Emperor Wu had just come out of Kunpeng's ancestral tomb, his face was slightly gloomy.

His eyes were full of cold light:"It is worthy of being called the Great Misfortune Spell. The ancient Tianpeng clan is the leader of the ten evils. Even the ancestral energy of the Kunpeng clan is almost dissipated."

"The power of the scroll should be released now, so it's my turn to fight back."

The loss this time is too great, we must immediately capture the big beast and torture him to get the immortal inheritance to make up for the loss.

If we are lucky enough, after the big beast is put into use, the ninth clone will be condensed, and then the lost clone will be reshaped, and then we can open the road to becoming an emperor.

""Send the message to Xu Kun Hou."

He spoke lightly, and with a command, a shadow suddenly disappeared beside him.

Xu Kun Hou was the strongest genius of the ancient Tianpeng clan except for him. Now he was at the peak of the quasi-emperor and was his right-hand man.

This time when they went to capture the big beast, Emperor Wu was no longer as arrogant as before. Not only would three clones come at the same time, but he would also let Xu Kun Hou and his Shenwu Army go to the Xuanjie together to ensure that everything was safe.


"Emperor Wu is in trouble!!"

Suddenly���A voice came from his ear that made Emperor Wu's heart jump.

He stared at the Saint King who came to report with murderous eyes, and his pupils suddenly expanded, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

A phantom appeared in front of him.

He had an old face, a hooked nose, and four feathers on his back.

Wu Yang.

A supreme elder of the Dapeng Clan in the Central Domain, and also a loyal subordinate under his command.

The most important thing is that this person is responsible for guarding Tanggu recently!

Tanggu is the location of the Furnace of All Things!

Wu Yang trembled and screamed:"Emperor Wu, the Furnace of All Things suddenly fell, and the Reincarnation Heavenly Flame in the furnace poured to the ground. The Tai'an Army guarding it was burned by the Reincarnation Heavenly Flame and failed to stop the leakage. Now it has spread to the Central Domain!"

Emperor Wu's face changed suddenly, and an inexplicable anger rose in his chest!

The Furnace of All Things! The Reincarnation Heavenly Flame!

They are the most important conditions for him to refine the foundation of the Nine-Turn Great Emperor!

He unified the Heavenly Demon Realm, and in the past five hundred years, he has been busy with these two things!

However, now there are problems with these two vital treasures!


"A bunch of trash!"

Golden flames burned in his eyes, directly penetrating the phantom in front of him.

Wu Yang, the great elder of the Dapeng clan who came to report, was burned through by the wrath of the Emperor Wu before he even had the chance to beg for mercy.

Watching Wu Yang fall.

The Emperor Wu's face was cold, and he didn't care. He was really angry this time.

He looked in the direction of Taikun Palace and said coldly:"Mother, I have important matters to deal with. You will be in full control of the affairs of the ancestral star for the time being."

After explaining to Luo Hanyan, the Emperor Wu flashed and appeared in the central domain.

The vast central domain was filled with purple sky fires. Wherever the purple sky fire went, everything was burned to ashes.

All living beings could not escape at all.

Whether it was a saint or a saint king, there was only one way to die.

On the sky, the burly figure of the Emperor Wu appeared one after another.

Each figure was exactly the same, exuding peerless pressure, and a large area of terrifying treasure light appeared around him.

The three clones appeared at the same time and attacked at the same time to collect the raging reincarnation sky flames.

"Emperor, Xukun is here."

At this time, at the end of the world, a young man dressed in black, with murderous eyes, descended on the central domain with a group of black legions.

Emperor Wu ordered coldly:"My four avatars will lead the team, you lead the five armies of Shenwu, Qinglong, Zhuque, Xuanwu, and Baihu, and follow me to conquer the world."

Marquis Xukun knelt on one knee and shouted:"Yes!"

Behind him, all the black shadows knelt in unison:"Respect the oracle of Emperor Wu!"

At this time, the armies of the Martial Emperor were all in an uproar.

They had also sensed the abnormality of the Heavenly Demon Realm in the past few days.

Everyone had been talking about it before, but now they all understood.

This was definitely another big world challenging the authority of the Martial Emperor!

The last time there was such a big battle, it was when they flattened a big world called Guiyuan Realm outside the Heavenly Demon Realm.

In that big world, there were nine quasi-emperors alone, and even a great emperor!

But they were still killed and blood flowed like a river, and not a single piece of armor was left.

And that time, the Martial Emperor only had two clones and two big armies to attack!

This time, five armies attacked at the same time, which would be endless terror!

I don’t know what kind of world can have such an honor!


The Sky Demon Realm, a remote starry sky in the central region

"The central region of this demon world is really hard to find."

"If it weren't for the information provided by that little fox Bai Xin'er, it would have taken some brain cells to get out of such a mess."

A man in a black star robe walked out of a crack in the void, graceful and elegant, with a smile that revealed a bit of unruly and arrogant.

Chu Feng walked out of the Xuan Realm and entered the Tian Yao Realm. It took him half a day to finally reach the core area of the Tian Yao Realm.

Along the way, he also saw some traces left by the"Great Misfortune Technique".

