Whose handwriting? ?

I'm just a spirit, I know nothing!

Gu Yan didn't want to listen to Chu Feng's words!

He had just re-merged with the Gate of Eternity, and now his mind was in chaos, with countless thoughts pouring out.

Just receiving this information and defending against Chu Feng, this bastard, he had already exhausted all his energy, so how could he have the extra brain to think about such a question.

Fortunately, Chu Feng didn't really intend to let Gu Yan answer, and his smile remained the same:"Let's go, I'll take you to see it for yourself."

He pinched the golden light spot, like a bead, and pinched it in his hand. He took a step forward, and soon appeared in a sea of howling black winds.




There were constant muffled sounds coming from the dark deep sea, the sea was surging, and there were earth-shaking vibrations coming from the bottom of the sea. It was vaguely possible to see that the sea of gods was undergoing a huge change.

Chu Feng looked down and saw through the dark seabed.

The first thing that caught his eye was the pile of corpses!

One by one, the powerful people of the mysterious world were lying dead on the seabed.

Hundreds of light balls were madly intertwined near these corpses, and shouts were heard constantly. A fierce battle was going on. There were stone tablets everywhere near the battlefield where they fought.

There were hundreds of stone tablets on the seabed that were about a hundred feet high and glowed with azure blue fluorescence. The tablets were engraved with extremely complex array runes.

These stone tablets stood in every corner of the seabed. They seemed to be scattered, but in fact, they were like the movement of the stars in the sky, which was in line with the laws of nature.

At this moment, the surface of each stone tablet had cracks like spider webs, spreading in all directions. In a few minutes, the tablet surface would be completely broken.

The passage suppressed under the array would also be completely unsealed.

Even so, a war still broke out on the seabed, making the final effort.

Chu Feng held Gu Yan in his hands and asked casually,"Little Leek, did you see who that is?"

Gu Yan:"……"

He saw it.

It was not the scene on the seabed.

Chu Feng was now above the nine heavens, and he had a clear view of all the scenes on the sea.

He sensed two familiar figures.

The Great Sage Qingniu was floating on the sea.

There was another figure that surprised him. The one sitting on the shoulder of the Great Sage Qingniu was... Sister Xin'er?

I can understand that the Great Sage Qingniu personally came to the Xuan Realm to destroy the Fu Mo Magic Array. But why is Sister Xin'er, a mere Taoist, messing around here?

Even though he was a fish on the chopping board now, when Gu Yan saw Bai Xin'er, he was still puzzled.

"It's gonna break"


"My Lord, shall I take action?"

"Don't worry, the Xuan Realm has more than that. Wait for their saint to appear."


Soon, he heard the conversation between the Great Sage Qingniu and Bai Xin'er.

Isn't Xin'er the princess of the demon clan?

Why did Qingsheng call her the monarch?

The tone of her voice was very different from usual, what was going on?

The conversation between the Great Sage Qingniu and Bai Xin'er startled Gu Yan. He was too familiar with Bai Xin'er. Even after hearing just a few words, he keenly noticed that Bai Xin'er was completely different from him in daily life! What shocked him even more was that when such a great sage like Qingsheng was talking to Bai Xin'er, he seemed to be extremely obedient to her!

Respect and obedience, these are two completely different concepts!

Qingsheng didn't even take a top genius like him seriously, so why did Bai Xin'er, a little fool, make the Great Sage Qingniu like this?!

This is wrong!

Gu Yan was confused!

At this time, a brilliant golden light shone through the sky.

The light penetrated the dark clouds of the sky and earth and fell into the deep sea.

Soon, the golden light turned into a bridge.

"Oh, the Saint Bridge is open. The foundation of Tianxu Immortal Sect is not bad. There is even a great king who can break through the realm and become a saint."

The words of Qingniu Great Sage shocked Gu Yan!

Someone became a saint at this time in the seabed!

What shocked him even more was the light-hearted order of Bai Xin'er, who was sitting on the shoulder of Qingniu Great Sage:"Kill him."

With Bai Xin'er's order, Qingniu Great Sage laughed strangely and blasted the saint who had just become a saint under the seabed into pieces!

With the death of the saint, the stone tablets on the seabed collapsed together!

