behavior of the protagonist Gu Yan caused public outrage, his luck plummeted, and his destiny value decreased by 3,000 points. You get a destiny treasure chest*1】


【The destiny value of the destiny protagonist has dropped to 1,000 points, the luck has been lost, the destiny of the protagonist has collapsed, and the protagonist qualification has been lost. You have obtained 3 destiny treasure chests. 】

Looking at the gritting teeth and furious Xuanjie strongmen, it was just as he guessed.

The Fu Mo Fa array is of vital importance to the major forces in the Xuanjie, and it is related to the bottom line of life and death.

After Gu Yan's plan to destroy the Fu Mo Fa array with the help of the demon clan was exposed, it was far from being as simple as social death.

Before he crossed over, there was a saying that the righteous will have many supporters, and the unrighteous will have few supporters.

Gu Yan's behavior is no longer as simple as losing the way.

Gu Yan's last bit of destiny value could not withstand the anger of the people in the Xuanjie.

The facts confirmed his guess.

After Gu Yan was exposed by him, his destiny value was almost instantly reset to zero! The protagonist qualification was also completely lost!

This means... the pig is finally fattened and can be killed.

This rebirth is also the last time.

His figure flashed, and he suddenly appeared in front of the golden light. He raised his arm and covered his head, trying to grab Gu Yan's forehead.

The destiny value has reached the bottom, and the Gate of Eternity can finally be handed over.

Gu Yan saw Chu Feng close at hand, looking at the handsome face that made him extremely disgusted and extremely scared.

He trembled all over and didn't care about so much.

The green seed in his hand was suddenly crushed by him!

A loud shout resounded over the Chongxuan Pavilion.

"Great Grandpa Niu, please come to me, Baby Niu!"


An unprecedented terrifying aura burst out from Gu Yan's body!

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