He could probably guess a thing or two about the experience of the Emperor Wu.

He shook his head and said,"Tsk, it's really pitiful!""

"Let me find out which one is the true body of Emperor Wu."

Chu Feng was about to use the Emperor's divine consciousness when he suddenly paused.


He narrowed his eyes and felt a strange wave. The blood in his body began to boil gently, as if calling him.

As long as he wanted, he could follow this wave and appear at the summoned location.

"Someone called me?"

"Summoning the demon ancestor? The price must be high. It's quite interesting."

"Huh? The one who summoned me was an ancient Sky Peng? Isn't this the race of the Martial Emperor? What a coincidence."

Chu Feng sensed this fluctuation, his eyes gradually turned blood red, emitting a special pressure that seemed to be there and not there.

At the same time, the Demon King's Eye observed some information about the summoner.

The ancient Sky Peng clan.

It cost ten quasi-emperor-level treasures, an extreme emperor weapon, and a lake of Kunpeng's true blood to establish a connection with him, the demon ancestor.

As long as he is willing to respond to the call, these offerings will be his.

Martial Emperor?

Chu Feng thought of the Martial Emperor at the first time.

Although he looked down on these things, they were not something that ordinary quasi-emperors could take out casually.

He became interested. He just wanted to find the Martial Emperor's lair, but he didn't expect there would be such a good thing.

He responded to the call without hesitation.


As a demon ancestor, he came to the Heavenly Demon Realm, just like returning to his own home.

Who is the master of his own home? , don't you have any idea?

Following the fluctuations, Chu Feng's body seemed to have entered a teleportation array.

Only two and a half seconds had passed.

He appeared on a huge altar.

Chu Feng's eyes roamed and looked around.

The huge altar, like a hundred-meter-high building, was in the shape of a small mountain, rising layer by layer.

Outside the altar, all around were layers of magic array water flows like waterfalls, isolating the outside world.

There is no doubt that the rich spiritual energy here shows that this is a huge super secret realm!

Now he appeared at the top of the altar, on a red and flashing magic array, like a helicopter landing on the tarmac.

On the magic array, there were also large pieces of treasures flashing at this time. They were all used to summon Chu Feng. After sensing Chu Feng's appearance, these treasures flew towards Chu Feng like swallows returning to their nests.

""Meet the Demon Ancestor!"

A respectful voice came from below.

The voice was very soft, only four words, but with charm and sexiness.

Chu Feng put away all the treasures and his eyes fell in the direction of the voice.

He saw a gorgeous woman in a translucent black veil.

Oval face, phoenix eyes, thin and red lips, and facial features with a natural beauty.

The first word that popped into Chu Feng's mind was"


Big, big, big!"

A black veil could not cover the plump and hot perfect figure.

It was definitely the best of the best.

And such a gorgeous woman, at this time, gently knelt on the ground and saluted him respectfully.

Chu Feng looked at her and asked lightly:"Why do you call me the ancestor?"

Luo Hanyan's beautiful eyes moved, stealing glances at Chu Feng's handsome appearance, and the pair of blood-red eyes that frightened her.

She was shocked!

He really succeeded in summoning the incarnation of the Demon Ancestor, and the true appearance of the Demon Ancestor was so perfect!

She immediately said without hesitation:"Demon Ancestor, the luck of the ancient Tianpeng clan has dried up. I would like to ask for the blood of the Demon Ancestor to restore the luck of the ancient Tianpeng clan. I hope Demon Ancestor will help me." The luck of the ancient Tianpeng clan has dried up?

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes. Could it be that the fairy-level scroll also did this?

He did not refuse, but remembered something and asked lightly:"Are you the contemporary patriarch of the ancient Tianpeng clan?"

Luo Hanyan shook her snow-white neck gently:"I am the biological mother of the patriarch."

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows:"Who is the Emperor Wu to you?" Luo Hanyan was stunned when she heard the words, and then she felt inexplicably proud.

I didn't expect that even the incarnation of the Demon Ancestor had heard of my son.

She immediately raised her beautiful face proudly:"It's my son."

Good guy.

I'm a good family���

Chu Feng was stunned.

He never thought that you, the Emperor Wu, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would have such a mature and sexy mother.

His heart moved, and he asked lightly:"You want my blood essence, are you ready for the price?"

This is not what he meant, but a necessary procedure to respond to the call.

The previous sacrifices were only used for sacrifice.

If you want to get the help of the Demon Ancestor, that is another price.

Luo Hanyan was already prepared:"Demon Ancestor, I am the strongest bloodline of the ancient Tianpeng clan, and my cultivation has reached the late stage of the Quasi-Emperor."

"As long as the demon ancestor is willing to give me blood, I am willing to dedicate my body and soul and sign an eternal slave contract with you."

As soon as these words came out, the black veil on Luo Hanyan's body floated down, revealing her perfect and peerless body.

Chu Feng: ???

Are the customs of the ancient Tianpeng tribe so simple?

I just came to visit the Emperor Wu.

You are the Emperor Wu's mother, and you actually want to sleep with me?

Is there any justice or law in this?!

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