Seventy-seven Xuanjie passages changed dramatically!

The mountains and seas were boiling, and the sky and earth changed color.

For the Xuanjie beings, as long as their cultivation reached the level of great power, they could sense the exaggerated movement.

In Chongxuan Pavilion, Elder Jiang soared into the air and stared at the distance in shock:"What happened? Is there a problem with the passage?"

Nangong Qin frowned slightly, appeared in Tianque, and looked down:"Why is the passage to Wanzhang Mountain gone? Elder Jiang, is there any response from Si Dasheng?"

"He didn't have time to come back."

"Bai Sheng?"

Nangong Qin stared at the source of the voice

"Maybe you can't get back alive, run for your life, the enemy is attacking, and without that guy, no one in Xuanjie can stop it."

Another figure emerged, Bai Xiner's face was ashen, and gloomy enough to drip water.

She was a guest in Chongxuan Pavilion, but in fact she was the strongest person in Xuanjie at present. As soon as the clues of the passage appeared, she had sensed the breath at the other end of the passage.

A large number of monsters are coming to kill!

She clearly sensed that the weakest of the first batch of monsters who came to kill were all at the Saint King level, and there was even the breath of a quasi-emperor!

What is going on?

Where did that guy go to have fun?

After Bai Xiner left a word to Nangong Qin, she turned around and prepared to leave. She wanted to hurry to Tianwu Small World.

Suddenly, Elder Jiang said,"The Great Sage Si has replied to me."

"He, he said, there was a little disturbance in the passage, but it's not a big problem, let's be patient."

Bai Xin'er stopped and was stunned.

Si Budao is still alive?

A little disturbance, no problem?

Are you kidding me?

This time the demon clan attacked, it was obviously different from the last time.

With the terrifying strength of the Heavenly Demon Realm, a small Great Sage was just a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

Even that guy had to retreat!

Just when she was confused, an excited voice resounded throughout the Xuan Realm.

"Emperor Chu Tian——Killed ten Saint Kings in the passage between the two worlds!!"

"Emperor Chu Tian——Killed fifty Saint Kings in the passage between the two worlds!!"

"Emperor Chu Tian——Killed 100 Saint Kings in the passage between the two worlds!!"



All the Xuanjie strongmen were stunned!

What? Emperor Chu Tian showed up!

Killed a hundred Saint Kings?


Fake beep!!

With Si Budao's great saintly cultivation, the sound covered the entire Xuanjie.

From the saints who were running away to those ordinary practitioners who had no idea, they all looked up in shock when they heard this thunderous voice.

What's even more outrageous is that Si Budao's voice is endless!

He is like a repeater, except that he keeps repeating the mechanical broadcast except changing the numbers!

In a blink of an eye, three hundred Saint Kings died in his mouth!

What's even more terrifying is that his voice is abnormally full, and the more he reads, the more excited he becomes, as if he had been injected with chicken blood!

Yinsheng and several other saints who had run away earlier also heard this voice, and they were even more shocked!

After all, they personally felt the terrifying aura of the opposite side!

Unexpectedly, as soon as they left, Emperor Chu Tian showed up!

"How many? One hundred and fifty Saint Kings?"

"Two hundred, I'm numb, I'm really numb"

"What happened? Do you want to go and see? Emperor Chu Tian may be able to kill all the invading demons again."

"Go and have a look. Si Dasheng is still alive. He must not be in too much danger."


They discussed with each other, sneaking along the sound of Si Budao, and came to the entrance of the passage.

At this time, Si Budao's round face was full of excitement and flushed, his eyes were wide open, and he kept shouting to the people in the Xuanjie, like a dancing monkey.

He was really excited! It was so fucking exciting!!

What happened just now?

Heizi's basketball, just a small one, was thrown like that.

Then the passage exploded!!


All the invading demons were in front of him without even a sound.

This made Si Budao excited and scared.

Damn it, the power of this basketball given to me by Emperor Chu Tian is so terrifying!!

I actually want to lick it. If I get excited and the basketball explodes, I will be dead!

After calming down and drying his pants, Si Budao looked at the dead silence in the passage and was numb with excitement!

He changed his mind and thought, no.

With such a big commotion, he can't just enjoy it alone!

Sharing happiness is better than enjoying it alone!

Everyone in the Xuan Realm must share this happiness together!