A huge black hole vortex suddenly appeared, and a terrifying breath came from it, swallowing the surrounding stone tablets and corpses.

Gu Yan's mind was blank.

He remembered the question Chu Feng asked just now.

Whose hand did these?

Could it be her?

No, it's impossible!

She is so stupid, how could it be her?

"This woman must think that everything is under control."

Chu Feng smiled but said nothing, and made a simple comment.

He did not stop everything from happening below. After the Great Sage Qingniu and Bai Xin'er left this sea area, he casually grasped the Holy Bridge that had not yet dispersed from the world and forcefully gathered it into his inner sea of spirit.

His figure flashed and he followed again.

A few hours later.

Chu Feng appeared above the nine heavens of a desert and saw the Great Sage Qingniu cursing at Gu Yan and sinking into the depths of the desert with Bai Xin'er.

He continued to coil the golden light in his hand.

Because the Fu Mo magic circle was broken and the origin of the Xuan Realm was lost, the golden light had the outline of a door. The golden light on the surface gradually became lavender.

He was not idle and took Gu Yan around. In the past few hours, he had been constantly refining the Gate of Eternity. The more the origin was lost, the easier it would be to refine the Gate of Eternity.

The lavender is a sign. The door in his hand will soon become his shape.

"She... just mentioned the origin of the mysterious world? Bai Xin'er's goal is also the Gate of Eternity."

"The Subduing Magic Array is closely related to the origin of the Mysterious Realm. Destroying the Subduing Magic Array would be disadvantageous to me.……"

After following Bai Xin'er and the others all the way, no matter how stupid and naive Gu Yan was, he finally understood everything.

He finally realized how ridiculous he was before.

The mastermind behind all this was Bai Xin'er!

The funny thing was that he didn't even realize it before!

If Bai Xin'er wanted to sell him out, he would have to help her count the money!

"No, why would I think of destroying the magic circle?!"

"Isn't this just hitting yourself?"

Gu Yan thought that he could use the method of destroying the Fu Mo Magic Array to retaliate against Xuanjie, Chongxuan Pavilion, and Nangong Qin.

Suddenly he found that the boomerang he threw out actually hit himself!

He was numb!

Now the three Fu Mo Magic Arrays in Xuanjie have been broken, and demons began to rush out of the suppressed passages!

He has already felt that the state of the Eternal Gate is not right, and the breath is lost madly!

If Chu Feng had not exposed him, he really succeeded in destroying a Fu Mo Magic Array.

The consequences are serious!

His Eternal Gate will definitely be taken away.

No, what's the difference between my current situation and the Eternal Gate being taken away?

It's all Chu Feng, the beast!

Gu Yan suddenly realized a more serious problem, and his heart was angry and aggrieved.

Chu Feng played with Gu Yan, left the desert, and wandered around the Xuanjie, as if observing something.

After a few hours, feeling that the Eternal Gate was about to be completely refined.

"Do you understand?"

"Actually, you are quite pitiful. I was just trying it out at that time. I didn't expect that this woman would sell you out after I gave her some conditions."

"Gu Yan, the world is not worth it."

In order to reflect the spirit of hospice care, Chu Feng sighed and comforted Gu Yan.

Of course, care is just a by-product.

During the refining of the Eternal Gate, this guy is unlucky and is also a spirit of the weapon. He is idle anyway, so he might as well stimulate himself. Maybe he can get some destiny treasure chests, which can be regarded as a supplement to the family income.


Bai Xin'er sold me out after giving some conditions?

Gu Yan, who had been silent, really fell into the trap. He immediately thought of everything that happened in Chongxuan Pavilion before, as if struck by lightning.

Crack, crack, crack...

It was as if something in his heart broke, and he asked,"What do you mean?"

【Gu Yan, the protagonist of destiny, hates Bai Xin'er, and his destiny value decreases by 3,000 points. You get 1 destiny treasure chest.

Although he was still in doubt, the system's message had already explained Gu Yan's attitude at the moment.

Chu Feng's mouth curled.

It really is there, worthy of being my good brother on the road to villainy.

He glanced at the distance lightly:"Haha, she's here to see you. Ask her if you have anything to ask."

In the distance, two figures were flying towards where he was.

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