As the King of Leg Hugging, he was very aware and knew that it was not him who killed the invading monster, but Kuroko's basketball given by Emperor Chu Tian.

With the previous rumor about Emperor Xuan, Si Budao directly shouted wildly this time!

Bai Xiner arrived first. She glanced around with her peach blossom eyes, but did not find Chu Feng. She looked at Si Budao in shock:"Si Dasheng, where is Emperor Chu Tian?"

"Killed to the other side?"

She stared at the passage.

She found that the seventy-seven passages were merged together as if they had seized the good fortune of heaven and earth. At this time, this huge passage was filled with black smoke and foul air. The passage was completely torn apart, and various storms were raging.

Bai Xin'er's pupils shrank. She saw a familiar guy in this passage.

Xu Kun Hou...

Why is he here?

Is he leading the attack on Xuanjie this time?

Her face suddenly became ugly.

When Xu Kun Hou was at her peak, he was only slightly worse than her. Now that so many years have passed, he is probably about to become a great emperor.

He is the most loyal follower of Emperor Wu. If he comes, Emperor Wu will definitely attach great importance to Xuanjie!

Just thinking of this, Bai Xin'er's face turned pale.

The riot in the passage was calming down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Several familiar figures appeared with a large number of Saint Kings.

Emperor Wu's face was ashen.

The voice at the other end of the passage was so loud, were they afraid that he couldn't hear it?

"Emperor Chu Tian, the title of that great beast?"

"How arrogant! He dares to use the name of the Emperor of Heaven."

The Emperor's eyes turned cold, and he waved his hand. A huge halberd with demonic energy appeared in his hand.

Behind him, countless phantoms showed tremendous power, charging for the Emperor and killing their way into the passage!

The Emperor of Heaven.

Bai Xin'er's throat was dry, and she looked at Si Budao:"Run away, the Quasi-Emperor, no, maybe the Great Emperor has come."

Si Budao was shocked when he heard it.

Yinsheng, Nangong Qin and other people who had just arrived also heard her voice.

Quasi-Emperor, Great Emperor? ?

Are these words we can hear?

Why is our Xuan Realm becoming more and more magical?

They looked at the terrifying aura in the passage and felt their hands and feet cold.

"Don't panic."

Si Budao was also panicking when he heard Bai Xin'er's words.

He trembled and took out a handful of black basketballs and threw them into the tunnel. What was that he threw out?

Bai Xin'er looked at the black balls floating into the tunnel in disbelief. Boom! Boom!


An unprecedented mass extinction occurred in the passage.

Quasi-Emperor fell!

Xu Kunhou fell!

Emperor Wu's clone fell!

The passage collapsed!

"Emperor Chu Tian——Killed three Quasi-Emperors in the passage between the two worlds!!"

"Emperor Chu Tian——Killed five Quasi-Emperors in the passage between the two worlds!!"

"Emperor Chu Tian——In the passage between the two worlds, he killed ten Quasi-Emperors!!"

Si Budao made a sharp explosion, which resounded throughout the Xuan Realm.


Taikun Palace.

Chu Feng was hooked by two white and smooth jade hands around his neck.

Tianpeng's extreme speed!

Tianpeng's extreme speed!


Emperor Chu Tian is using his newfound talent to subdue demons and monsters

【The confidant of Emperor Wu, the protagonist of the destiny, died, his luck was damaged, and his destiny value was reduced by 20,000. You get a destiny treasure chest*1】

【The morale of the Emperor's army plummeted, their luck was damaged, and their destiny value decreased by 10,000. You get 1 Destiny Treasure Box.】

【The avatar of the protagonist Wudi died, his luck was damaged, and his destiny value was reduced by 100,000. You get 3 Destiny Treasure Boxes. 】

Suddenly, the system sounded out of place.

Chu Feng frowned.

A soft voice that was so enchanting that it made him feel deep inside his heart rang out:"Master Demon Ancestor, why did you stop?"

Chu Feng subconsciously said:"Almost full."

Almost full?

Luo Hanyan was stunned. What did that mean?

Chu Feng sensed the Eternal Gate in his body. The Xuanjie Origin that was cleansed in the Origin Star Bead on it should have only been a shallow layer.

But now, I don't know when it has suddenly passed halfway. It's amazing. ps: Three consecutive updates, please do it for love! ps2: There will be another chapter tonight, and I'm writing it.

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